ALL IS WELL in Trading - Toshi's Trading Diary


Active Member

Nifty did several attempts in crossing the 5650 level but failed. 5615-20 is acting like immediate support.
Still holding NF (Apr) Short @5685 since yesterday. CMP is 5670.

Closed the open position in 5600 PE at 66.8 (Avg).
Bought 5700 CE @ 85 for hedging my NF Short position
Sold 5700 CE contracts @85, during Nifty's last attempt on crossing 5650 level 3pm.

lost 0.3% of margin on 5600 PE trade.
Net margin up by 0.9% :thumb::thumb:


Active Member

Nifty successfully pulled back from 5600-5620 level and closed above 5660. It may result in a short term bullishness and will look for a suitable entry point on monday to go long, if it manages to stay above 5660. Target will be 5760-5780.

Lets see.. Happy weekend to all :clap::clap:


Active Member

Nifty managed to stay above 5680, and closed above 5700.
Holding long in NF @5718, target in nifty spot is 5760. CMP = 5721.

Relcapital has taken support at 300, and in short term uptrend now. CMP is 320. Next target is at 340, then 350.
Holding 320 CE @18, CMP = 17.5

Open positions

Nifty Fut @5718, CMP = 5721
Relcapital 320 CE @ 18, CMP = 17.50

All IS WELL.. :thumb::thumb:


Active Member

Nifty managed to stay above 5680, and closed above 5700.
Holding long in NF @5718, target in nifty spot is 5760. CMP = 5721.
Still holding the long in Nifty future. Next target is 5780 on spot. :thumb:

Relcapital has taken support at 300, and in short term uptrend now. CMP is 320. Next target is at 340, then 350.
Holding 320 CE @18, CMP = 17.5
Exited the 320 CE @20.00, In last 30 min, RELCAPITAL surges to its target of 340. My bad luck, I exited it early.. It could have given the 20% gain on my net margin in one day :D :D

Net margin up by 5.4%.

Open position
Nifty Fut @5718, CMP = 5765.

ALL IS WELL :thumb:


Active Member
Open position
Nifty Fut @5718, CMP = 5765.
exited the long in NF @5740. Profit of 22 points. But the profit points vanished on the Nifty 5800 CE and Reliance 800CE holdings.

Today i committed one serious mistake and that was even if my system had given exit calls, i continued to hold these contracts with upmove anticipation.

Along with the mistake, i missed the fall in last hour too, i did not wanna chase the market, but as if its teasing me, it just kept on falling :D:D

Anyway, closed the day with frustration and with a loss too, where with little bit of discipline it could have been a great day to end in green.. :(

Nifty.. See you tomorrow.. :thumb:
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