Self Help & Misc. Instresting Stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2013
Yep, Sharlatic, TP, Answer is right....

Incidentally, the remaining two puzzles are much more easier.... If you get the key.....

Tip (No calculations required)


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2013
Marcel Proust, The great French writer had said : The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Quoting the same in context of the puzzle - to look at it differently.....

Here's the key, and getting this insight, this puzzle or each of 1,000's of similar ones can be solved in no more than a second or two. Just try reading the numbers in each line loudly.... and you will know the answer for the puzzle is 4.

A part of Mensa puzzle to 'time pass' during the weekend.....



Nov 3, 2010
Idhar ich, aur kidhar?
Marcel Proust, The great French writer had said : The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Quoting the same in context of the puzzle - to look at it differently.....

Here's the key, and getting this insight, this puzzle or each of 1,000's of similar ones can be solved in no more than a second or two. Just try reading the numbers in each line loudly.... and you will know the answer for the puzzle is 4.

didn't get it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2013


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2013
Getting to know to your mind - Sogyal Rinpoche

Why is it so important to work with and understand our own mind?

Because the real source of happiness and well-being lies within our mind, and not in the unpredictable and ever-changing conditions of the outside world. Our restless and impatient minds are quick to make endless judgments and concepts about everything in terms of what we like, what we don’t like, and what we don’t really care about at all. We think, “I like this,” and feel attachment or desire for it, or we think, “I don’t like that,” and we experience aversion, pain or fear towards it. We crave things we don’t have, fear losing what we do have, and get depressed at having lost other things. As our minds get tighter and tighter, we feel increasing excitement or pain, and find ourselves caught in an endless cycle of dissatisfaction. In the end, we spend half of our life chasing after what we like and want, and the other half of our life running away from what we don’t want to encounter. This is what the Buddha called dukkha—suffering.

Simple logic

The teachings of the Buddha are based on straightforward logic and reasoning. If we want to end suffering, we need to eliminate the causes of suffering. Likewise, if we want happiness, we need to cultivate its causes. These teachings were not given for the sake of being profound, but as a way to help us understand what actually happens to us, and how we can change it. The Buddha explained that anxiety, fears and suffering come from minds that are overpowered by delusion and distraction. But if we can tame the mind, then nothing can frighten us, because all fear comes from a mind that is untamed. To put it simply, in order to tame our mind we need to understand what the mind is and investigate how it works.

Mind is the most important factor

Investigating the mind doesn’t mean we need to make drastic changes to the way we live. It means recognizing how our mind is the most important factor in all the activities of our everyday life, and how it is ultimately responsible for everything we experience. In order to have mastery over our own lives and be able to help others effectively, we need to understand the reality of our mind and the nature of all our thoughts, emotions and mental attitudes. Most people think of the mind as being thoughts and emotions, but these are actually just the appearance of the mind, not the true nature of the mind itself. So, we have these two main aspects of the mind:

—the appearance of mind,

—and the nature of mind.

We spend most of our lives lost in the appearance of mind, without any understanding of the nature of mind itself. We are always looking for our true selves outside of ourselves, in our thoughts and emotions. So, we are constantly looking in the wrong direction—as if we were facing the west and looking for the sunrise. Or, as the famous saying goes, leaving our elephant at home and looking for its footprints in the forest. We give so much importance to these appearances, the projections of mind. Whatever thoughts or emotions rise, we let them sweep us away and off into a spiral of stories and illusions, which we take so seriously, we end up not only believing, but becoming as well.

Our potential for transformation

It is not the appearances themselves that are the problem—it is how the mind perceives them, grasps at them, and tries to solidify them as if they were real. Therefore, in the Buddhist teachings, the main advice for this life is to purify our projections of the mind and realize the nature of mind. The good news is that this is possible. As the Dalai Lama has pointed out: “A great Tibetan teacher of mind training once remarked that one of the mind’s most marvellous qualities is that it can be transformed.” Through the practice of meditation, we can tame our mind by becoming more and more familiar with the essence of mind. When we conquer our own minds, we become master of our perceptions. When we transform our perceptions, then even appearances will begin to change. Ultimately, through taming our mind, we can arrive at the profound purity of the nature of mind, that great peace which the Buddha spoke of at the moment of his enlightenment over 2,500 years ago in India, beneath the Bodhi tree in what is now known as Bodhgaya.

