Trading Strategies Using Technical Analysis

Which date should the meet be held?

  • February 27th 2011

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • March 6th 2011

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • March 13th 2011

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about doing this kinda trade (initiating long straddle/strangle) on expiry day as market would be volatile on expiry day. This thought raised after last month (oct) expiry. And planned to do this time... Yesterday I was watching very closely, finally I couldn't initiate anything and end up watching all the time.

Nice you are doing it... :thumb:
Hi Nac,

I did same on expiry day also with 5900CE & PE
My Net buy for pair was @65.(got it at higher value as my initial thinking was to buy only CE @21. at that time CE was only @31. But realised that I am caught on wrong foot hence bought CE@44)
I squared it of @70 as it was expiry day & nothing much happen till last hour.. So was bit nerves....
If I would have hold it till 3.15PM I could have got 105.


Well-Known Member
Dear All,

Lot of people lost their trousers today calling yesterday's level to be market's bottom.Markets teased them by showing further lower levels.Including me :D.

In my locality

1.People have already started about 4700,5250,5350 etc.
2.People are talking of a pull back up to 5900,5972,6040.
3.Also people are betting a reversal and a strong rally up to 6670.

Nifty is showing selling in 1M,5M,15M,30M,1H,4H,Daily and also Weekly charts.Technically trend is strongly bearish.

So no assumptions/speculations regarding Nifty's directions :annoyed:.

Hopefully next week will show a clear picture about the market's direction.Hence let us wait for the good and Raunak Bhai's opinion.

Best Regards,
Dear All,

Lot of people lost their trousers today calling yesterday's level to be market's bottom.Markets teased them by showing further lower levels.Including me :D.

In my locality

1.People have already started about 4700,5250,5350 etc.
2.People are talking of a pull back up to 5900,5972,6040.
3.Also people are betting a reversal and a strong rally up to 6670.

Nifty is showing selling in 1M,5M,15M,30M,1H,4H,Daily and also Weekly charts.Technically trend is strongly bearish.

So no assumptions/speculations regarding Nifty's directions :annoyed:.

Hopefully next week will show a clear picture about the market's direction.Hence let us wait for the good and Raunak Bhai's opinion.

Best Regards,
Dar Ke Aage Jeet Hai
Adi & all Others,

What is Hard Work?

Hard Work is when one dedicates himself to the field and does whatever is required to succeed.

In art, this is depicted by the artists creation. The hard work behind the art is that of patience and creativity and letting one's mind explore in the infinite space. In sports, this is depicted by Sweat and Discipline. All the achievements in sports are made by those who shed a lot of Sweat working for their desired goal. In trading however, hard work is not depicted in the form of Sweat or Imagination. It is depicted by controlling one's emotions and being immensely disciplined. Any Trader who can exhibit these two aspects, is working hard. Systems, strategies, etc contribute around 5% of what is required. The real 'Hard Work' is identifying your strengths and your weaknesses and controlling the inner desire to free yourself from stress. Hence, remember, we are Futures traders and we need to control our desires.

Even if I have to reverse the position 10 times, I will do it. But I will not break my rules. If I have to go broke, I will go broke with my ideas, my discipline and my decisions.


It is not Raunak's teaching but how one takes it and use it that up to him..
the following story says it all..hope we all will be with Raunak on Monday..

In ancient times, a blind man visiting a teachers home got delayed till nightfall to return home and despite the teachers insistence of staying back the night at his place, the blind man insisted on returning home, walking back, as the distance was not too long.

The teacher gave him an oil lamp to carry along as it was pitch dark with no street lights nor moon light. The argumentative blind man questioned the logic and benefit of carrying the oil lamp as he was anyway blind! The teacher explained you may be blind to the world, but the world is not blind to you! People seeing you with the lamp will avoid bumping into you. This satisfied the blind man who set off home with the lamp.

Empowered with the oil lamp the blind man walked briskly, almost dangerously, smiling confidently acknowledging the teachers wisdom of providing him the light for a safe home journey.

Suddenly, the blind man hits into a bulky stranger with big impact, falls down in pain with a broken, bleeding nose! On gaining poise, the blind man abuses and accuses the stranger of acting blind and running into him! I am born blind, but could you not see the lamp I was carrying, that you crashed into me? wailed the blind man in pain. The stranger replied Sir, not I, but it was you who crashed into me, as I was waiting by the wayside, and yes, the flame of the oil lamp you were carrying had extinguished so I could not see you coming at high speed!!



