Some of my forecasts

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Ichimoku VI--tenken and kijun

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Go back to post# 2807 for the last post I did in this series.

This is really a continuation of the trade I entered, and of course we are talking solely on the ichimoku and how it produced the trade.
This is the weekly. On the 4-hour we see how the candle was flying high above the cloud with the kijun cutting through the cloud and strong divergent from the tenken. That is really a confluence of equilibrium on one TF.
There is now a point that is important to know about using the tenken and kijun as supports and resistances. The tenken is going to provide support at .9210. Follow this market and watch the tenken come alive, as the candle will have a bout trying to dodge the tenken.
Additionally, it is very possible to see a drop to the kijun. That would more than likely contain if price made it that far. We do have some strong ichimoku indications of an impending strong drop from current level. The kijun being 1200 pips from current level is one of them. It is also level with an extremely bearish cloud. That is also giving an indication for a strong drop. It also would provide rock solid support if price made it that low.
This is where it pays to know what the future reading will be for the ichimoku properties, as it helps in gauging future price activity. The kijun, unless the top is broken, will move in a straight line for the next 6 consecutive weeks. 6 weeks from now it will have an exceptionally strong move north from the current level at .8343 to .8800. That casts some doubt on whether or not the pair will drop to as low as the .8300's.
The formula for the tenken and kijun was noted in the 1st post of the sub-series of the tenken and kijun. I posted the formula because it is important to understand its properties and future functionality.


Well-Known Member
@LTT and all others interested:

This is in response to your 1-2-3's query.

What you marked off as 1-2-3's is really a wave pattern. Elliot Wave people will be quick to point out that you have wave 1 (Could be A or a or I, or whatever. I'm not an Elliot Wave pro.) that started from the top of the formation. The correction formed wave 2. The next dip was a 3. The next correction was a 4. There should be one final dip for a 5, and then a larger move north is what we should see.
1-2-3's are formed closer together and have a stronger and more predictable move with it, along with a correction back to the 2 before it starts The Real Move. An example of that is the actual 1-2-3 formation I boxed off in white at the top.
There is little doubt that 1-2-3's provide excellent trading opportunities which is why I pay attention to them.

It would be interesting to hear SOS's or JahDave's input concerning your chart. Within the proximity of when the 5th wave is completed is when I am also forecasting a correction o a much stronger degree.
Sir, please see this post of mine - request your comments
A true story

I found out behind the scenes that Aman knows who Tucker is, which is going to take away a little from the story. You guys had to have been there, because this was way too funny.

In 2007 I had a signals service. It was a build up towards opening a PAMM for managed accounts (There are many that know that whole story.). Eventually, I decided on a broker and developed a very nice rapport with him. We talked for several months about trading, ichimoku (I was a beginner with the indicator then.), family, and Tucker.
I was tell him stories how Tucker is my boss, and that he even does some of my typing for me, and he never leaves my office. It's like I can't get rid of him.
Finally the day came for me to open my PAMM, and the people were lined up for me to trade for them. I filled out all the papers and much to my dismay the papers were returned to me. It said a correction was needed or I would be disqualified from trading on the PAMM.
The reason? I stated that I am an individual, and that I should have stated I am a partnership. I got back to him and asked him what is going on, as I was completely in the dark.
He said my boss helps me in the decision making process and that it has to be duly noted that I am in a partnership.
I explained to him I did not have a boss and that I work solely for myself.
All of a sudden there was a degree of tension building between me and the one I had become friends with over the last few months.
He said I repeatedly talked about my boss and he needed to be listed in my business.
I still had no idea what he is talking about.
He clarified that it was Tucker, who was also my best friend and even implied I need to stop playing the ignorant game.
I exclaimed, "Tucker!? That is my chihuahua."
He did not believe me, and by now I am laughing so hard, and he is ready to dump this whole idea.
I had to direct him to a blog I had at that time and various conversations I had in my chat room that I had to prove to him that Tucker was really my chihuahua and the "Boss" I had been talking about.
After it was all said and done he was embarrassed and laughing at the same time. After the few months we knew each other, the story was never clear that Tucker is only my dog.

