My trades based on "new way of pivot trading" and vwap


Well-Known Member
Ok. Here it is. You can delete Bollinger band code if you don't like it.

_SECTION_BEGIN("Bollinger Bands");
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 20, 2, 300, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorCycle );
Style = ParamStyle("Style");
Plot( BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 
Plot( BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 

a = BBandTop( C,20);
b = BBandBot( C, 20 );


Colors = IIf(buy, colorYellow, IIf(sell, colorRed, colorPaleGreen)); 
Plot(Close, "Price", Colors, styleCandle | styleThick);


r = RSIa(OBV(),21);
Buy= r>50;
Sell= r<50;

Color =IIf(Buy,colorBlue,IIf(Sell,colorred,colorPaleGreen));
Plot(Close, "Price", Color, styleCandle | styleThick);

shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ), 0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) );
GraphXSpace = 5;

// TerryH - [email protected] 3/9/2012
// Move AvgPrice computation before the loop so it's only done ONCE in an array.
// Replace SetBarsRequired with only computing visible bars...back to the start of the oldest time period even if it's "off screen".
// These 2 changes make it run in 1/12th the time. No doubt database dependent on how much time is saved.// VWAP code that also plots 3 standard deviations.
// I think more savings is possible, but will take a harder look to find.

// NOTE: the code is SLOOOOWWWW...can someone help speed it up?
// I tried my best, but can't really do much with the two for-loops...
// LarryJR - [email protected]

_TRACE( "!CLEAR!" );		//For trouble-shooting

//PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Price", colorDefault, styleCandle );

//Just do this once as an array. Saves 40% the compute time from ~ 1 second to ~ .6 seconds
AvgPrice = ( O + H + L + C ) / 4;	

// Store true/false based on a new calendar day...
// Added Weekly, Monthly breaks. 
// Also for futures, need to add break at new trading Day, which is NOT midnight.

period = ParamList( "What period?", "Daily|Weekly|Monthly", 0 );

switch ( period )

case "Daily":
    newPeriod = Day() != Ref( Day(), -1 );

case "Weekly":
    newPeriod = DayOfWeek() == 0 AND Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ) != 0;

case "Monthly":
    newPeriod = Month() != Ref( Month(), -1 );


bi = BarIndex();		// Just shorthand
StartBar = StrToNum("2");	//1st bar == 0. Set to 1 so Ref(xxx, -1) doesn't give an error
EndBar = BarCount -1; 
ExtraBarsRequired = 0;

//CalcRangeAll = ParamToggle( "Calc ALL or VISIBLE?", "VISIBLE|ALL", 0 );		//Option to compute all bars in case of Backtesting or Explore if you add this kind of code.

if ( Status( "action" ) < 3 )		// Limit to visible range unless we're doing Backtest, Explore, Scan, Optimize.
    // In other words, for viewing/commentary we only compute what we can see.
    // Saves add'l 85% the compute time from ~ .6 second to ~ .09 seconds.
    //This code finds only the VISIBLE chart area, which may or may not be the most recent day. This let's me look at any day for evaulation purposes.
    FirstVisibleBar = FirstVisibleValue( bi );
    _TRACE( "1st Visible: " + FirstVisibleBar );
    LastVisibleBar = LastVisibleValue( bi );						//Testing shows this returns BarIndex (0 based) values. So, if you want to use in a loop the last value IS the last bar.
    VisibleBars = LastVisibleBar - FirstVisibleBar;			//Used in trouble-shooting.
    _TRACE( "1st Visible: " + FirstVisibleBar + "    Last Visible: " + LastVisibleBar + "    #bars: " + VisibleBars );

