Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


Learner and Follower

Now other brokers are going to use PI software as well.:clap::clap::clap:

See these images.


Thanks & Regards :) :clap::clap::clap:
Z giving competition to Omnesys kya? :D


Learner and Follower
Hello vijkris,

Malum nahi.:)

But do not know how to post PDF files here. Else I will post the newsletter instead of screenshot images. File size is only 1.54 MB. :)

Thanks & Regards
pdf can't be posted here. still msg is clear . let's see whether Zerodha replies or not..
I placed an AMO order in NIFTYAUGUST Futures through NOW Platform on 2016-July-25 between 20:00 to 22:00 Hrs (Sorry I dont remember the exact time).
On the bottom of the NOW window a message showed that the AMO order has been confirmed and after that the AMO pending order was also showing in the F3 orderbook.

This is highly critical and unacceptable behavior on zerodha's part.

Please suggest any good broker, Zerodha was good in 2012, since then I get the feeling of "wtf" is happening.
NOW platform is completely managed by NSE. Can you message me the ticket number, I can follow up with the NOW team.
What ticket number ? You dont support / manage NOW ? Why dont you say it on your website in big block letters that "ZERODHA DOES NOT SUPPORT NOW PLATFORM" ?


Well-Known Member
I had sent demat forms to zerodha 2months ago. ..After that no response from them also it not updated.I called customer support lady she said it's updated.when I checked it in my BO site it's still showing my earlier demat name and Id.these calling and same thing going on till date.last week I called again the lady answered the same.she want to access my system for this !!!!!I asked why you need acees of my system when back office works on Web. She said it may be my system fault which you unable to see zerodhas demat account! !!!!Am stuck ed. ..I asked her to recheck my demat I'd. She said my old demat account I'd and telling me it's zerodhas demat Id! !!!!how they employ these type of unknowns people for our help????She even not know the demat account name and I'd of zerodha.....
Then I called them again for any senior guy to talk....but they never connected it and disconnected phone.again called now I got one guy and complained about this things again.....This time he also answered same...I requested to recheck and asked him to clearly check the name of he got and assured me to call me back ...but he never called and sent me an mail mentioning I need to send the forms again! !!!what a he'll it is.....where is my forms which sent 2 months ago...which they received and got confirmation for it???????
I sent many mails and calls to you are busy in chaging softwares!!!!!!!

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