Kolkata Meet

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I would not be able to make it for this meet.
All the best to all of you ... with the quality of the crowd i hope there is no shortage of time. Asish x axis :). I hope you guys enjoy it, I would be awaiting the video of the meet.


Well-Known Member
its great to see SAINT.........PERSONALLY...........
BAD LUCK I SHALL GO BANGALORE TO MEET..........the greatest..........awe......we should not utter his name.
so i confirm.......with regards to all trade collegue
its great to see SAINT.........PERSONALLY...........
BAD LUCK I SHALL GO BANGALORE TO MEET..........the greatest..........awe......we should not utter his name.
so i confirm.......with regards to all trade collegue
Ah,Oilman.....pulling my legs big time there,my friend......looking fwd to meeting you,and shall do as suggested in your pm.

We'll try to sort out as much as we can.......coming on Sat Morning at an extremely early hour!!!If u r there on Sat ....we can discuss!If not,then Sunday!


renu daga

Well-Known Member

good i had assumed at least 50 half century!!

i would like if this agenda is added
comment by any senior member,,how to judge astcok when its bottom out
indiactors showing bottom out in stock,,,
think ,,,if time is adjusted for thistopic
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Re: Kolkata Meet(Lets take one step furthur)

Looking forward to the Meet. But here's a suggestion, don't u think guys, if v can come with our gadgets(laptops), discussion 'll be more Fruitful. Since my purpose to attend the meet, is to learn the Tricks of the Trade, So guys its a request to come out with some Notes of your Studies, your Set-ups, the tricks you use, n all yours Favourite Methods. Since our purpose is to learn new skills in the Meet, discussing our Methods with others n 'vng their Views, can help us in refing our Knowledge. Or hey guys, lets get one step furthur, Y not post anything in advance, like things u wanna discuss in the meet, your Methodologies, so dat evyone 'll 'v more time to go through b4 Sunday, n since everyone will be with their Home-work, it 'll take lesser time, n that way dicussion with be much more refined and lot more topics 'll be covered.

Loooking forward to your suggestions n feedbacks.




Re: Kolkata Meet(Lets take one step furthur)

Looking forward to the Meet. But here's a suggestion, don't u think guys, if v can come with our gadgets(laptops), discussion 'll be more Fruitful. Since my purpose to attend the meet, is to learn the Tricks of the Trade, So guys its a request to come out with some Notes of your Studies, your Set-ups, the tricks you use, n all yours Favourite Methods. Since our purpose is to learn new skills in the Meet, discussing our Methods with others n 'vng their Views, can help us in refing our Knowledge. Or hey guys, lets get one step furthur, Y not post anything in advance, like things u wanna discuss in the meet, your Methodologies, so dat evyone 'll 'v more time to go through b4 Sunday, n since everyone will be with their Home-work, it 'll take lesser time, n that way dicussion with be much more refined and lot more topics 'll be covered.

Loooking forward to your suggestions n feedbacks.


Our Forums time tested Methods of
a) Saint Live on his Pivot method;
b) Karthik 's MACD ;CD & via net;
c) Ashish's Pattern via net.

All these materials you will get in this Forum & there we can thrash our confusions,if any.Laptop / data / chart all will be there.


Plz post those specific things you want to discuss here:=
Kindly populate this list by to-morrow.

1) Renu, wants to know how can one know a stock has bottomed or not.
Hello ashis da and all senior members,

myself avijit,being a novice in stock market(only 8 months ),finding it very useful to be present in kolkata traderji meet , bcs we rayerly find this type of oppertunity to meet all the experienced and highly knowledgeble persons under the same roof at a time a sharing experience, methodology,technique and variety useful things to become succesful trader. in addition also i had taken a bold decission by quiting my job and devoting full time to trading 4 living:). so confirming my perticipation and eagerly waiting 2 meet all of u

name avijit das
coming from :kolkata
veg/n veg----- n veg
within 9.30 am

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