    StartBar = FirstVisibleBar;		//We get variable results when there are not 2 periods of data available so we won't show them at all.
    EndBar = LastVisibleBar;
    flag = StrToNum( "0" );				//Force a numeric value

    for ( k = FirstVisibleBar; k > 0; k-- )
        if ( newPeriod[k] )

            if ( flag == 2 ) 							//Need to lookback 2 periods if possible
                StartBar = k;							//Set starting location
                k = 0;										//End the loop

    if ( flag < 2 )												//We have less than 2 periods of history to the left, so we must start displaying no sooner than the 1st newPeriod that is on-screen
        for ( k = 1; k < EndBar; k++ )
            if ( newPeriod[k] )
                StartBar = k;
                k = EndBar;

_TRACE("1st Required: " + StartBar + "    Last Required: " + EndBar + "    Extra Bars: " + ExtraBarsRequired + "    Bar in Database: " + BarCount );

// Initialize loop variables
SumPriceVolume = 0;
totVolume = 0;
VWAP = 0;
stddev = 0;
newPeriodindex = EndBar;		//Move way out until we find a "real one"
Variance = 0;
//Initialize the plotted variables for early data we cannot compute without getting variable results.
VWAP = C[1];
stddev_1_pos = stddev_1_neg = stddev_2_pos = stddev_2_neg = stddev_3_pos = stddev_3_neg = C[1];

// we must use a loop here because we need to save the vwap for each bar to calc the variance later

for ( i = startBar; i <= EndBar; i++ )
    // only want to reset our values at the start of a new period
    if ( newPeriod[i] )
        SumPriceVolume = 0;
        totVolume = 0;
        newPeriodindex = i;  // this is the index at the start of a new period
        Variance = 0;

    // Sum of Volume*price for each bar
    sumPriceVolume += AvgPrice[i] * ( Volume[i] );

    // running total of volume each bar
    totVolume += ( Volume[i] );

    if ( totVolume[i] > 0 )
        VWAP[i] = Sumpricevolume / totVolume ;
        VWAPtemp = VWAP[i];

    // now the hard part...calculate the variance...
    // a separate calc from the start of each day - note it requires the vwap from above
    // also note, we calculate starting at the first bar in the new day to today to the curent bar
    Variance = 0;

    for ( j = newPeriodindex; j < i; j++ )
        Variance += ( Volume[j] / totVolume ) * ( Avgprice[j] - VWAPtemp ) * ( Avgprice[j] - VWAPtemp );

    sqrtVariance = sqrt( Variance );

    stddev_1_pos[i] = VWAPtemp + sqrtVariance;
    stddev_1_neg[i] = VWAPtemp - sqrtVariance;

    stddev_2_pos[i] = VWAPtemp + sqrtVariance * 2;
    stddev_2_neg[i] = VWAPtemp - sqrtVariance * 2;

    stddev_3_pos[i] = VWAPtemp + sqrtVariance * 3;
    stddev_3_neg[i] = VWAPtemp - sqrtVariance * 3;

//Prior period VWAP centerline
PPC = ValueWhen( newPeriod == True, Ref(VWAP, -1), 1);
Plot ( PPC, "PPC", colorBlue, styleDots|styleNoLine|styleNoRescale );
Plot ( VWAP, "VWAP", colorPink, styleLine );
Plot ( stddev_1_pos, "VWAP_std+1", ColorGrey40, styleDashed );
Plot ( stddev_1_neg, "VWAP_std-1", ColorGrey40, styleDashed );
Plot ( stddev_2_pos, "VWAP_std+2", ColorGrey40, styleDashed  );
Plot ( stddev_2_neg, "VWAP_std-2", ColorGrey40, styleDashed  );
Plot ( stddev_3_pos, "VWAP_std+3", ColorGrey40, styleDashed  );
Plot ( stddev_3_neg, "VWAP_std-3", ColorGrey40, styledashed );

GraphXSpace = 5 ;

Plot(C,"Close",colorBlack, styleCandle);
ppl = ParamToggle("Plot Pivot Levels","Off|On",1);

numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
hts = -33.5;

