$$my forex live call and my way to become a pro$$

what do you think am i a pro

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i recognised it, i can see you are jumping from system to system i did that too some years ago.

the reason you can not win on the retail level is because the broker is trading against you, which ever platform you use, more so if you use the MT4 or MT5 platforms, in addition to this central bank intervention makes the trading even more difficult.

Boston technologies has developed a plug in called the virtual dealer plugin, i and a group of other traders actaully sent a petition to Boston Tech asking about this and their answer was they developed it on a request from metaquotes!!! When we brought up the matter with metaquotes they just deleted the threads.

Well anyway i will not offer any more advice i am sure the people who have much more experience than me who are cheering you on have more knowledge and can offer better advice.

all the best :thumb:

As I see your deeper argumentation now, it seems that you should go on with your thoughts.

What me made posting before, was the given advice : #I suggest you give up forex and try exchange traded assets, if you want to trade currencies then trade euro futures on CME or even currency etf's.#

How many times all over the forum you read such advices !? People than run from one system to the so called better system and they run from one market to an other market, all build on such given advices from any people.

Each time they run from one system to an other system or market, they lose huge time ? Why ?

If they now start to search again for the holy grail in this new market or system, they spend time by doing it.

This time is LOST.

If they would have stayed in there markets and traded there ideas, they would be better in what they already had known.

When following always such advices, they always will be beginners in the new place and that is what makes me angry.

Most of such advices are build on nothing and when reading such advises with no deeper argumentations, I post ( some times :cool: ).

So, as I read your last post, it seems to me, that you have knowledge. ( By the way, I just had a lock at this BT )

Take care


Edit : Hmm ?? http://www.traderji.com/introductions/46442-hi-there-i-am-wasim-mumbai.html#post482169
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i dont know what u mean by hmmm ....... i was just offering my limited experience to sumit for his success, its not anything i made up fx is really hard coz of most reail brokers and on shorter tf's for new comers there is zero chance to build up the a/c.

please read this by Joe ross if you think I'm lying he's a trader with 50 yrs experience.



and "no" i'm not joe ross or trying to sell you anything

i been trading fx for quite some time and i found the broker is critical to success and longer tf's have much higher chance of success. however if u put the same energy in trading stocks its much easier.

see i dont want to get into any argument, i'm sure you must be millionaire fx trader/sclaper so i'll apologise if i said anything to upset you and be on my way.

good trading to you sir


Well-Known Member
i dont know what u mean by hmmm ....... i was just offering my limited experience to sumit for his success, its not anything i made up fx is really hard coz of most reail brokers and on shorter tf's for new comers there is zero chance to build up the a/c.

please read this by Joe ross if you think I'm lying he's a trader with 50 yrs experience.



and "no" i'm not joe ross or trying to sell you anything

i been trading fx for quite some time and i found the broker is critical to success and longer tf's have much higher chance of success. however if u put the same energy in trading stocks its much easier.

see i dont want to get into any argument, i'm sure you must be millionaire fx trader/sclaper so i'll apologise if i said anything to upset you and be on my way.

good trading to you sir

As you say : No argue !

Some infos : I am a member in his forum ( Joe Ross ) and I have personal e-mails with him and his friend Alan Parry, as Alan trades options like I do.

Just an advise : Any time you post, give the source you have it from as I do in my posts.

We then know, that it is your personal experience or we know, that you read some interesting stuff and you like to join such stuff with us.

As we are in a learning forum for many, no problem about posting with showing the source. We all appreciate such infos. Even more than the posts from the ones, which may want to show what they may are and in reality not are !

If you have more good post and sources, buddy, post it :). You will have the respect from all of us.

Take care


As you say : No argue !

Some infos : I am a member in his forum ( Joe Ross ) and I have personal e-mails with him and his friend Alan Parry, as Alan trades options like I do.

Just an advise : Any time you post, give the source you have it from as I do in my posts.

We then know, that it is your personal experience or we know, that you read some interesting stuff and you like to join such stuff with us.

As we are in a learning forum for many, no problem about posting with showing the source. We all appreciate such infos. Even more than the posts from the ones, which may want to show what they may are and in reality not are !

If you have more good post and sources, buddy, post it :). You will have the respect from all of us.

Take care

Well i dont understand your post entirely but Im glad you understood i am not trying to act counter to anyone's benefit. Actually i'm in touch with Joe by emails and he even referred me to his broker (who did not respond) and read Marco's posts. After i started i had hear these things about retail fx but disregarded them but my few yrs experience has taught me he's right.

See as far as trading fx goes i advise to avoid, you are much better of in exchange traded products BUT if u want to get into fx the advice i can offer is try to trade longer time frames daily/weekly although it will require bigger stops you will be inline with the trend.

If you trade longer time frames you will not be as prone to stop hunting, stop hunting is done by institutional traders as well as brokers who mostly trade against you irrespective of what they say.

But I still maintain its easier to trade exchange traded products. In retail fx you will find many times two different brokers having quite a difference in quotes, if you ask them they will tell some lame excuse about they pass on what they get from their liquidity providers. This is not true and there is no way to know if they have passed on your orders to clients or just taken the other side of your trades and increased the spread to stop u out and pocket the money.

So its best to stick to longer time frames. also in fx its very very imp to stay in tune with the imp news due for the day, i have seen really wild gyrations because of news, they way to avoid this is stay with the longer tf's, I dont pay any attention to the news much these days except for possible interest rate anouncements, bail out packages & fed member speeches and the nfp

another problem is with bank wire transfers. Can i ask do you have a live fx a/c? Earlier if we wrote n the purpose for deposits "investment in equities" it would go though and for withdrawals also there was no problem but now since last few months even bank started making inquiry for withdrawals, they ask about where the money is comming from for what purpose etc...

