ODIN/***** realtime data to Amibroker, Metastock, Fcharts, Excel & txt with Backfill

Re: ODIN/***** realtime data to Amibroker, Metastock, Fcharts, Excel & txt with Backf

After re-reading all posts in this thread i find only two freaks PRA and KILLERDON99 were posting rubbish and hurting comments against Loganathan sir that with intention de-moralize his EXCELLENT work

Intention to promote "DATAFETCHERS". As i have seen PRA recommending datafechers and after reasearch i found KILLERDON99 as member of datafechers y.ah.oo group. Both doing with Intention stop good work of Loganathan sir, as it effects datafechers directly

I even suspect PRA and KILLERDON99 are id used by same person with bad intention. As i know DATAFECHERS provide PATHETIC services for his softwares. If we compare datafechers with chartsdata, chartsdata 10 times better software than datafechers. As i think these freaks from datafechers wanted to get these software so that they can sell there product.

In this above post it shows clearly the intention of Killerdon99 is obtain source code so that he(or datafechers) can sell others work in his name.

"PRA" words rubbish & etc and insulting Loganathan sir is bad taste in the
community. I can go on on about both these datafechers members

I request Traderji (super moderator) outright ban of these members on the following grounds

1 -As there against morals of the community.
2 -As there asking for crack of copyrighted software
3 -As there adversting the product (datafechers)
4 -As they are insulting are Loganathan sir who doing good work

Pls traderji take earliest action against these datafechers crap


Pra & killerdon is different member. Pl, clarify me following quaries--

Loganathan has introduced this thread with very good intention for help other members. But he wants to use his programme for limited period. ??? After several request to him directly his mail box as well as in this forum (pl, read my previos all posts) to reply minimum but he did not do this. As a thred introducer, it is very accepted from his end because his main target to help other members . After hopless remarks by me, he had appeared immediately.

I cardialy expected from his end to extened the time limitaion till original version come (pl, read my old msgs from here) because his intention is to help members.?????? -- But he does not do this or don't come to forum to reply the status.

Before any commitment to me, pl , follow my all old posts & you judge --- am i wrong?

After, loganathan appear , i have responded immediatly. This utility available Datafetchers, Investbulls etc but price is not berable from me, thats why i have requested several posts here as well as his maill box to get reply. Again, he did not appeared . Is it acceptable from the thread generator? ---?????????

Hope, i clarify my views.


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Re: ODIN/***** realtime data to Amibroker, Metastock, Fcharts, Excel & txt with Backf

from Loganathan K <[email protected]>
to Uma Shankar Ladha <.com>

dateWed, Nov 26, 2008 at 11:59 AM
subjectRe: I have cracked the chartsdata application

11:59 AM (1 minute ago) Reply

Hi Uma Shankar Ladha,

Great to see that you have cracked (really????!!!... ) my software and really appreciate on informing me.

Yes, i knew a few can crack any type of softwares in this earth as you can find those peoples in the web world running a lot of free-serial-crack websites. Mine is just an ordinary tool and it has few limitations and haven't implemented much security restrictions. But cracking doesn't mean success, it is like torturing the developer by pinning him with knives and cutting his throat atlast.

The reason for evaluation version is - i knew that the software has a lot of limitations and members want to try it out theirselves before releasing the original version. I don't want my versions to run around with errors (no onne like their errorneous versions coz it will turn them down sometime later) and that is the reason i released it as an evaluation version.

I am really interested how you had cracked my software and i don't mind releasing it to the public as i am not going to release my original version anyhow and not going to share how i did it.

Instead of coming out and get hanged, let me stay inside the dark cave. There are peoples waiting outside eagerly to know the crack, let them be happy on seeing this.

Best wishes Uma.


On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Uma Shankar Ladha <.com> wrote:

- Hide quoted text -
Hi Loganathan,

I know that you have invested a lot of his time in developing this utility and his anger is justifiable. I had earlier requested you to kindly (if possible) share his technology on how to get data from ODIN.

But because of the errors of few, the many innocent others are getting punished. Hence I thought I would find a crack for it for my personal use. I have found a crack for the utility developed by you. It has the same errors (obviously) which was there in the earlier version. For proof, I have attached the snapshot of the running chartsdata utility.

But right now I am not uploading it here or anywhere. There are two things on my mind,

I would request you to kindly share this technology, so that it can be built further. I am a software engineer and I am really interested in the method of getting data from ODIN.

Right now I am not thinking of sharing this with anybody. I am again requesting you to please let me know the technology. Let me know what are your thoughts.

Let me know if you are interested in the crack.

