Pivot Trading- a new way of Trading


In persuit of financial independence.
Hmmm.. that means my exit was delayed. i hav to improve a lot:)

I would have exited at the top of last green candle because it was a known pivot level(scroll further to the left in you chart):clapping:


Well-Known Member
Subhadeep ,

I have a question regarding Exits with Rally and Decline .Posted is below is short trade for Crude ,As per Rally Decline 2 bar concept ,Decline Ended on break of High of Bar 2,But the moment i exited their was a sharp Decline .

Please advice am i right in my approach or missing something.

Subhadeep ,

I have a question regarding Exits with Rally and Decline .Posted is below is short trade for Crude ,As per Rally Decline 2 bar concept ,Decline Ended on break of High of Bar 2,But the moment i exited their was a sharp Decline .

Please advice am i right in my approach or missing something.

I think filter could save you at that time but not always.
suppose if u saved at that time then in later part where will u exit...?:D
If profit taking in a strong up move is being discussed,in case of such sustained,strong and steep up moves (or down moves),take part of the profits by trailing at low (or high )of each successively higher bars.This helps in running the profits as well as taking most of it.

So take most of your profits when the low of small red bar at the top (in Tata steel chart posted above) is cracked.



Learner and Follower
I would have exited at the top of last green candle because it was a known pivot level(scroll further to the left in you chart):clapping:
hi, :confused: :confused: pls show chart.. how did u identify top?

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