Calm Mind : Video link :


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2013
Staff Selection Commission has issued notice on 13.02.2016 for conducting exam on Sundays 08th and 22nd MAY 2016 for filling up different categories of posts in various Ministries/ Departments/Organisations in Central Government. The minimum educational qualification is any degree and age limit 18-27 years. Salary for these post is minimum Rs. 45,000/- at present and it going to be revised shortly.

Details available in (click link).**

Do advise your family, relatives or friends to apply for the above exam immediately if of interest. Last date for submission of application is 14th Mar.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2013
Some tit-bits for reflection on the weekend :

An arrow can reach its target when it's pulled back. So when life drags you back with difficulties, obstacles and challenges, it means that it is providing you the impetus to reach your goal. Just stay focused and keep moving forward - Unknown

To find a solution to a problem, you need to work backwards..... If you don't like the results, you must change your actions. In order to change your actions, you must first change your thoughts. And in order to change your thoughts, you must change your beliefs. The reason so many people don't get anywhere in life is because they focus on the symptom and not the cause. To get different results, you must start from the root, not from the fruit – Chris Widener

The biggest loss, is the loss of battle in your own mind - Unknown

You can go through the routines of life and let destiny reveal itself to you. Or else, you can choose your destiny and create a path to meet it - Unknown


9 Lessons Life Taught Me - Marc Chernoff

Time : Time passes quickly, and if you’re lucky enough, you’ll live long enough to marvel at the memories. If you remember walking past a park where you used to play with your friends when you were a child, it will bring up beautiful memories, that passed away too quickly. So always cherish those you have now. One day, they too will become a faded memory of life.

Love : Appreciate the people who are there in your life, who love and support you. They will not be around always. If you want to be happy in life, it is best to enjoy the little things together, while also ignoring the little things that irritate. Afterall, as humans, nobody is perfect.

Meaning : The single most important thing in life is what it all means to you. Life doesn’t come prepackaged with this meaning ; you create it. Whatever good or bad comes your way, you can always give these events meaning by transforming them into positive lessons and reflections.

Judgment : It’s impossible to know exactly how another person is feeling or what kind of emotional battles they’re fighting. Sometimes the widest smiles hide the inner lonliness, fear, pain and doubt. Remember, every smile or sign of strength may hide an inner struggle every bit as complex and extraordinary as your own.

Confusion : Sometimes you will have thoughts about yourself that even you can’t fully comprehend. But they run through your mind. Where do they come from? Perhaps they’re fragments of who you used to be or of who you thought you once were. If you could read the minds of other people, including those whom you love and admire, you’d overhear thoughts that are constructive as well as some that are destructive and confused. The key is to how we all deal with them. Maybe they’re a part of who we were. Maybe they’re part of an old mindset that we need to let go of. Regardless, they’re not part of who we ARE today – which is why we will eventually work through them, rise above them, and be perfectly OK in the long run.

Regret : Lost opportunities, chances you didn’t take, feelings you can never get back. That’s part of what it means to be alive. It’s frustrating when you realize you’ve missed a good opportunity. Although you can’t go back and change the past, you can choose to learn from your mistake and transform your regret for this missed opportunity to seize the next good opportunity that comes your way.

Anger and Resentment : Holding on to resentment and anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. If you feel and angry resentful feelings starting to take hold, stop and consider the fact that there’s nothing to be gained by bringing yourself down over what has already happened. Stop letting the past haunt or hurt you and ruin your present. Let today be the day you stop poisoning yourself with needless anger and hatred. Forget about getting even with someone who hurt you, and instead think of ways to get even and connect with the people who are important in your life and those who make you feel positive and good about yourself.

