Sharekhan's Trade Tiger 2 Feedback Thread


Well-Known Member

i just took sharekhan platform yesterday
i have couple of questions

1.Lets say,NIFTY is trading around 4800 n i c support around 4780
now i want to place SELL order if it breaks resistance at 4772(lets say)
can i do that with limit order at 4772 ?
or if i place limit order the order will get executed at 4800

(I traded forex before with FXCM platform there u have entry order which allows u to do the above)
(i dont much about INDIAN platforms so pardon my silly question )


2. i cant c the world index's from sharekhan platform how to activate it?

can a senior please shed light on my doubt
thanks in advance !
1A)Tradetiger is a good platform.I use mainly for charting.I use another
platform for placing orders.So I can't answer your question but what
I can say is NEVER PUT MKT ODERS.(Mkt price-0)

2A) Customer care of SHAREKHAN is damn good.You can get the latest
information from them.Send an e-mail to them. (change _ to @).
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i just started to use TIGERTRADE
but to be very honest i m not too impressed by it :mad:

1 .i am seeing the trend lines does not get saved when u save the charts
(if someone knows if it is possible will suggest it to me)

2. there is no hourly charts beyond the 1 month limit which is not satisfactory
(again if it somehow possible please can someone tell me the procedure)

NOW i m thinking about AMIBROKER software
can someone tell me how much it costs?per year or per month
(i am not thinking about it just at this moment but in a few months )

ALSO with AMIBROKER is it possible to get MCX data??

if someone can suggest this answers i will be very grateful

thanks is advance !!


Well-Known Member
i just started to use TIGERTRADE
but to be very honest i m not too impressed by it :mad:

1 .i am seeing the trend lines does not get saved when u save the charts
(if someone knows if it is possible will suggest it to me)

2. there is no hourly charts beyond the 1 month limit which is not satisfactory
(again if it somehow possible please can someone tell me the procedure)

NOW i m thinking about AMIBROKER software
can someone tell me how much it costs?per year or per month
(i am not thinking about it just at this moment but in a few months )

ALSO with AMIBROKER is it possible to get MCX data??

if someone can suggest this answers i will be very grateful

thanks is advance !!
I am using TRADETIGER since inception and found very useful.

1A)In my threads ,I use charts captured by a software and if you
want to execute same set of conditions every day ,try LAYOUT option.

2A)In TT you have charts of last few years on daily basis.To be frank
asking Year chart on intraday basis is too much.You can ask last one week
charts on intraday basis.But SK is giving one Month on hourly basis.
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In trade tiger Is it possible to open multiple intra day charts while market is live and does the data show tick by tick.

In trade tiger Is it possible to open multiple intra day charts while market is live and does the data show tick by tick.

Yes, of course. Right click on your marketwatch and click on "Graphical View" and you will get six charts.

Alternately, in your marketwatch, select the scrip whose chart you want to see and then press Control+double click.


Well-Known Member
how to remove trend/free/horizontal line from the charts in TIGER TRADE :confused:
right click anywhere in the chart and choose "Remove All Tools". it will remove all.

for individual line, click on it and press "DELETE" key.
both end of line get square box if get clicked, by holding mouse click or/and stretching any side you can move, increase, decrease the length, position of line etc.

all above works in all TT versions.

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