Gold Trading !!!

Gold is going to be reliable for life. It is considered a treasure and is always a good idea to invest in! There was a dip earlier but now it's back on track. Go ahead and invest.


Active Member
What are some key factors that influence the price of gold in the global market?

Lots of factors, but primary determinants of supply and demand are real interest rate in major economies (this is cost of holding of gold), the level of uncertainty (political, economical, social etc.), central bank buying or selling (major gold market players) and mining rates by key global suppliers
Just buy and hold. History shows that Gold outperforms fiat due to accumulation of policy mistakes from those who controls monetary policy and this is enough to consider it a profitable investment.
How do you hold it ? Physical or demat ?
Just buy and hold. History shows that Gold outperforms fiat due to accumulation of policy mistakes from those who controls monetary policy and this is enough to consider it a profitable investment.
Thanks for the insight. Buying and holding gold can be a sound strategy, especially as a hedge against policy mistakes and economic uncertainties. However, to keep in mind to diversify portfolio and stay informed about market dynamics. It's essential to balance risk and reward on your investment.
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