They never used to ask in such detail before, this is a recent development so it may be difficult to send money out and into the country for fx trading.

My advice is stay out for fx unless u have some compulsion to trade.


Well-Known Member
another problem is with bank wire transfers. Can i ask do you have a live fx a/c? Earlier if we wrote n the purpose for deposits "investment in equities" it would go though and for withdrawals also there was no problem but now since last few months even bank started making inquiry for withdrawals, they ask about where the money is comming from for what purpose etc...

They never used to ask in such detail before, this is a recent development so it may be difficult to send money out and into the country for fx trading.

My advice is stay out for fx unless u have some compulsion to trade.[/QUOTE]


This is called : Money laundry law all over the world. After Sept 11 it has become much more difficult for any body to open an account in some countries. In my opinion it is only for the god for the society.

Nothing special, just law adapting to a given situation.

If you work in a bank and have to make big transfers ( 10 Mil or 100 Mil or more ), that usually is not a problem, as the bank already had to check the money before it took it.

This check should be normally on such a high level, that from the moment on the lawyers gave the green, nothing stands in between. There are countries, which have an incredible reputation about that.

As you show up your self as pro in this forum and behave, if you would be a well known and experienced trader, you should know about such stuff. I am a little bit confused :confused: about such statements and questions from one which gives advised like hell.

Take care

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Well-Known Member
Well Mr Aryabhatta i get negative energy from your Posts.
I think you should watch out for your Words before you write.
Let me tell you Sumit is a good trader i looked up to him when i was a newbie some 7 months ago.
And the Words Slippage and requotes they are as a result of faster market and believe me i have seen them happening in demo account also.
I suggest you read the posts you have written any newbie if landed out of the blue into this great thread of sumit will have a bad impression of forex.
I make money in forex,i started out just a few months ago.
It is true 95 % of traders loose but that is because of their mistakes.
The people who succeed are the ones who never give up.
The person who just quits trading forex believing it is difficult will loose in other markets also.
I believe you have good experience from your posts but you should not negate the atmosphere here.
Anyone trading forex above 1 hour is going to be safe from troubles market maker requotes lol.
Consider this if MM is spiking out the price he was never a good market maker it was a bucket shop.
And why should anyone think MM cares about your 200 $ and is just spiking out your stops,just managing and handling of information is very expensive for them,a true MM will always be capitalised and hedge its exposure with its partner bank.
Just my take,nobody should change markets just because he does not succeed,work harder and you will succeed.
i was a newbie some 7 months ago.

Anyone trading forex above 1 hour is going to be safe from troubles market maker requotes lol.
:eek: ........ I don't even know what to say to that ...... other than i'm really really sorry for having got u upset.

Just my take,nobody should change markets just because he does not succeed,work harder and you will succeed.
I will definitely take ur advice, its very kind of you to say that.

If I could just reciprocate to show my gratitude I'd like to suggest please do read the book "Fooled By Randomness" if you get the time, you could read it between trades it is by Dr. Nicholas Nassim Taleb its been translated into more than a dozen languages and selected by Fortune as one of the 75 smartest books of all time.


wikipedia says the popularity and impact of the book has made it an idiom in the english language.

Surely there can be no harm in reading this. And please PLEASE for heaven's sake don't misunderstand it has nothing to do with you I'm sure you are very excellent short term fx trader .... no doubt.

I know you will say trading cant be learnt from a book but it will just compliment your knowledge and experience so you will be even better :)
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Well-Known Member

I don't even know what to say to that ...... other than i'm really really sorry for having got u upset.

I will definitely take ur advice, its very kind of you to say that.

If I could just reciprocate to show my gratitude I'd like to suggest please do read the book "Fooled By Randomness" if you get the time, you could read it between trades it is by Dr. Nicholas Nassim Taleb its been translated into more than a dozen languages and selected by Fortune as one of the 75 smartest books of all time.


wikipedia says the popularity and impact of the book has made it an idiom in the english language.

Surely there can be no harm in reading this. And please PLEASE for heaven's sake don't misunderstand it has nothing to do with you I'm sure you are very excellent short term fx trader .... no doubt.

I know you will say trading cant be learnt from a book but it will just compliment your knowledge and experience so you will be even better :)
thank you for your kind words buddy.
But i am surprised at the foolishness of your randomness that i dont need to read your book.
I had a great laugh when i read you actually think i am a short term trader.
I play weekly chart and use IRD to time my entries and you think,i am a day trader,without even knowing me you said that.
Ask Sumit or anyone here they know i don't play foolish trades that show up every 4 hr or so.
The next most surprising thing is you really believe requotes or slippage can effect people trading above 1 hr.
I said 1 hr because that is what it is not because of i trade that time frame.
And your stubbornness is so damn high that you say, take time to read that book between your trades,you know what my reaction was i said Ha :rofl:

I thought this persons is so into himself that out of nowhere he landed on traderji just the previous month, now he is giving some good traders some spanking.lol:lol:,just because he made some foolish assumptions.

And just to clarify Slippage is caused because of faster market.
Requotes are also caused because of that.
Some bucket shops close their shutters during newstime due to excessive volatility.
I am sure you knew the above,this is just to tell you i am not that a newbie.
You don't need years to master forex,there is only one AHHHHHHHA moment necessary to make you successful,and for me it arrived when i am still new.

For others like you, i am damn sure it also arrived in only a span of mere days not years.
Because an experienced person also learns during days just applies during years,i am doing the same here,i learnt early,now am doing the work.

Read the above words in bold at least ten times ask your conscience if i am wrong,if you still think, i am wrong, then you might have made money in forex or any other market but you have zero chance in this business over long term.

Very Warm Regards,
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