internet connection-reliance forced to upgrade to 4g

I am using it.I was Reliance postpaid customer so I got it for some Rs 900 .

It is a stand alone unit which can be taken outside and you get internet connection through WiFi anywhere.

It gets charged through our mobile charger. My Sony smartphone charger fits pretty well for this WiPod.

Which postpaid plan are you using ? The plans have not remained the same for 4G, right ? You said that they charged you Rs. 500 for 2GB data ?
Which postpaid plan are you using ? The plans have not remained the same for 4G, right ? You said that they charged you Rs. 500 for 2GB data ?
No I was in 5 GB unlimited plan before updation to 4 GB and they put me a 5 GB plan which costs Rs 1150 or so.So the charges were increased from my earlier Rs 750 without any confirmation from me.I got it changed to 2 GB plan afterwards which will be effective from next billing cycle till then Rs 1150 cannot expect any better customer service from Reliance, can you ?

No I was in 5 GB unlimited plan before updation to 4 GB and they put me a 5 GB plan which costs Rs 1150 or so.So the charges were increased from my earlier Rs 750 without any confirmation from me.I got it changed to 2 GB plan afterwards which will be effective from next billing cycle till then Rs 1150 cannot expect any better customer service from Reliance, can you ?

Sigh.. I have Rs. 999/4bGB postpaid plan. It is not working at present. Wonder if I should get it upgraded to 4G or not.

Any feedback on Jio's latest offering of 3 months unlimited @Rs. 2899 (Including the smartphone) ??

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