-- Uma Shankar Ladha

Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation ... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.
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Well-Known Member
Re: ODIN/***** realtime data to Amibroker, Metastock, Fcharts, Excel & txt with Backf

loganathan, can you please hide my mail id in your post... Its fine...
Shame on you man , some body did effort and made software by working day and night and after that he shared here and what u gave in return CRACK ,

if u can crack any thing than why not crack data fetchers software or investbulls one , those are even error free


Well-Known Member
Re: ODIN/***** realtime data to Amibroker, Metastock, Fcharts, Excel & txt with Backf

I have never used this software nor am likely to use it now, but am drawn into this thread for it's recent activity .

It is a case of technology Vs values.

I wish, ladha will share the weakness of the security of the program to techdump and to none else to enable him to enhance the security features.

Cracking is a very honorable hobby as far as the findings are shared with the developer to enhance security. Reputed companies employ crackers to find the weaknesses of their systems. It is a profession which should be adopted by persons of great integrity.

In this forum, there are many developers who shared many great software for free and a few charged a small amounts for the midnight oil burnt by them. Either is OK.

I hope all concerned will raise to their own moral standards to make development an on-going process.

Re: ODIN/***** realtime data to Amibroker, Metastock, Fcharts, Excel & txt with Backf

I am sorry techdump for my words, i didnt say those words to hurt u but to get reply since u were not replying.:(

When i requested for the crack i dont thought some would crack your software since i have also tried crack but failed (newbie in cracking)

But UMAJI your excellent software enginner and excellent person in the sense u first communcaited u developer about crack

Shame on you man , some body did effort and made software by working day and night and after that he shared here and what u gave in return CRACK ,

if u can crack any thing than why not crack data fetchers software or investbulls one , those are even error free
I have never used this software nor am likely to use it now, but am drawn into this thread for it's recent activity .

It is a case of technology Vs values.

I wish, ladha will share the weakness of the security of the program to techdump and to none else to enable him to enhance the security features.

Cracking is a very honorable hobby as far as the findings are shared with the developer to enhance security. Reputed companies employ crackers to find the weaknesses of their systems. It is a profession which should be adopted by persons of great integrity.

In this forum, there are many developers who shared many great software for free and a few charged a small amounts for the midnight oil burnt by them. Either is OK.

I hope all concerned will raise to their own moral standards to make development an on-going process.

Devangan ji & Murthymsr ji there is nothing shamefully or immoral in using cracks.
If is moral tell me how many persons in this group are using Original Metastock, Amibroker, Fcharts and etc. I am damm sure very less people would be using original trading software( 1 or 2% in our forum). I am 200% sure that even our developers (UMAji and Techdump) would be using cracked trading softwares.

Everyone uses one cracked i didnt any person using 100% original softwares in his pc. The person using 100% original softwares must be.................................... BILL GATES hahaha .........lol
I mean he must very rich.

I even say Murthymsrji pls check u may also find pirated softwares in your computer.

Crackers are not bad person there r like ROBINHOOD who take from have's and give to haven't. Crackers r very good persons as they do it free where as developer generally get paid for his software.

from Loganathan K <[email protected]>
to Uma Shankar Ladha <.com>

dateWed, Nov 26, 2008 at 11:59 AM
subjectRe: I have cracked the chartsdata application

11:59 AM (1 minute ago) Reply

Hi Uma Shankar Ladha,

Great to see that you have cracked (really????!!!... ) my software and really appreciate on informing me.

Yes, i knew a few can crack any type of softwares in this earth as you can find those peoples in the web world running a lot of free-serial-crack websites. Mine is just an ordinary tool and it has few limitations and haven't implemented much security restrictions. But cracking doesn't mean success, it is like torturing the developer by pinning him with knives and cutting his throat atlast.

The reason for evaluation version is - i knew that the software has a lot of limitations and members want to try it out theirselves before releasing the original version. I don't want my versions to run around with errors (no onne like their errorneous versions coz it will turn them down sometime later) and that is the reason i released it as an evaluation version.

I am really interested how you had cracked my software and i don't mind releasing it to the public as i am not going to release my original version anyhow and not going to share how i did it.

Instead of coming out and get hanged, let me stay inside the dark cave. There are peoples waiting outside eagerly to know the crack, let them be happy on seeing this.

Best wishes Uma.

Loganathan .

Umaji pls share crack to the forum as even Techdump is ok if u share the crack with us and help small traders like me. I am happy to use software that has bugs since i am getting using for free.

It is like using a freeware with limited features, for pro version u pay something. Since techdump is not selling his original version , we have no choice but to use limited version.:D

Re: ODIN/***** realtime data to Amibroker, Metastock, Fcharts, Excel & txt with Backf

thanks I am abiginner and a novice having lost considerably. Eagerly look forword for atool I can understand and apply.
Re: ODIN/***** realtime data to Amibroker, Metastock, Fcharts, Excel & txt with Backf

I have odin software ,but i dont have metastock ...can anyone provide the link to download metastock software.. thanks.

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