Day Trading Stocks & Futures


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately in one sided big move like yesterday, there will be liquidity issue in overnight trading. Until market stables i doubt Sebi will introduce overnight trading.
I don't know man getting a big slippage while getting out of a positions at night sounds way more fun than staring at big gap down ledger in the morning.anything is better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
yes and some other longs too
It is very humble of you to accept your loss in an open forum like this. Specially when some people hide their losses and show only profits.
It is without any doubt that trading is a very difficult profession albeit being a simple one.
I have myself been through a tough curve of learning where all my ego and arrogance have been butchered day in and day out. The market finds several ways to humble us and it takes great courage and determination to face adversity each day.
I am very happy to see someone like you being full of humility and modesty. May god give you the best for being who you are.
I don't know man getting a big slippage while getting out of a positions at night sounds way more fun than staring at big gap down ledger in the morning.anything is better than nothing.
There is another side to it which I have experienced quite often and it won't be too much fun either :)

Dow will move in the opposite direction till Europe closes and will hit your SL (if Indian markets were open) and then starts reversing EOD.

India / Asia then opens gap up/down in the morning in the direction of your original trade and that'd feel equally worse or more.
Choose your poison :)
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