Calling Saji Oommen

Hello RPC,

Good to see you back. I have posted enough AFLs already which can be useful for making money in trading if used properly. Too many AFL codes will only confuse you and will not serve any purpose as many are not suited for real trading.




Active Member
Hello Saji, rpc, karan

One of the famous trader had said, "Even if I publish my system in the newspaper, very few will be ever able to make money using it."

Lets say we already have the best afl, we will ever find in our entire life. How do we know that we have found the best AFL/system ever?

The first step in our training as a trader is to know ourselves.

The temperament of the trader, his risk appetite, comfort with the periodicity he is using and belief systems will be the most important aspects that will decide the choice of tools (systems/afls).



Well-Known Member
Hello RPC,

Good to see you back. I have posted enough AFLs already which can be useful for making money in trading if used properly. Too many AFL codes will only confuse you and will not serve any purpose as many are not suited for real trading.



Hi saji, I recently come across an AFL called ZIGZAG.

It is used for getting targets. It is an xplorer actually

My problem is when I run Explorer i get B1up, B1dn many same kind of things in different columns.

I am also pasting this explorer here also so tht u can use it also.

// Traders' Tips 2/2003
// Zigzag Targets
// AFL implementation by
// calculate Zig-Zag
Change = 8;
ZoneWidth = 0.20; // zone width, 0.2 = 20%
zz = Zig( Close, Change );
// find last and previous Peak/Trough values
// and bars where they occur
pk = Peak( Close, Change );
tr = Trough( Close, Change );
pkbars = PeakBars( Close, Change );
trbars = TroughBars( Close, Change );
// upswing is when last extremum was trough
upswing = trbars < pkbars;
fpk = ValueWhen( pkbars == 0, pk, 0 );
ftr = ValueWhen( trbars == 0, tr, 0 );
// Calculate price zones in upswing
PriceZone = ZoneWidth * ( fpk - tr );
B2 = upswing AND tr <= zz AND zz <= tr + PriceZone;
LG = upswing AND tr + PriceZone <= zz AND zz <= fpk - PriceZone;
S1 = upswing AND fpk - PriceZone <= zz AND zz <= fpk;
// Calculate price zones in downswing
PriceZone = ZoneWidth * ( pk - ftr );
S2 = NOT upswing AND pk >= zz AND zz >= pk - PriceZone;
SH = NOT upswing AND pk - PriceZone >= zz AND zz >= ftr + PriceZone;
B1 = NOT upswing AND zz <= ftr + PriceZone AND zz >= ftr;
// Display part
// we plot bar chart, zig line and ribbon showing target zones
GraphXSpace = 3;
Plot( Close, "Close", colorBlack, styleBar );
Plot( zz, "ZigZag", colorRed, styleThick );
// Plot ribbon
Plot( 3, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */
IIf( B2, colorDarkGreen,
IIf( LG, colorLightGrey,
IIf( S1, colorLightOrange ,
IIf( S2, colorRed,
IIf( SH, colorLightGrey,
IIf( B1, colorPaleGreen, colorBlue ) ) ) ) ) ), /* choose color */
styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );
// Now part that calculates statistics
// Calculate normalized deviation oscillator
DevOsc = Close - EMA( Close, 40 );
HdevOsc = HHV( DevOsc, 80 );
LdevOsc = LLV( DevOsc, 80 );
NormOsc = 100 * DevOsc / IIf( DevOsc > 0, HdevOsc, abs(LdevOsc) );
NormOsc = Prec( NormOsc, 2 ); // round to 2 decimal places
UP100 = Cross( NormOsc, 99.99 );
UP80_99 = Cross( NormOsc, 80 ) AND NormOsc >= 80 AND NormOsc <= 99.99;
DN80_99 = Cross( 99.99, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= 80 AND NormOsc <= 99.99;
UP60_79 = Cross( NormOsc, 60 ) AND NormOsc >= 60 AND NormOsc <= 79.99;
DN60_79 = Cross( 79.99, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= 60 AND NormOsc <= 79.99;
UP40_59 = Cross( NormOsc, 40 ) AND NormOsc >= 40 AND NormOsc <= 59.99;
DN40_59 = Cross( 59.99, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= 40 AND NormOsc <= 59.99;
UP20_39 = Cross( NormOsc, 20 ) AND NormOsc >= 20 AND NormOsc <= 39.99;
DN20_39 = Cross( 39.99, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= 20 AND NormOsc <= 39.99;
UP00_19 = Cross( NormOsc, 0 ) AND NormOsc >= 0 AND NormOsc <= 19.99;
DN00_19 = Cross( 19.99, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= 0 AND NormOsc <= 19.99;
UPM19_00 = Cross( NormOsc, -19.99 ) AND NormOsc >= -19.99 AND NormOsc <= 0;
DNM19_00 = Cross( 0, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= -19.99 AND NormOsc <= 0;
UPM39_20 = Cross( NormOsc, -39.99 ) AND NormOsc >= -39.99 AND NormOsc <= -20;
DNM39_20 = Cross( -20, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= -39.99 AND NormOsc <= -20;
UPM59_40 = Cross( NormOsc, -59.99 ) AND NormOsc >= -59.99 AND NormOsc <= -40;
DNM59_40 = Cross( -40, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= -59.99 AND NormOsc <= -40;
UPM79_60 = Cross( NormOsc, -79.99 ) AND NormOsc >= -79.99 AND NormOsc <= -60;
DNM79_60 = Cross( -60, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= -79.99 AND NormOsc <= -60;
UPM99_80 = Cross( NormOsc, -99.99 ) AND NormOsc >= -99.99 AND NormOsc <= -80;
DNM99_80 = Cross( -80, NormOsc ) AND NormOsc >= -99.99 AND NormOsc <= -80;
DNM100 = Cross( -99.99, NormOsc );
Filter = Status("lastbarinrange"); // display values for last bar only
// Change the line below to:
// Cond = B1; CondName = "B1"; // to get B1 zone stats
// Cond = B2; CondName = "B2"; // to get B2 zone stats
// Cond = LG; CondName = "LG"; // to get Long zone stats
// Cond = S1; CondName = "S1"; // to get S1 zone stats
// Cond = S2; CondName = "S2"; // to get S2 zone stats
// Cond = SH; CondName = "SH"; // to get Short zone stats
Cond = B1; CondName = "B1";
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UP100 ), CondName + " up(100)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UP80_99 ), CondName + " up(80-99)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UP60_79 ), CondName + " up(60-79)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UP40_59 ), CondName + " up(40-59)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UP20_39 ), CondName + " up(20-39)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UP00_19), CondName + " up(0-19)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UPM19_00), CondName + " up(-19-0)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UPM39_20), CondName + " up(-39--20)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UPM59_40 ), CondName + " up(-59--40)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UPM79_60 ), CondName + " up(-79--60)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND UPM99_80 ), CondName + " up(-99--80)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DN80_99 ), CondName + " dn(80-99)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DN60_79 ), CondName + " dn(60-79)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DN40_59 ), CondName + " dn(40-59)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DN20_39 ), CondName + " dn(20-39)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DN00_19 ), CondName + " dn(0-19)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DNM19_00), CondName + " dn(-19-0)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DNM39_20 ), CondName + " dn(-39--20)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DNM59_40 ), CondName + " dn(-59--40)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DNM79_60 ), CondName + " dn(-79--60)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DNM99_80 ), CondName + " dn(-99--80)", 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND DNM100 ), CondName + " dn(-100)", 1.0 );
ALLUPS = ( UP100 OR UP80_99 OR UP60_79 OR UP40_59 OR UP20_39 OR UP00_19
OR UPM19_00 OR UPM39_20 OR UPM59_40 OR UPM79_60 OR UPM99_80 );
ALLDOWNS = ( DN80_99 OR DN60_79 OR DN40_59 OR DN20_39 OR DN00_19 OR DNM19_00
OR DNM39_20 OR DNM59_40 OR DNM79_60 OR DNM99_80 OR DNM100 );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND ALLUPS ), "Zone Total Up" );
AddColumn( Cum( Cond AND ALLDOWNS ), "Zone Total Down" );
AddColumn( Cum( ALLUPS ), "Grand Total Up" );
AddColumn( Cum( ALLDOWNS ), "Grand Total Down" );

