Interesting . . .
This seems to be a 7 year old document, from 2012,
so the current system must be on its 8th or 10th version
Anyway . .
Not able to put in time to code the full system,
but here is a quicky exploration code for filtering the best candidate ..
// As per the document
// Set the exploration to 30 Mins TF
// Use filter on 'Apply To' to set your universe of instruments to explore
// Use Range as 1 recent day(s)
// Run the exploration around 9.40 AM on 30 minutes time frame,
// you will have your list to start trading the 2nd 30 minutes bar.
// AvgDailyRange(30) / StDev(30)
TrueRange = ATR(30);
SmplRange = MA(H-L,30);
FQN = SmplRange/StDev(Close,30); //Can also use TrueRange/StDev(Close,30);
Filter=1; // can filter here instead of 'Apply To'
AddColumn(FQN, "FQN" );
SetSortColumns( -3 );