And yes, "The Boss" is sitting right here on my lap.
Re: A true story

I found out behind the scenes that Aman knows who Tucker is, which is going to take away a little from the story. You guys had to have been there, because this was way too funny.

In 2007 I had a signals service. It was a build up towards opening a PAMM for managed accounts (There are many that know that whole story.). Eventually, I decided on a broker and developed a very nice rapport with him. We talked for several months about trading, ichimoku (I was a beginner with the indicator then.), family, and Tucker.
I was tell him stories how Tucker is my boss, and that he even does some of my typing for me, and he never leaves my office. It's like I can't get rid of him.
Finally the day came for me to open my PAMM, and the people were lined up for me to trade for them. I filled out all the papers and much to my dismay the papers were returned to me. It said a correction was needed or I would be disqualified from trading on the PAMM.
The reason? I stated that I am an individual, and that I should have stated I am a partnership. I got back to him and asked him what is going on, as I was completely in the dark.
He said my boss helps me in the decision making process and that it has to be duly noted that I am in a partnership.
I explained to him I did not have a boss and that I work solely for myself.
All of a sudden there was a degree of tension building between me and the one I had become friends with over the last few months.
He said I repeatedly talked about my boss and he needed to be listed in my business.
I still had no idea what he is talking about.
He clarified that it was Tucker, who was also my best friend and even implied I need to stop playing the ignorant game.
I exclaimed, "Tucker!? That is my chihuahua."
He did not believe me, and by now I am laughing so hard, and he is ready to dump this whole idea.
I had to direct him to a blog I had at that time and various conversations I had in my chat room that I had to prove to him that Tucker was really my chihuahua and the "Boss" I had been talking about.
After it was all said and done he was embarrassed and laughing at the same time. After the few months we knew each other, the story was never clear that Tucker is only my dog.

And yes, "The Boss" is sitting right here on my lap.

so i am the lucky one one who by some how went to see your blog first, and came to know bout mr tucker " The Boss":D
LTT, my understanding of Elliot Wave is that the 5 will deep lower than the 3 and the length of it will be about the same as the 1st wave.
I'm no expert on the EW, and I would be happy to stand corrected by an EW expert. I do know it still falls in line with my view that after the correction for Nifty is finished anywhere from 4890 to 4953, them market should dip into the 4300's <>, and then we would see a strong rise to 5200+.

The only thing I am looking for in this market is anything that is witnessed through the eyes of my methodology, and not EW, in all due repsect. There is very strong confluence of R from even yesterday's close to 4890 and then towards 4953. The latter looks impenetrable on this correction.

The final dip for a 5 - should it be a lower bottom? Or should it be above the recent bottom?

What is it that we need to look for in such cases?
Re: A true story

I was hoping you did not know him. Imagine how funny it really would have sounded if I started talking about the boss sitting on my lap or that I like to scratch him behind his ears, and you did not know who he is.

so i am the lucky one one who by some how went to see your blog first, and came to know bout mr tucker " The Boss":D


Well-Known Member
LTT, my understanding of Elliot Wave is that the 5 will deep lower than the 3 and the length of it will be about the same as the 1st wave.
I'm no expert on the EW, and I would be happy to stand corrected by an EW expert. I do know it still falls in line with my view that after the correction for Nifty is finished anywhere from 4890 to 4953, them market should dip into the 4300's <>, and then we would see a strong rise to 5200+.

The only thing I am looking for in this market is anything that is witnessed through the eyes of my methodology, and not EW, in all due repsect. There is very strong confluence of R from even yesterday's close to 4890 and then towards 4953. The latter looks impenetrable on this correction.
Sir, that is the impression I had until I saw this Wolfe Wave.

I do not know if Wolfe Wave and Elliott Wave complement each other, but, if this is a Wolfe Wave, then the books say that we need to see 529x before further lows :confused:


Well-Known Member
Re: A true story

I was hoping you did not know him. Imagine how funny it really would have sounded if I started talking about the boss sitting on my lap or that I like to scratch him behind his ears, and you did not know who he is.
And imagine if Tucker was a "she" and you still had said those same things :rofl:
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