Now run explorer.

Plz tell me what is it's significance and how can I interpret this B1up, B1 dn.

how to use this in practical trading.

thanks in advance
Hello Chintan

I would suggest you do not use this AFL. It is of no use while trading. The reason being it is future or forward looking since it uses ZIG , Trough functions. As new quotes or data comes in the buy or sell signal you saw today will not be there .

This type of AFLs are useful only for learning to code in AFL.There are many other AFL codes which may help you to trade profitably. You got to search for them and alter them to meet your trading styles and requirements.

Try The site has some good codes.




Well-Known Member
Hello Chintan

I would suggest you do not use this AFL. It is of no use while trading. The reason being it is future or forward looking since it uses ZIG , Trough functions. As new quotes or data comes in the buy or sell signal you saw today will not be there .

This type of AFLs are useful only for learning to code in AFL.There are many other AFL codes which may help you to trade profitably. You got to search for them and alter them to meet your trading styles and requirements.

Try The site has some good codes.


thanx saji,

but just due to curiosity only I want to know wht B1 up and B1dn and then TOTAL . wht is tht mean.

i am a bit just curious to know wht it is.

once again thnx for evrything. I am onwards not going to use this
Hello Chintan,

Read through the AFL code and see how various inputs like B1 up and B1dn and then TOTAL is defined or initialised by the author. For example B1 is initialised as follows by the author

B1 = NOT upswing AND zz <= ftr + PriceZone AND zz >= ftr;

in the above line of code he has seperately initialised ZZ, ftr , pricezone etc. For example ZZ=zz = Zig( Close, Change ); Here Zig is a function in AFL synthax.

Another example is

// find last and previous Peak/Trough values
// and bars where they occur
pk = Peak( Close, Change );
tr = Trough( Close, Change );
pkbars = PeakBars( Close, Change );
trbars = TroughBars( Close, Change );

Here the explanation of what author wants through his code is masked out by //. here he wants to find last and previous Peak/Trough values
and bars where they occur. Peak and tough bars are also AFL functions.

Similarly he has defined or initialised all other variables in his code.Total is nothing but the cumulative total of all up and down counts.

This is the reason why i mentioned earlier you use this code to learn or understand how to code in AFL. You also need to study through the helpfile in Amibroker. Often i find majority of the users do not know the real functioning of the codes they use. It is just depending on buy or sell arrows shown by the code.

you must take pain to study each and every AFL code you come across by taking a printout and analysing in detail what it does.

In this forum there are some persons with good AFL knowledge like Praveen , Karthik and sanjay to name a few.You may also contact them to learn more.



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