Some of my forecasts

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Re: Ichimoku III--the tenken and kijun

I live in the US, and this is my job, so I am falling out of bed around 4:30pm your time. I always have my quiet time before reporting to work, do some reading, not to mention that Tucker has his routine.

I do not have a set time of holding a trade. I take whatever pops out at me with the strongest obviations. I measure a trade based on my personal high confidence ratio. I might hold a trade 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month.
I Already know that - lol But I was asking because its been a year since I have been talking to you and I always find you on the opening of the new York session and sometimes from 7.30 am to 11 am My time :)
Ouch! When you said long, I thought you misspelled short.
I am wondering if you entered the trade when the current candle spike out of the cloud. If that is the case, then you always wait for the candle to close.
As long as this candle is done moving, then there are many indications the market is headed south:
1. Bearish engulfing reversal candle formed at the top of the cloud.
2. You mentioned the chinkou is still under the candles.
3. Candle under the tenken and kijun with both dropping.

Watch for the recent swing low to be broken for a huge move south. That means the 1-2-3 is broken, we then get a break out of the cloud. Everything points south and the break of the 1-2-3 will confirm it, which ultimately will confirm with the breaking of the bottom of the cloud.

What was wrong here for taking long ?
i can see
* chikou is still under candles which says bearish, anything else?
* taken support @ tenken

I am long here :)



Well-Known Member
Appears like Fiber is putting up a tough fight to move to the other side of the cloud.

Also, multiple attempts at cloud bottom, so should be making it easier to enter ???

Or is the cloud acting very good resistance?

A look at the 4-hour suggests it is ready to stage a comeback, as the market has reversed with pinpoint accuracy at the top of the cloud. Most likely, that indicates a temporary reprieve of the DOWN, as it will probably challenge the recent peak at 34.38, then get back in its journey south. As long as it is not touched, then we have a 1-2-3 formation on its TF, then we loook for 32.93 to be broken, then it send the market plummeting under the daily tenken, and then a more MT reversal ensues on the weekly as it is hugging around the bottom of the cloud.
The top of the daily cloud at 30.91 will be strong containment, as the kijun will join it at that level. If it is pierced, then we are most likely back in the MT DOWN as we head to 28.92. Momentum is starting to favor the weekly, so it is not likely we hit the latter point.
Ouch! When you said long, I thought you misspelled short.
I am wondering if you entered the trade when the current candle spike out of the cloud. If that is the case, then you always wait for the candle to close.
As long as this candle is done moving, then there are many indications the market is headed south:
1. Bearish engulfing reversal candle formed at the top of the cloud.
2. You mentioned the chinkou is still under the candles.
3. Candle under the tenken and kijun with both dropping.

Watch for the recent swing low to be broken for a huge move south. That means the 1-2-3 is broken, we then get a break out of the cloud. Everything points south and the break of the 1-2-3 will confirm it, which ultimately will confirm with the breaking of the bottom of the cloud.
I am long from mid of candle:(

Previous to this candle, how can we make where it is headed?

BTW, yesterday also chikou was buried under candle.
he cloud was thin and we had that kumo twist in the future on the h4 ! considering if it would have happened live as a normal trader the candle went east ward and broke the dieways cloud making the full flat Span A as the solid Support and at the same time the tenken pointed north while the kinjun leaving its flat form also did the same and pointed north! as a trader here we could have gone long with a Span -A being the ultimate support and a stop loss under it. we had long Analysis from the kumo twist the T/K with Span -A being the support.Here the chinkou 26 periods behind was above the past price action and that would be bullish ! but when the candle cleared out from the kumo shadow moving eastward the price action is above the Span-A and that would be bullish ! All the things is pointing North here in my case you wanna go long with a great risk to reward ratio and as a consequence that Ultimately if we went long we would have been stopped out how do you identify these fake outs?
The point it was north of the cloud was not the point to enter short. It is a warning that the tenken and kijun are both below the cloud. Picture it as a tug-o-war. The tenken and kijun are pulling down on the price and the candles want to go north. Most likely, the tenken and kijun are going to win. Confirmation of trip south and the time to book your ticket is when the candle closed under both of them
A trap you don't want to get into is trying to predict what is a fakeout and what is not. Once again, the warning came when the tenken and kijun were pulling under the cloud, so there is nothing that says to go long at that point. The short was confirmed once we realized the tenken and kijun had its final say on the matter.
Your long confirmation is for the market to go east, wait for the tenken and kijun to catch up then break above the cloud. Hopefully you have candle, tenken, kijun, cloud lined up in that order. That being the case the ticket is stamped for the trip north. Where you booked your long was in the middle of some stormy action.

BTW, behind the scenes, I've gotten some laughs over some of my metaphors. I use them for a reason and that is to give a more picturesque view of what is really going on. So, if they give you a chuckle, remember the real meaning behind them.

Okay, here we go again, but please get me point.
Picture yourself as a pilot. They get paid pretty good money. One of the reasons, among many is they have learned to use their instrument panel. They only make certain moves when everything lines up. OTT, they do nothing, because it could mean a plane crash, and you know what happens when the plane crashes.
Traders are like pilots, except we get paid better money. This is because we develop the skill in reading the clouds and everything on the instrument panel. We only make moves when everything lines up which is why we make big money. When we make moves and everything on the instrument panel does not line up. We enter in the middle of stormy action and we crash.
Consider this to be pilot training school. It is free of charge. But, being in school takes time. This school has no degrees because you will constantly be learning. Yet, by staying in school, you will make more money than any of the degree programs.

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Pirate trader, I have to answer your question in this format, because you posted a quote, and the quote won't be quoted in my quote, because the quote will only be quoted in the original quote.

