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  • I do not remember settings. But as you are getting quotes of atleast of one symbol in amibroker, settings are ok. In quotetracker, you have to click on advertisements a few times a day, otherwise it does not send quotes to amibroker. Even then if you are seeing one scrip in amibroker and its quotes are coming ok and then if you change scrip, its data may or may not be uptodate. then you click advt in quotetracker, then also qt takes some time to send data. Thus i found it unreliable.
    Hi Kgsirasangi ,
    I am showing you my quotetracker plug-in settings , I hope you would be helpful enough to solve it : Intraday settings > show 24 hours
    Start = 9.30 End = 16.00
    Time shift = 10 hours

    onfigure > Server IP =
    Server port = 16239
    Max. num. symbols = 100
    Time difference relative to US time zone = 10
    the above settings retrievs data for one symbol only and shows all values after3.30 PM
    What is your problem? Is it that 10.00am quote is shown as 3.30pm quote in amibroker? if so adjust file--database settings--intraday settings--time shift.
    It takes time shift in round numbers only.
    Hi Kgsirasangi ,
    Would you pl. suggest me how can I set quotetracker plug-in in Amibroker for NSE RT data ? currently amibroker showing all the rates only after 3.30PM but quotetracker timing is OK
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