/* This code calculates the previous days high, low and close */
Hi1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(HighestSince(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),H,1),-1),0);
Hi = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(LowestSince(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),L,1),-1),0);
Lo = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(C,-1),0);
C1 = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Cl1,1);


/* This code calculates Daily Piovts */

rg = (Hi - Lo);
bp = (Hi + Lo + C1)/3; bpI = LastValue (bp,1);
r1 = (bp*2)-Lo; r1I = LastValue (r1,1);
s1 = (bp*2)-Hi; s1I = LastValue (s1,1);
r2 = bp + r1 - s1; r2I = LastValue (r2,1);
s2 = bp - r1 + s1; s2I = LastValue (s2,1);
r3 = bp + r2 - s1; r3I = LastValue (r3,1);
s3 = bp - r2 + s1; s3I = LastValue (s3,1);
r4 = bp + r2 - s2; r4I = LastValue (r4,1);
s4 = bp - r2 + s2; s4I = LastValue (s4,1);

if(ppl==1) {

PlotText("                                                  Pivot = " + WriteVal(bp,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), bpI +0.05,colorwhite );
PlotText("                                                  r1 = " + WriteVal(r1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), r1I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  s1 = " + WriteVal(s1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), s1I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  r2 = " + WriteVal(r2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), r2I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  s2 = " + WriteVal(s2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), s2I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  r3 = " + WriteVal(r3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), r3I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  s3 = " + WriteVal(s3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), s3I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText(" r4 = " + WriteVal(r4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), r4I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText(" s4 = " + WriteVal(s4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), s4I +0.05, colorwhite);

The AFL plots arrows on crossing of RSIOBV 50 line from below to up for buy arrow and from up to down for sell arrow...

Shorting the low of the bar in which PDC of OBV is cracked with high of that bar as stoploss gives early entry with small SL.Mirror image for a buy trade.



Well-Known Member
The AFL plots arrows on crossing of RSIOBV 50 line from below to up for buy arrow and from up to down for sell arrow...

Shorting the low of the bar in which PDC of OBV is cracked with high of that bar as stoploss gives early entry with small SL.Mirror image for a buy trade.

i am not seeing any relevance for this post.
now i got relevance, it seems you are quoting AMAN1'spost..
The relevance was if someone does not have that AFL he can still construct that indicator ( RSIOBV) in Amibroker.I have also given a low risk entry method in that post ...see if gives a better entry.



Well-Known Member
The AFL plots arrows on crossing of RSIOBV 50 line from below to up for buy arrow and from up to down for sell arrow...

Shorting the low of the bar in which PDC of OBV is cracked with high of that bar as stoploss gives early entry with small SL.Mirror image for a buy trade.

The relevance was if someone does not have that AFL he can still construct that indicator ( RSIOBV) in Amibroker.I have also given a low risk entry method in that post ...see if gives a better entry.

thanks ST da, now only got 2 relevance...became tube light these days.........


Well-Known Member
Ok. Here it is. You can delete Bollinger band code if you don't like it.

_SECTION_BEGIN("Bollinger Bands");
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 20, 2, 300, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorCycle );
Style = ParamStyle("Style");
Plot( BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 
Plot( BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 

a = BBandTop( C,20);
b = BBandBot( C, 20 );


Colors = IIf(buy, colorYellow, IIf(sell, colorRed, colorPaleGreen)); 
Plot(Close, "Price", Colors, styleCandle | styleThick);


r = RSIa(OBV(),21);
Buy= r>50;
Sell= r<50;

Color =IIf(Buy,colorBlue,IIf(Sell,colorred,colorPaleGreen));
Plot(Close, "Price", Color, styleCandle | styleThick);

shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ), 0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) );
GraphXSpace = 5;

// TerryH - [email protected] 3/9/2012
// Move AvgPrice computation before the loop so it's only done ONCE in an array.
// Replace SetBarsRequired with only computing visible bars...back to the start of the oldest time period even if it's "off screen".
// These 2 changes make it run in 1/12th the time. No doubt database dependent on how much time is saved.// VWAP code that also plots 3 standard deviations.
// I think more savings is possible, but will take a harder look to find.

