Diary of a 315 Trader


Well-Known Member
Re: Ts

Thanks Gandhar for answering Point 3.

For others, Fibonacci levels are never the same every day. So unless the levels are broken, we respect the Fibonacci levels that I had drawn. If the levels are broken, then the currently Fibonacci levels are thrown out and a new set is drawn when we find the price getting stabilized.
  • In the case of TS, there was a turn around indicated by a pattern, bullish engulfing pattern.
  • If you notice JPA, the trend is shown flat with price oscillating between 29 and 34. But it broke the swing high in 30 minutes, indicating that a break out has happened in the short term. If you check my previous post you can see the levels I have pointed out. This factor can be treated as a turn around.

In addition, I can only chalk out the trend based on my knowledge. Perhaps you are right, that I might not be considering all the factors of Fibonacci series, if any. I am still learning :).

Moreover, these are my views, not prediction that the price will move as per my views. If at all, the price moves as per my views, my Fibonacci levels may help the traders to plan their entry or exit. On the contrary, if the price goes against my views, these views goes into the dustbin. I have provided the stoploss for JP in this post, http://www.traderji.com/futures/67625-diary-315-trader-24.html#post851074 and for TS, it is the Fibo Level, 254.

Hi Putuval

First of all looking at those 2 charts I was not sure if you were using Fib Retracement and I thought you must be using some other Fibonacci feature that must be available on the S/F. However I wanted to be sure hence the questions.

Anyway, now that I see it is a Fib retracement, I must say that you have used it incorrectly.

Fib Retracement (retraces a portion of the previous move) is used to identify/anticipate a possible target for retracement after you are sure it has hit a bottom or made a top (or – temporary bottom or top).
The method of plotting is (for example in a down trend) the first point would be a Peak and 2nd point would be trough/bottom from which point you will identify a possible retracement target.

Fib Extension is used when, say, prices are trending then it retraces a part of the move and then continues in the original direction. In this case the tool is used to anticipate to what extent the price may fall/rise beyond the recent bottom/peak.
The method of plotting is (for example in a down trend) the first point would be a Peak, the 2nd point would be trough and the 3rd point would be the recent retraced peak from which point you will identify a possible extension target. You will need 3 parameters to plot in this case.

Example on charts would be – you can use Fib Extension in 1st Tata Steel chart (since the price is still trending downwards) and Retracement on the 2nd (since it shows a possible bottom)

Hope this helps and hope you understood my explanation. You can Google for further information.


P.S: If it is of any help than I can post chart examples for the same.


Well-Known Member
Re: Ts

On point 3
the site is chartink and we have to draw the fibo by hands and it dosent goes to get the exact levels (dosent auto correct to exact value).
so each time when a person goes and draws fibo or other things it wont be exact the same unless u give it some tries :)


It is alright if the plotting level values differ by a few points it would not make much difference.



Well-Known Member
Dear Putuval,
I missed the track,actually there was a gap in visiting this thread sinnce i didn'find any posts for quite a few days,very happy to revisit!
I am enclosing 2 charts daily and weekly about Rcom some promising move ensuing days,need your comments!!
I have used a channel , fibo in the study !! Plz comment !! Plz correct me while i post the charts !!
The reversal point that i have indicated with a black arrow is because there lies the (1)BB top (2)78%fibo level (3) making a double top with the previous peak !!

But if we consider the channel the 5th (WW!?)point comes at 178.6 !!

Also i can see that the price is moving up on reducing volumes !![/COLOR]

A very good opportunity !! Plz comment !!


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Well-Known Member

Some of the points looks valid, but is it time to enter long? Is it time to go short?

What I see here, is
  • 50 SMA has been crossed indicating bullishness in this stock.
  • Chikou span crossed into bullishness, but not enough, because a drastic fall could pull it back into bearishness.
  • Check Kijun, it is flat since some days. And Tenken is below Kijun indicating bearishness. Also Kijun being flat, means price should touch tenken any time. I would recommend that you wait for the price to touch tenken before going long.

But is it time to go short? I am not sure. I guess I am confused with this chart. Better to follow the Fibo levels to mark your stop losses till tenken is touched.


