Stocks Performance Monitor - A Portfolio Managment tool

Hello Friends and fellow Boarders,

I have been working on developing a software to monitor the performance of your stocks in current market and to and maintaining your portfolio.

This tool address the need to record transaction of stock market and to serve many other essential requirements like creating and maintaining watch list and getting charts with a single click of mouse.

I named my software “Stocks Performance Monitor”.

Following are few unique features of this software:

1. An offline Portfolio Management tool (Excel based).

2. Record your buy and sell transaction and maintain your Portfolio.

3. Update real-time quotes from Yahoo finance and display Profit/Loss real-time.

4. Calculate and display total change in your portfolio (in Rs.) since start of trading session.

5. All Profit/Loss are calculated considering Brokerage and taxes (even sell time brokerage i.e. this is the net amount you’ll gain or lose if you sell it at current rate).

6. Customizable brokerage % to suit any Brokerage house.

7. Auto update quote at any specified interval (e.g. 15 sec, 30 sec).

8. Get intraday charts as well as daily chart for any desired period (1 day to 5 years).

9. Import/Export Transactions (you can import your earlier transaction in given format).

10. Symbol lookup feature to find NSE/BSE symbol.

11. Create and maintain watch list (updates every 15 sec by default).

12. Issues Alerts when any of watch list stock achieve desired Buy/Sell price.

Along with many other useful features which I am sure you all like it.
You can download it from my webpage

Keep watching this webpage for updates.

Please oblige me with your Expert Comments and feedback.

Gaurav Varshney
[email protected]
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Dear justvarshney;

As u said this is a trial copy, please tell us what will be the cost of this software after trial expiry.
Is dividend, bonus /split, mulitple buy/sell of same stock will be recorded?

Hello Gre06,
As of now this software is open for Feedback and Suggestions from Senior and experienced members. Please feel free to use it and let me know the areas of improvement.

I have not decided on Cost of this tool but it'll be very minimal.

you'll not loose any of your work on this tool as it has Import/Export feature. so you can export your transaction recorded on Trial version and import in later versions.

Yes, this has a feature of multiple buy/sell of same stock, for Split and Bonus you need to manually add transaction of equal number of shares with 0 buy price.

It doesn't have facility to record Dividends yet but I am planning to implement in later releases.

Also I am working on preparing User Manual for this tool which I'll post here as soon as it is complete.

Hope to get your valuable feedback and suggestions.

Gaurav Varshney
Dear justvarshney;

It has been noticed that if not connected to Internet the excel workbook -welcome sheet - flickers continuously.
Does it needs always Internet "ON"? Is there any way to stop flickering?

Hello Mr Gre06,
Thanks for bringing it to my notice... I have not encountered such thing as I have cable Internet connection which is always ON... I'll test it offline and fix the issue ASAP.

I really appreciate your interest in this software.. Do let me know if you need more assistance.. my messenger ID id justvarshney (both Yahoo and gmail)

Gaurav Varshney
Hello Guys,
I have updated the latest copy of Stocks Performance Monitor (SPM_v1.1.2.xls). There are several modification and features added.

Kindly visit my Page @ to download fresh copy.

P.S. This is a Trial copy and will Expire on 31st Dec. But I am in a process to extend it till indefinate time. you'll not loose any data by switching to latest copy (you need to export transaction and import them in new copy using buttons at Welcome screen)

Do let me know your suggestions and comments.

Gaurav Varshney
[email protected]


Well-Known Member
Hi Gaurav,

The link for download is still displayed as Beta Version 1.1.0 but actually it points to the newer version correctly. Just to avoid confusion, please update the link text to correct version number.



Thanks so much for the software.I downloaded it today.I agree,I am bit confused at the first look.I think it will be easy after spending some time on it.
Once again thanks so much for the nice work.

Hey SG..
I am assuming you are using the latest copy of SPM... Did you reduce the Macro security level to Low (go to tools-->Macro-->security and set it to low).
Also can you please tell me what Office version you are using..?

you can catch me on gmail messenger as [email protected]

Gaurav Varshney