Metastock explorer is providing incorrect MACD buy signal...

Hi fellow Traders, I am using MS 9 EOD and it it giving wrong results in MS explorer. Metastock explorer is providing incorrect MACD buy signal... I manually checked India Infoline and it generated a buy signal as the MACD has crossed over it signal line but Metastock explorer is not providing a lot of Scrips which have generated a buy signal in its results.. .Is it me or someone else is also facing this issue.. plz advice..
I MACD buy signal formula I am using is-

* MACD()
* Ref(MACD(),-1)
* Ref(Mov(MACD(),9,EXPONENTIAL),-1)
* ((MACD() - Mov(MACD(),9,EXPONENTIAL)) /Mov(MACD(),9,EXPONENTIAL)) * 100
*Cross( MACD(), Mov(MACD(),9,EXPONENTIAL))

As this is the Default formula in MS explorer..

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