Well-Known Member
Dear TP,
I am observing that when there is good +ve divergence in kijun(26d) and tanken(9d) and the price opens below tanken then it comes up to kijun.I am posting a chart of united spirit in this context for your valuable comments I expect the price to come to 2335 (I am not able to consider the impact of red cloud so the time it will take to reach 2335 ).
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Well-Known Member
Hey T4P,
Is everything allright ?? Where are u ?? We are missing u ?? It has nearly been over a month i havent seen ur post !! Are u active somewhere else ? Please let me know !!

God bless u !!
TC !!
Regards ,


Well-Known Member

Hey T4P,
Is everything allright ?? Where are u ?? We are missing u ?? It has nearly been over a month i havent seen ur post !! Are u active somewhere else ? Please let me know !!

God bless u !!
TC !!
Regards ,

Everything is alright! Thanks :) I am a little tight in my job, going early in the morning and coming late at night due to work pressure. So no mood to do the analysis in the morning due to fatigue.
But I do monitor the market for small trades. By the time I saw your last post, I was late by 5 trading days. So thought not to reply to your post.

I am monitoring nifty only for now. And I feel nifty should touch 15ema in daily to make an upmove again.
  • It made a big candle to break the previous swing high on 18th Oct. So to continue the uptrend, it has to first touch 15ema and continue its journey upwards. 15ema at the moment is 6046.
  • But consolidation could take 15ema higher, and I am expecting it to go somewhere near 6100.
  • Tenken is also side by side with 15ema.
  • There is another funda, that if a big white candle breaks out of consolidation, then its low should not be broken to continue the current trend. Else the trend will reverse. So the low of the candle on the 18th is 6071. To ensure that this does not break, nifty could make a low somewhere near 6090, and then resume its uptrend.

Perhaps this could happen as a result of expiry. A sharp downfall followed by a sharp reversal. You never know :).


Well-Known Member
Re: Nifty

I am monitoring nifty only for now. And I feel nifty should touch 15ema in daily to make an upmove again.
  • It made a big candle to break the previous swing high on 18th Oct. So to continue the uptrend, it has to first touch 15ema and continue its journey upwards. 15ema at the moment is 6046.
  • But consolidation could take 15ema higher, and I am expecting it to go somewhere near 6100.
  • Tenken is also side by side with 15ema.
  • There is another funda, that if a big white candle breaks out of consolidation, then its low should not be broken to continue the current trend. Else the trend will reverse. So the low of the candle on the 18th is 6071. To ensure that this does not break, nifty could make a low somewhere near 6090, and then resume its uptrend.

Perhaps this could happen as a result of expiry. A sharp downfall followed by a sharp reversal. You never know :).

So it gave some momentum in the morning, but it managed to recover and close near the open. But what I observe now is that LHLL pattern has been formed. So if yesterday's high is taken out, we do not take any position because it will be confusion. But yesterday's low is taken out we patiently wait for 15ema touch.

Short options and make profit from decay and if possible, from the right trend. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Nifty: Current state

I guess I made a mistake of not noting down one thing. If 3EMA goes in the opposite direction after a long trend, it means the trend has reversed in the short term.
  • 22-Oct: 6181
  • 23-Oct: 6180
  • 24-Oct: 6172
  • 25-Oct: 6158

I had shorted 6100 call on 24th, but exited a little early (20 points profit). If I had known this point, I would have held to my trade, which would have given 100 points 1 lot profit. I had 10 lots :(.

Tenken rushed towards the price action and touched on 25th. Now it looks like Tenken went to support the fall in nifty. This has put me in confusion. Let me analyze further. Nice weekend!

Re: Nifty: Current state

I guess I made a mistake of not noting down one thing. If 3EMA goes in the opposite direction after a long trend, it means the trend has reversed in the short term.
  • 22-Oct: 6181
  • 23-Oct: 6180
  • 24-Oct: 6172
  • 25-Oct: 6158

I had shorted 6100 call on 24th, but exited a little early (20 points profit). If I had known this point, I would have held to my trade, which would have given 100 points 1 lot profit. I had 10 lots :(.

Tenken rushed towards the price action and touched on 25th. Now it looks like Tenken went to support the fall in nifty. This has put me in confusion. Let me analyze further. Nice weekend!

Also, it still seems 1-2 days away from 15ema and is still trading above 21ema. With ichi, the chikou is above the candles and the price, tenkan and kijun are all above the cloud. So maybe the uptrend is not exhausted.

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