Adversity : You have an immeasurable power within yourself to make positive changes in your life. When something is troubling you, make a commitment to change it. Don’t sit around in awe of how unhappy you are and at how unfairly life is treating you. A positive reaction is yours to make. The past is always unchangeable. The future depends on your decisions and actions in this moment. Act now and take control of your life.


And finally :

A woman visited her parents' home.

When she opened the refrigerator, she found a picture of a supermodel in a short dress.

Lady: Mom, what's this?

Mom: Oh, I put up that picture, which reminds me not to over eat.

Lady: Is it working?

Mom: Yes and No.

Lady : Means ?

Mom: I've lost 9 kg's but your dad has gained 12 kg's..! :lol::lol::lol:


One more....

It is said that Husband is the head of the family, then what's wife?

Wife is the neck of the family, which can turn the head anywhere :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2013

(From mail fw. - as received)

Corporate hospitals are paying a salary of one and half lakh per month to their doctors. But they have monthly targets. the target condition for them to remain in job is that, they have to write tests and and scans worth 3 lakhs and trap 25 patients for surgery every month. This is not happening in charity hospitals. In many hospitals, unwanted surgeries and risky premature cataract surgeries are being carried out. One has to be fearful of corporate hospitals. If you show your medical card or if you say " Doctor, don't bother about expense, please save the life " to a corporate doctor, you are gone. If they terrify you and do not give time to think, you should become alert. A genuine doctor will talk encouragingly and don't terrify you. You can ask your family doctor or a friendly doctor to visit the patient as a visitor and take a second opinion before plunge into corporate hands

*If you or your family have been advised a surgery or a medical procedure and if you are confused about the medical options for you, then call at 70266 46022 or send your medical reports at medical@medisense dot me or visit medisensehealth dot com. They will get you a second opinion from an expert doctors panel. It is a free service for patients.

This free service for patients is available in 21 cities in India which includes Mumbai, Chennai, Mangalore, Bangalore, Hyderabad etc.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2012
Strictly speaking, puzzle number 2 with ABC has multiple answers. Basically, it's 3 equations, 3 unknowns but without mathematical operators. 125 is the answer if you add individual rows and columns.

The answer is different if you multiply rows and columns (A=3, B=3.333, C=3.741). Likewise, you can use a host of mathematical functions and come up with different but valid answers.

The easiest of course is addition :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2012

(From mail fw. - as received)

Corporate hospitals are paying a salary of one and half lakh per month to their doctors. But they have monthly targets. the target condition for them to remain in job is that, they have to write tests and and scans worth 3 lakhs and trap 25 patients for surgery every month. This is not happening in charity hospitals. In many hospitals, unwanted surgeries and risky premature cataract surgeries are being carried out. One has to be fearful of corporate hospitals. If you show your medical card or if you say " Doctor, don't bother about expense, please save the life " to a corporate doctor, you are gone. If they terrify you and do not give time to think, you should become alert. A genuine doctor will talk encouragingly and don't terrify you. You can ask your family doctor or a friendly doctor to visit the patient as a visitor and take a second opinion before plunge into corporate hands

*If you or your family have been advised a surgery or a medical procedure and if you are confused about the medical options for you, then call at 70266 46022 or send your medical reports at medical@medisense dot me or visit medisensehealth dot com. They will get you a second opinion from an expert doctors panel. It is a free service for patients.

This free service for patients is available in 21 cities in India which includes Mumbai, Chennai, Mangalore, Bangalore, Hyderabad etc.
Thanks for the info, absolutely agree that 2nd opinion is a must now and im saying that from personal experience. Esp in emergency cases they will terrorize you so much like its now or never.. surgery is done for what could have been done with few tablets and proper rest.
Look at the rise in number of cesareans, hospitals make more money in cesareans than normal birth. One of my relatives chose to hide that his office is gng to bear expenses of child birth.

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