Day Trading Stocks & Futures


Well-Known Member
re: Day trading Nifty & Banknifty Futures

Pawan is watching us on traderji. :D

As soon as, I have posted here, he posted just TODAY [23 rd] with date of 21 st Sep [following quote]. So he is not saying the truth. I believe there is no customers too. :rofl:

21 Sep - Recharged myself in weekend, And I am back to trade, Paper trading will not help. Dont want to miss further signals due to paper trading . We are short from 5950 today with the real money :)

So Pawan is a fraud star (in his tips). Better ignore such person. And don't pay him [or anyone fraud star] for tips. Take care of your money.

Dude ..why you criticising a person...those person go after a tip provider..they will go anyway..if the person is not pawan then someone else will take there money and give them 'tips' to become millionaire in 2 months
re: Day trading Nifty & Banknifty Futures

Dude ..why you criticising a person...those person go after a tip provider..they will go anyway..if the person is not pawan then someone else will take there money and give them 'tips' to become millionaire in 2 months
I hate tips providerS who claim they are successful trader and can predict the market with their so called system. :annoyed:

Real Successful Traders never give tips. Only fraud stars give tips. We must protest against such bad persons whenever possible, who claim to be a TRADER. :mad:

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