Hello I have a question (without considering higher time frame).. The place where you have marked the oval.
I don;t know which market you are referring to.
the cloud was thin and we had that kumo twist in the future on the h4 ! considering if it would have happened live as a normal trader the candle went east ward and broke the dieways cloud making the full flat Span A as the solid Support and at the same time the tenken pointed north while the kinjun leaving its flat form also did the same and pointed north! as a trader here we could have gone long with a Span -A being the ultimate support and a stop loss under it. we had long Analysis from the kumo twist the T/K with Span -A being the support.Here the chinkou 26 periods behind was above the past price action and that would be bullish ! but when the candle cleared out from the kumo shadow moving eastward the price action is above the Span-A and that would be bullish ! All the things is pointing North here in my case you wanna go long with a great risk to reward ratio and as a consequence that Ultimately if we went long we would have been stopped out how do you identify these fake outs? AND THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION -
Fakeouts can be identified in many way. The one thing I always do is evaluate the other TF's. One TF will not tell the whole story. Given the condition of what you described, I can already conceptualize in my mind's eye what the chart looked like. That TF you were looking at was probably the least dominant TF.
Even in my Weekly Forecasts, I give the interim view of the markets, but that also has a lot to do with the dominant TF. A lot of things change throughout the week, which is why my views are off a few (sometimes, quite a few) pips when the week is over.
A lot of times the candle is above the cloud, the chinkou above the candles, and so it just seems so obvious. But, as soon as we start talking about eastward markets there is also a reason for that. The answer usually lies in the other TF's and other prevailing conditions.

As known There are 3 states of cloud past current and future . how do you use or how important is kumo shadows(past)/ or the past flat T/K and the past kumo Spans to enter a trade and to identify it as a support and resistance? how can you use them ? Which kumo has the strongest potential of reversal or acting as S and R the past,current or future kumo ?
If you are looking at the cloud in the past, future, or present, it is all a measure of the market's equilibrium. Another way to put it is the market's average or mean. In other words, there is always a gravitational pull towards and against those levels. With the exception of the chinkou, any place you see levelings is a measure of a S or R, because it is a mean. Price action works the same way in anything that is random or predictable. This is why when others have posted their charts on market I know nothing about why I can look at them and say this is S or this is R.
As traders using the ichimoku, we have to make a determination of each S&R's formidability. Remember that the measure are only a mean, therefore it could also mean (no pum intended there) a breakout, as it now heads to the other side of the mean.
Life is that way. If you have a classroom of 30 children-- 15 boys and 15 girls, and they are all randomly walking out the door. Let's say 5 girls just walked out the door, then 3 boys, then 5 more girls. Up to this point, there has been 10 girls and 3 boys, which means 76.9% girls, which is far above the mean of 50%. All this means is that it is time for a boy rally. The girls drifted the count too far away from equilibrium, and so the boys are going to drive it back to the mean.
Hard to believe, but the markets work the same way. The other question we're dealing with is what areas or TF's are the most dominant. Even in the classroom, it could also work the same way. If the classroom is filled with gentleman (Boys? Gentleman? Maybe that is an oxymoron.), then the dominant move would be all the girls leaving first. If the World Series is on, school is over, and the classroom is filled with baseball fans, the girls might have gotten in the way of the proverbial freight train.
The nice thing about trading is that we have charts that show us if the classroom is full of gentleman, bullies, or a mix (sideways market).

also if you could tell me the idea of what does it indicate or how do we trade when price action is above the kinjun and below the tenken in a bullish trend and vice versa in a bearish one?
All that indicates is that at least temporarily the trend is letting out some steam, at least temporarily. If there is a close on the other side of the kijun, then the question needs to be raised concerning the viability of the trnd's continuation.
OTOH, the ichimoku in all cases needs to be viewed as a holism. What are the other aspects saying, along with the other TF's?

These are all excellent questions. For anyone learning the ichimoku, I hope they are taking this in.

Sir lol I am posting excellent question? you are welcome lol . This is the first chart I was reffering to for this post which maybe got lost in the shuffle and there was also an unanswered question that got lost - "HI For here On the entry do we go short when the candle finally breaks the cloud and went south or is it necessary for the tenken and kinjun to break the Span B if yes then why? because if we wait for the tenken and more importantly kinjun combo to clear the kumo and span -B we will be half way down on our trend or miss a lot of pips and you don't want to enter at the half way where markets need correction ! your views on this"

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That entry is as soon as the candle closed under the cloud and TK combo.
Classic, fresh, ichimoku stuff.

More stories: Can't resist.
This is the type of setup that e-books are sold on and people sell these online seminars on.
I learned to use TL's the right way from a guy that was leading up to wanting to charge me $495 for a book and a few CD's. The gullible would say, "Man! This guy has got it. He showed me how to trade profitably using TL's. I might as well pay him the $495. The guy is a salesman, not a trader.

This is all leading to one thing. These types of opportunities happen not too often (That is the candle cross under the TK combo under the cloud scenario.). When they do happen, take full advantage. They also look good on paper (Whoa! That's obvious.). But, they don't happen every day.
It still is the ultimate ichi setup.

This is the live market that I was asking about on this post
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BTW, behind the scenes, I've gotten some laughs over some of my metaphors. I use them for a reason and that is to give a more picturesque view of what is really going on. So, if they give you a chuckle, remember the real meaning behind them. [/COLOR]

I surely did get a chuckle lol and I must say that you have a unique style of explaining . with boys,girls ,classrooms and p ilots etc etc lol but it sure does get things straight into my head so either way it was fun to red it
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