Top 10 trading losses & how they happened : Time Magazine, May 2012


Well-Known Member
In this case the losses of J.P Morgan would have been the profits of other big fishes and not retail investors since the trades were complex derivatie instruments that are beyond the domain of retail investors. Besides each trade would be atleast a couple of millions of dollars.

Subsequent to the disclosure of the losses, the stock of J.P Morgan has lost of 20 Billion dollars, which again would have hit many investors, unfortunately.

So were these looses gone? to another winner right when big boys lost then its small fishes shared them across right, so billions are made from trading as well
Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme does not qualify here, is it? Well, he was supposed to trade and he did not. He made investors lose US$50 billion, the figure is questionable though, and if qualified would have occupied the top slot!


Well-Known Member
That's an interesting observation. However for the purpose of this subject the list pertains to 'investment losses' What Bernie Madoff did was fraud, though his investors did loose capital.

Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme does not qualify here, is it? Well, he was supposed to trade and he did not. He made investors lose US$50 billion, the figure is questionable though, and if qualified would have occupied the top slot!