Understanding bank balance sheet


I am looking at the latest federal bank balance sheet available at their website.
link to full report - https://www.federalbank.co.in/docum...1+-+FY18/4b9be30f-2b89-4489-8204-6964fce6fb4f

Need to understand few of the particulars which are highlighted in below screen shot.


Other Expense - how can I know the what bank do to earn these money.
Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve - what is this component and is this related to earning per share?
What is capital Adequacy ratio?

Please help in understanding these terms in balance sheet.

Thanks in Advance.
A bank's balance sheet is different from that of a typical company. You won't find inventory, accounts receivable, or accounts payable. Instead, under assets, you'll see mostly loans and investments, and on the liabilities side, you'll see deposits and borrowings.


Active Member

I am looking at the latest federal bank balance sheet available at their website.
link to full report - https://www.federalbank.co.in/docum...1+-+FY18/4b9be30f-2b89-4489-8204-6964fce6fb4f

Need to understand few of the particulars which are highlighted in below screen shot.

View attachment 22001

Other Expense - how can I know the what bank do to earn these money.
Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve - what is this component and is this related to earning per share?
What is capital Adequacy ratio?

Please help in understanding these terms in balance sheet.

Thanks in Advance.
So everything is clear for me there, revaluation means that potential capital flows from the assets that bank holds have changed.

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