General Trading Chat

Yeah thiese kind of expo's are for the marketing only
did you find any firm to be specific for the MF or put more efforts on MF's ?
No. No fund houses there. Not many exhibitors interested in MFs. But Fyers, Jainam and Upstox were knowledgeable and interested to talk about it.

Upstox said that there were soon going to come out with price alerts for MFs.

Edit : No one was thorough about the reports for MFs. I wanted transaction report, holdings report and dividend report, preferrably in unformatted excel format. None were sure about the reports they had. Everyone has the yearend tax reports.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thiese kind of expo's are for the marketing only
did you find any firm to be specific for the MF or put more efforts on MF's ?
Correct, very few new features .. they just want more crowd to start with their product.. mass market and no cutting edge.. no wonder 90% retail traders are in loss....:blackalien::blackalien:


Well-Known Member
Re-visited Finbridge expo for another short visit. Didn't go to the Algo stalls at all.

Of course the front desk people everywhere are hardcore salesmen, but -

- Fyers, Jainam, Upstox, ICICI, 5paisa, SMC were very receptive and had knowledgeable people in their stalls. Good depth of the goods. I wish there was more emphasis on MFs.

- Some educational and mentorship stalls looked good and efficient.

- Some stalls like Finvasia were clear enough not to waste the visitors' time with sales pitch, were straightforward enough to say that they mostly had sales people only. At least the visitor could better utilize his time elsewhere.

- A lot of stalls were there for hardcore marketing only.

A good trip, 2 trips, all in all.
Any benefits / takeaways... ?? the purpose of Finbridge expo was probably only for Algo stalls..
Edu and mentorship are dicey when the mentors P&L is not clear...


Well-Known Member
Went to the finbridge expo for about 2 hours. I would recommend it. Good exhibition.

A lot of Algo companies but none offers it alongwith tradingview. I don't understand much about it but there are a lot of companies offering multibroker platform with their algo software.

A few education companies, some B2B displays.

Good, would have been better if there was more emphasis on mutual funds too. This seemed overweight on algos which I don't understand.

May revisit tomorrow.
Had you seen the Algo section .. maybe we could have automated something to catch the big moves .. :DD:DD:DD
Any benefits / takeaways... ?? the purpose of Finbridge expo was probably only for Algo stalls..
Edu and mentorship are dicey when the mentors P&L is not clear...
Had you seen the Algo section .. maybe we could have automated something to catch the big moves .. :DD:DD:DD
Later that evening, a visitor told me that Finbridge always tries to promote the algos. I couldn't attend any seminars / lectures.

But it is a good meeting place to keep in touch with the industry.

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