Day Trading Stocks & Futures


Well-Known Member
ha ha
not necessary many in this forum know it for sure, and might be with dates
but point is will many other here be able to digest that "what next"
or make fun of it, as always :DD
The ones who know it dont share it, so others are not aware that they know it.
Mostly they say... things like... I KNEW IT .. and I told you so .. :):)


Well-Known Member
The ones who know it done share it, so others are not aware that they know it.
Mostly they say... things like... I KNEW IT .. and I told you so .. :):)
its ok to anticipate but we should not be rigid with our view. in order to be not caught up with our view, we define until what price we are still correct with our anticipation. this again translates to how much loosing average will you be able to take.
The ones who know it done share it, so others are not aware that they know it.
Mostly they say... things like... I KNEW IT .. and I told you so .. :):)
ha ha
thats called boasting eod, or after the event
many here of this category also,
who will post like this only, even without posting a line earlier, or posting something unclear (read both directions)
In crude I got the direction wrong, and the trade hit SL. My directive says no more trades for this week. I tied my hands to the chair as I donot believe my instinct. After one hour the bug bit me, I opened another trade which is still pending trigger.
What a Gambler I am? I donot want to see red in my positions area.
Overtrading..overtrading....overtrading.(Pull Up.....Pull Up......Pull Up......terrain ahead....Flight may crash)

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