Free EOD analyzing software.

Hi friends,

I am happy to introduce you all this new free EOD analyzing software.

you can find this software in

This software will automatically download the nifty quotes and displays around 15 technical indicators in a single page, which is easy to scroll and compare between different indicators.

This software requires java runtime 6 which you can download for free in sun site.( i have provided link in the website of the software).

I have developed this software in my free time. Depending upon the response and feedback for this, i will continuously update the software with new features.

At present the software will display only the nifty EOD quotes.

I am anxious to see the response for this software.


I am happy to see many signing up and using my software.

I am interested to know users opinion.

As i told, this is only a begining. I have lot of features to be added in the future updates. So, It will be helpful for me if i have your feedback.

hi aenigo,

I am using you software regularly. I feel it easy to use and nice.

I sometimes come accross this problem.

When i launch it for the first time after a trading day, sometimes it shows the values as zero and the quotes selection box is empty. Then i looked into ur help page and deleted the file for that particular day and relaunched. Then it workis fine.

What i need to know is, why don't you fix this problem.

Rest of the things it is fine.
Dear faltub,

Please ensure whether you have installed Java Runtime Environment 6. You may be having older versions of java. You can download JRE6 from

If you have JRE6 already, once you launch the profitindicators software for the first time in your machine, it will download the EOD files for the past
300+ days which will be around 22MB. This may take few minutes depending your network connection.

When you launch it for the next day, it will download only the EOD file for that day which will be around 85KB and delete one old EOD file representing 300 days past. This will take only few seconds.

Then the software will launch immediately.

Also please try Internet explorer than other browsers.

If you are using JRE 6 and IE, still you face some problem or the software is not launching, Please tell me the specific problem, like you are not able to launch or after launching you are facing some problem.

It will be helpful for me to fix it immediately.

Awaiting the reply from you..



Well-Known Member
Dear Aenigo,
Sir when i click on launch another page open and thise message see on it( ProfitIndicators ProfitIndicators V1.0 is a free software for registered users of and full page is blank.So req further guid me how to launch the above said.
Awating ur kind reply.
Dear Faltub,

The software will not create any icon in you desktop. Each time you want to use the software, you need to login to the website and click the launch button.

The reason why i choosed this technology(Java Web Start Technology) instead of providing as an exe file and shortcut in your desktop is, I will be continously keep on adding new features and updating the software. To say, freequent updates. I dont want the users to again and again uninstall and install the program. When ever the user logins to the web site and launches the program the latest version will be launched. The user need not to bother about installing or uninstalling.

To answer your question on "it is not showing Nifty", at present i didn't include nift in the program. But please wait for some time. I will be including it very soon. One fine day you may suddenly see nifty in the program without reinstalling it :).

I am sorry, I didn't understand what you say by PIB icon. Can you please say me in detail about it.

Hope i answered you upto some extend.. :)

Dear Abhishek,

The problem you say usually will occur when you do not have the right version of Java in your system. You need to have Java Runtime Environment 6 (JRE 6) in your system. You can download and install this from the link below for free. This will be one time.

Also use Internet Explorer for better results than other browsers like Netscape or Opera...

Please let me know if i can further assistance you.
Its my pleasure...

Best Regards,


Well-Known Member
Dear Aenigo,
Thank for quick reply, ya i downloaded sucssefully , its a nice one , you are did very hard-work !! THANKS ONES AGAIN .
*** Abhishek.
Dear niftylegend,

I am updating the software so that downloading EOD data will be without any problem. I will probably complete it in a week.

Hi friends,

I am happy to introduce you all this new free EOD analyzing software.

you can find this software in

This software will automatically download the nifty quotes and displays around 15 technical indicators in a single page, which is easy to scroll and compare between different indicators.

This software requires java runtime 6 which you can download for free in sun site.( i have provided link in the website of the software).

I have developed this software in my free time. Depending upon the response and feedback for this, i will continuously update the software with new features.

At present the software will display only the nifty EOD quotes.

I am anxious to see the response for this software.

Thanks a lot. It looks like a very useful software. Thanks a lot for sharing this superb software with us. God bless you.

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