I am looking at the latest federal bank balance sheet available at their website.
link to full report - https://www.federalbank.co.in/docum...1+-+FY18/4b9be30f-2b89-4489-8204-6964fce6fb4f
Need to understand few of the particulars which are highlighted in below screen shot.
Other Expense - how can I know the what bank do to earn these money.
Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve - what is this component and is this related to earning per share?
What is capital Adequacy ratio?
Please help in understanding these terms in balance sheet.
Thanks in Advance.
I am looking at the latest federal bank balance sheet available at their website.
link to full report - https://www.federalbank.co.in/docum...1+-+FY18/4b9be30f-2b89-4489-8204-6964fce6fb4f
Need to understand few of the particulars which are highlighted in below screen shot.
Other Expense - how can I know the what bank do to earn these money.
Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve - what is this component and is this related to earning per share?
What is capital Adequacy ratio?
Please help in understanding these terms in balance sheet.
Thanks in Advance.