General Trading Chat

Loss of sales in April- May is dangerous for housing finance companies. It means loss of interest for next 20 years...
People may defer their decision of taking housing loan and buying a house from April/May to next few months ...but that business is not lost for ever...people wont defer home buying decision for 20 years....

None have reported bad Q4 numbers, some have been better.
Pre-lockdown hardly any disruption. All started from 25-Mar, till then only mkts were tanking so not much of a diff to earnings.

Next Qtr results are actually going to be interesting for all Co.
Even Pharma which is flying high is reporting less sales in many non-respiratory covid related meds/equipment etc
Next quarter there may be a paradoxcial situation if lockdown easing continues. We may witness 3 things simultaneously - actual lockdown era results (past) vs revenge buying by the well-off (present) vs conservative spending due to lowered income shock by middle class (future). Short-term market direction may be decided on which of these three is accorded primacy.
Can anyone explain me how to find breakout?
I tried to find the answer on google but somehow I don't understand how that is applicable in today's ultratech cement's case

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