// NOTE: the code is SLOOOOWWWW...can someone help speed it up?
// I tried my best, but can't really do much with the two for-loops...
// LarryJR - [email protected]

_TRACE( "!CLEAR!" );		//For trouble-shooting

//PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Price", colorDefault, styleCandle );

//Just do this once as an array. Saves 40% the compute time from ~ 1 second to ~ .6 seconds
AvgPrice = ( O + H + L + C ) / 4;	

// Store true/false based on a new calendar day...
// Added Weekly, Monthly breaks. 
// Also for futures, need to add break at new trading Day, which is NOT midnight.

period = ParamList( "What period?", "Daily|Weekly|Monthly", 0 );

switch ( period )

case "Daily":
    newPeriod = Day() != Ref( Day(), -1 );

case "Weekly":
    newPeriod = DayOfWeek() == 0 AND Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ) != 0;

case "Monthly":
    newPeriod = Month() != Ref( Month(), -1 );


bi = BarIndex();		// Just shorthand
StartBar = StrToNum("2");	//1st bar == 0. Set to 1 so Ref(xxx, -1) doesn't give an error
EndBar = BarCount -1; 
ExtraBarsRequired = 0;

//CalcRangeAll = ParamToggle( "Calc ALL or VISIBLE?", "VISIBLE|ALL", 0 );		//Option to compute all bars in case of Backtesting or Explore if you add this kind of code.

if ( Status( "action" ) < 3 )		// Limit to visible range unless we're doing Backtest, Explore, Scan, Optimize.
    // In other words, for viewing/commentary we only compute what we can see.
    // Saves add'l 85% the compute time from ~ .6 second to ~ .09 seconds.
    //This code finds only the VISIBLE chart area, which may or may not be the most recent day. This let's me look at any day for evaulation purposes.
    FirstVisibleBar = FirstVisibleValue( bi );
    _TRACE( "1st Visible: " + FirstVisibleBar );
    LastVisibleBar = LastVisibleValue( bi );						//Testing shows this returns BarIndex (0 based) values. So, if you want to use in a loop the last value IS the last bar.
    VisibleBars = LastVisibleBar - FirstVisibleBar;			//Used in trouble-shooting.
    _TRACE( "1st Visible: " + FirstVisibleBar + "    Last Visible: " + LastVisibleBar + "    #bars: " + VisibleBars );

    StartBar = FirstVisibleBar;		//We get variable results when there are not 2 periods of data available so we won't show them at all.
    EndBar = LastVisibleBar;
    flag = StrToNum( "0" );				//Force a numeric value

    for ( k = FirstVisibleBar; k > 0; k-- )
        if ( newPeriod[k] )

            if ( flag == 2 ) 							//Need to lookback 2 periods if possible
                StartBar = k;							//Set starting location
                k = 0;										//End the loop

    if ( flag < 2 )												//We have less than 2 periods of history to the left, so we must start displaying no sooner than the 1st newPeriod that is on-screen
        for ( k = 1; k < EndBar; k++ )
            if ( newPeriod[k] )
                StartBar = k;
                k = EndBar;

_TRACE("1st Required: " + StartBar + "    Last Required: " + EndBar + "    Extra Bars: " + ExtraBarsRequired + "    Bar in Database: " + BarCount );

// Initialize loop variables
SumPriceVolume = 0;
totVolume = 0;
VWAP = 0;
stddev = 0;
newPeriodindex = EndBar;		//Move way out until we find a "real one"
Variance = 0;
//Initialize the plotted variables for early data we cannot compute without getting variable results.
VWAP = C[1];
stddev_1_pos = stddev_1_neg = stddev_2_pos = stddev_2_neg = stddev_3_pos = stddev_3_neg = C[1];