Well-Known Member

Sorry for not informing. Was just busy with few things so could not come online. Blackberry was going crazy hence could not post anything as well.

Anyway, will answer everything tomorrow. Hope you guys had two good trading days.

Dear Raunak,

Since your absence here it was like an interval in a movie theater,

- Some people went out for a quick Smoke,
- Few left to fetch some popcorn,
- Few went to buy some coke,

But some remained in the theater ( As you can see the posts continued ) ,

Now since you have returned ,

People who went out to smoke will quickly try to grab 3-4 puffs in quick sessions before throwing the but, people with popcorn will return to their seats still munching, along with people with coke .

Now All at their seats ,

The Movie shall resume.....

Best Wishes,


Well-Known Member
Dear Raunak,

Since your absence here it was like an interval in a movie theater,

- Some people went out for a quick Smoke,
- Few left to fetch some popcorn,
- Few went to buy some coke,

But some remained in the theater ( As you can see the posts continued ) ,

Now since you have returned ,

People who went out to smoke will quickly try to grab 3-4 puffs in quick sessions before throwing the but, people with popcorn will return to their seats still munching, along with people with coke .

Now All at their seats ,

The Movie shall resume.....

Best Wishes,
Hi Nithin

An essay to give some explanation to your definitions. May it doe's not fix each ones profile as it is not meant to seriously.

- The ones who remained in the theater ( like this view :lol: ) have been the real trader junkies. They made a ton of money this time like they lost some on the other day.

- The few who went for a coke or two, had some low risk trading strategies going on . So they needed some wake up medicine. They made there normal every day job and had there normal regular income.

- The few who fetched some popcorn, are the watchers and not sure traders with out trades. They had at least some thoughts, that they may will do a trade today. Only watching the screen was exiting for them as watching any action movie. During watching the action, there hand just went from the popcorn bag to the mouth and back.

- The ones, which went for a smoke, do go regularly for a smoke, even during movie times. They are the forum junkies and not the traders. No problem what happen in the market, no problem what is going on in the thread. They first enjoying the smoke and then decide what to do next, as we do not know, what they smoke.

Take care


Edit : Nbolar's name is Nithin ( Many of your names are very unusual for me as a foreigner and I do not have any idea, what the name means. I guess, it is the same for you when you see foreign names ). So the forum is more than a trading forum. It is also a forum, which bandage different nationalities and cultures. :)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Hello Raunak Sir,

We are eager to hear from you........ You are not seen yesterday. Hope we can expect your post today at least,

Please come Every one is waiting for you.

With regards,

Was just out as I had some work.

I saw your trades. Seems you had a good trading week.

Congratulations on that front.



Well-Known Member
Dear All,

At present I am buying in this market. I haven't shorted a single stock except for DLF which I shorted at 348 & 316 and rid it till levels of 270 and few trades on Tata steel. Over the period of two days, most of my portfolio holdings have been narrowed down to 1-2 stocks. That is, I have invested almost 75% of my available capital on 2 stocks with extremely tight stop losses.

The thing that is slightly bothering me is the fact that leadership in market (Banking sector) is showing some cracks. We still need to be very careful about getting judgemental here and should wait for more clarity to emerge. On a broader note, I am still very bullish and would review my stance at the end of next week as markets will dish out more information for us to base our assessment on. I still think we are undergoing a routine correction in a Bull market and the phrases of Bear market should be kept at a distance. Markets usually don't turn completely in and out in a week's time. Hence at the most if I have to bet on Bull market being over, I would bet more on a side ways market rather than a Bear market.

All the negative news flowing through the system is in a way good. I look at this process as a self cleansing mechanism of the market. Eventually, it will glow more and give more. Just hang on with strict discipline. Amongst all of you, I have had the worst two weeks. I am currently down 10% of net value (draw down) and have got my 11th consecutive swing trade loss. This is primarily because I am fighting the trend on the smaller frame but sticking with it on the broader frame. Whenever the tide turns, I will make back much more than what is lost. So as of now, till the end of next week, I am still buying.

Eventually, if the market has to turn, it will turn by giving us enough time to capitalize on it. Till then, enjoy your weekend and be positive.


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