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Well-Known Member
On a day when much else is happening here at Traderji, I suddenly recalled that I had joined around now four years ago. On investigating, sure enough it was now, and precisely today, back in 2005:

Well...there's something to say about life in the virtual world:

No matter the user id...or more than one user id, in this world as in the other, one is who one is. Both in the real world and this one. Not that this world is less real.
It's the same nature, the same emotions, the same personality, traits, individuality, character, moral fiber.

If theres a saint out there in the real world, chances are he/she will act out that disposition in this world too. In this sense the two worlds are truly inseparable.

If theres a mudslinger in here, its very likely he/she is a real shithead street fighter out there. Theyre just looking to drag you in the mud.
Please, my friends, never fight with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
Thats just how it is.

In these few years here at Traderji, Ive seen many kinds of personalities.

There are those who have worked hard at creating a quality forum here.
There are those who have given much of their time here, not for any personal gain but for a passion. A passion to learn, and to share what is learnt with grace and abundant humbleness.

Then there are those who may or may not have learnt much of anything, but who spend more time stingily guarding it than revealing it.
That there is something intrinsically mean in this, is somehow lost on these people. Theyll go to any length to argue thats not the case. That sharing is somehow associated with acts of giving dole to pitiful scum and losers.
Yes, pinched and mean, isnt it.

AnywayIm squarely in the camp of those who share.
I have shared what I have learnt, and I admire several members here who have gone beyond me both as analysts and traders, having been whetted by me.
Its a good feeling, and it has not cost me any material loss.

And I thank Traderji, whoever he is and whatever he does.
Sir, you have created and given this wonderful space to us.
For that alone you shall always have our respect.
Keep going.

Thank you all.
Its been a great few years.


Well-Known Member
Amit thanks to you for sharing all of your wisdom !!!
I have reiterated many times that each and every post from you enlightens me (however I am missing them these days ..)
Thanks for everything !!!

On a day when much else is happening here at Traderji, I suddenly recalled that I had joined around now four years ago. On investigating, sure enough it was now, and precisely today, back in 2005:

Well...there's something to say about life in the virtual world:

No matter the user id...or more than one user id, in this world as in the other, one is who one is. Both in the real world and this one. Not that this world is less real.
It's the same nature, the same emotions, the same personality, traits, individuality, character, moral fiber.

If theres a saint out there in the real world, chances are he/she will act out that disposition in this world too. In this sense the two worlds are truly inseparable.

If theres a mudslinger in here, its very likely he/she is a real shithead street fighter out there. Theyre just looking to drag you in the mud.
Please, my friends, never fight with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
Thats just how it is.

In these few years here at Traderji, Ive seen many kinds of personalities.

There are those who have worked hard at creating a quality forum here.
There are those who have given much of their time here, not for any personal gain but for a passion. A passion to learn, and to share what is learnt with grace and abundant humbleness.

Then there are those who may or may not have learnt much of anything, but who spend more time stingily guarding it than revealing it.
That there is something intrinsically mean in this, is somehow lost on these people. Theyll go to any length to argue thats not the case. That sharing is somehow associated with acts of giving dole to pitiful scum and losers.
Yes, pinched and mean, isnt it.

AnywayIm squarely in the camp of those who share.
I have shared what I have learnt, and I admire several members here who have gone beyond me both as analysts and traders, having been whetted by me.
Its a good feeling, and it has not cost me any material loss.

And I thank Traderji, whoever he is and whatever he does.
Sir, you have created and given this wonderful space to us.
For that alone you shall always have our respect.
Keep going.

Thank you all.
Its been a great few years.
I wish I could write as lucidly as you can,my friend........but I can't......therefore,am taking the easy way out....DITTO to all of the above!:)

Really looking fwd to more from you....



Well-Known Member
Amit thanks to you for sharing all of your wisdom !!!
I have reiterated many times that each and every post from you enlightens me (however I am missing them these days ..)
Thanks for everything !!!

Hi Komal...nice to know you have read these posts.
I dunno about enlightenment nor facilitating knowledge as these are a matter of individual perception.

It's been fun writing these and if you've had fun reading, then we're pretty much quits.

I haven't had time to post too often here...but will try.



Well-Known Member
I wish I could write as lucidly as you can,my friend........but I can't......therefore,am taking the easy way out....DITTO to all of the above!:)

Really looking fwd to more from you....

Saint, your writing is as lucid as any I've ever read.
What sets you apart is that for all the superb education and learning that is packed in your writing, one always comes away saying something like:

"Darn! Everything now is so transparent."

Transparent is as attainable and as elusive as Zen.
A very few of us can be like that, my friend.

Thanks for everything.

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