New members: Please read this

Hello to all !
I have joined this forum today.I am really excited, as I love trading and discussing about trading.

I work in a limited company as a Manager quality.I am active trader / investor for last two years.


I want to share your experiance in trading of shares? you are doing intraday or future? what is the experiance? you are earner or looser in trade?

Hii friends,
i m a new entrant to this forum, basically interested in stock and commodity trading, also desirous of dabbling in futures and options. being a novice wud welcome tips and gud advises. after all v all wish to make money.:)
Hi praveen

It is never too late to appreciate any excellent work done with clear intention to help new and old members alike.

It is really selfless and wonderful job ,very very inspiring.

keep it up
Thanks Pankaj.

I found that the new members all needed some invaluable information from this forum to begin with. Although they all were present here at Traderji, there was no pointer to appropriate threads.

This thread was just a beginning to help them to some extend, and I'm glad it served the purpose.

Hii friends,
i m a new entrant to this forum, basically interested in stock and commodity trading, also desirous of dabbling in futures and options. being a novice wud welcome tips and gud advises. after all v all wish to make money.:)
Welcome to traderji.

You will get all the required information from this forum. Just browse/search through the forum.

All the best.

Dear traderji,

hello to the trader community.

I am new to T.A...and very happy to be associated with this group

with regards..........raj.
Good work praveen!!!

Best Rgds,
Hello Sethu,

Glad to see your first post.

As I'd said to you in our various discussions, pick and read those quality threads. Post any doubts you have in appropriate sections. You will get good replies.

All the best,
Dear traderji,

hello to the trader community.

I am new to T.A...and very happy to be associated with this group

with regards..........raj.
Welcome to Traderji, Raj.

I too was new to TA some 10 months back. Since then I'd learned a lot from this forum. I wish you too gain great knowledge from this forum.


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