FNO - options

Hello friends , im doing trades from past 3 years partly , now i going to do full time trader, before that i need more knowledge about options hence im posting this , seniors and who are doing fno - options and PLEASE help me to learn . as im here in 3 years i know stock market basics and risks here and also know bascis of options and here i mentioned here what i want to know , PLEASE spare your time to spoon knowledge me , advance THANKS .
1. how can i judge whether the particular strike price of call/put is right (ie premium is worth or high or low)
2.how can i select high delta value options from all script lists and through each script which strike price
3. how can i do spread safe option trades first , if possible PLEASE give me your recent trades

i have more and more doubts and thought tunneling my mind , but dont want to ask all now , may be will get clear from your valuble replies, here first i told my outlines what im expecting , i will be greatly thankful to you all if guide me how to do and give me some links or study materials about these things

mhm Bad idea dude...
if u have a job keep it don;t go for being full time trader.

stock market is always good as secondary.

Trading options is like entering lake and collecting gold bars that u can see under water only one catch there is 20 fotter crock in there and u have no tool.


Buy again like they said You don;t need to trade daily to be winner.
decision is yours .. one full time trader to another .. don;t go for it .

stock market as secondary option is cool .You basic source of income should be always a fixed income.doesn't matter where it comes from viz a job ,interests or fixed deposits. You be more comfortable when u know if u win or loss new money is coming every month ^^

1. how can i judge whether the particular strike price of call/put is right (ie premium is worth or high or low)
read mvkartik thread or raj sirs thread both have given excellent examples..

i never cared for open interest until i saw mvkartik thread.
Hello Test123 , First thanks for your reply , as im already quit my job so have to
FEAR ( Face Everything And Rise) or (Forget Everything And Run) !!.
Yes im risking part of my investments only 25 % of my money as trading capital and will do for 1 year until that no crucial problems , but between this have to improve my knowledge and skills will work hard to in this market.yes i already know risks invovled becuase im doing for past 3 years . Thanks for your kind advice , im taking this as to trade with more cautious. And also thanks for your reference will read both threads .once again thanks for your help.:thanx::thanx:
Maybe he is trying to get bigger attention to his posts by using this avatar name linked to the avatar name from Linkon7.


Edit: Seems it is just a coincidence as he tells by him self.

@Lincon: Wish you all the best with this thread and who knows, maybe you are the new Linkon7. This will not be an easy task. :)
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Hello Somatung , whats the problem with this username , i have to change this name ? if please tell me will change my username :cool: (think happened coincidence not planned :confused:)
lincon dude how about doing paper trading for 1 entire month lol .
you have nothing to loose right...

look at calls and puts and futures. whatever u feel like buying just write it on paper and put in box.when u close trade write again and put in box
calculate how much u made.

repeat that for 1 month and at end of month if u are in profit. then enter the real market.
if looses occur then no real damage is done and trust me it will occur :)
u always have choice u can always get another job.

Hehe thats only suggestion.

Good luck
Thanks Test123 , sure will do that , first going to prepare myself with TJ threads ,afterthat if possible try to post here my trades just like paper trade as you told , once again thanks.
Hello Somatung , whats the problem with this username , i have to change this name ? if please tell me will change my username :cool: (think happened coincidence not planned :confused:)
You need not change your username and why to change it. I am a member of many forums but this one is the funniest objection on an username, I have ever seen :lol: :lol: These Chinese have objection to everything we Indians do.

Maybe he is trying to get bigger attention to his posts by using this avatar name linked to the avatar name from Linkon7.
Suppose if I choose NaMo as my username, will I become Narendra Modi :lol:
1. how can i judge whether the particular strike price of call/put is right (ie premium is worth or high or low)

2.how can i select high delta value options from all script lists and through each script which strike price

3. how can i do spread safe option trades first , if possible PLEASE give me your recent trades

Here some knowledge about options and option trading related to your above questions:

The Long Call Strategy: https://discoveroptions.com/mixed/content/education/articles/longcallstrategy.html

The Long Put Strategy – Betting on the Downside: https://discoveroptions.com/mixed/content/education/articles/longputstrategy.html?useHistory=1

Buying Deep ITM Options: https://discoveroptions.com/mixed/content/education/articles/deepitmoptions.html

Choosing the Best Option to Purchase: https://discoveroptions.com/mixed/content/education/articles/choosingthebestoptiontopurchase.html

Option Strategies and the Use of Options: https://discoveroptions.com/mixed/content/education/articles/strategiesandtheuseofoptions.html

Vertical Credit Spreads: https://discoveroptions.com/mixed/content/education/articles/verticalcreditspread.html?useHistory=1

What is Options Delta?: http://investorplace.com/2009/07/what-is-options-delta/

High probability Trading – Avoid Delta Exposure in Expiration Week: https://discoveroptions.com/mixed/content/education/articles/deltaexposure.html?useHistory=1

There is much more on those https://discoveroptions.com/public/pages/education/tradingArticles.html side and I would highly recommend to take your time and work through what ever you think will be of interest to you. When you invest real money in your option trades, do your first steps only with one or two lots. I guarantee you that you will make loss at the begin and when having only one or two lots on the table, the pain is less and you even can do more tries and fine tune your option play in live market.

Take care and all the best