// we must use a loop here because we need to save the vwap for each bar to calc the variance later

for ( i = startBar; i <= EndBar; i++ )
    // only want to reset our values at the start of a new period
    if ( newPeriod[i] )
        SumPriceVolume = 0;
        totVolume = 0;
        newPeriodindex = i;  // this is the index at the start of a new period
        Variance = 0;

    // Sum of Volume*price for each bar
    sumPriceVolume += AvgPrice[i] * ( Volume[i] );

    // running total of volume each bar
    totVolume += ( Volume[i] );

    if ( totVolume[i] > 0 )
        VWAP[i] = Sumpricevolume / totVolume ;
        VWAPtemp = VWAP[i];

    // now the hard part...calculate the variance...
    // a separate calc from the start of each day - note it requires the vwap from above
    // also note, we calculate starting at the first bar in the new day to today to the curent bar
    Variance = 0;

    for ( j = newPeriodindex; j < i; j++ )
        Variance += ( Volume[j] / totVolume ) * ( Avgprice[j] - VWAPtemp ) * ( Avgprice[j] - VWAPtemp );

    sqrtVariance = sqrt( Variance );

    stddev_1_pos[i] = VWAPtemp + sqrtVariance;
    stddev_1_neg[i] = VWAPtemp - sqrtVariance;

    stddev_2_pos[i] = VWAPtemp + sqrtVariance * 2;
    stddev_2_neg[i] = VWAPtemp - sqrtVariance * 2;

    stddev_3_pos[i] = VWAPtemp + sqrtVariance * 3;
    stddev_3_neg[i] = VWAPtemp - sqrtVariance * 3;

//Prior period VWAP centerline
PPC = ValueWhen( newPeriod == True, Ref(VWAP, -1), 1);
Plot ( PPC, "PPC", colorBlue, styleDots|styleNoLine|styleNoRescale );
Plot ( VWAP, "VWAP", colorPink, styleLine );
Plot ( stddev_1_pos, "VWAP_std+1", ColorGrey40, styleDashed );
Plot ( stddev_1_neg, "VWAP_std-1", ColorGrey40, styleDashed );
Plot ( stddev_2_pos, "VWAP_std+2", ColorGrey40, styleDashed  );
Plot ( stddev_2_neg, "VWAP_std-2", ColorGrey40, styleDashed  );
Plot ( stddev_3_pos, "VWAP_std+3", ColorGrey40, styleDashed  );
Plot ( stddev_3_neg, "VWAP_std-3", ColorGrey40, styledashed );

GraphXSpace = 5 ;

Plot(C,"Close",colorBlack, styleCandle);
ppl = ParamToggle("Plot Pivot Levels","Off|On",1);

numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
hts = -33.5;

/* This code calculates the previous days high, low and close */
Hi1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(HighestSince(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),H,1),-1),0);
Hi = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(LowestSince(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),L,1),-1),0);
Lo = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(C,-1),0);
C1 = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Cl1,1);


/* This code calculates Daily Piovts */

rg = (Hi - Lo);
bp = (Hi + Lo + C1)/3; bpI = LastValue (bp,1);
r1 = (bp*2)-Lo; r1I = LastValue (r1,1);
s1 = (bp*2)-Hi; s1I = LastValue (s1,1);
r2 = bp + r1 - s1; r2I = LastValue (r2,1);
s2 = bp - r1 + s1; s2I = LastValue (s2,1);
r3 = bp + r2 - s1; r3I = LastValue (r3,1);
s3 = bp - r2 + s1; s3I = LastValue (s3,1);
r4 = bp + r2 - s2; r4I = LastValue (r4,1);
s4 = bp - r2 + s2; s4I = LastValue (s4,1);

if(ppl==1) {

PlotText("                                                  Pivot = " + WriteVal(bp,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), bpI +0.05,colorwhite );
PlotText("                                                  r1 = " + WriteVal(r1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), r1I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  s1 = " + WriteVal(s1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), s1I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  r2 = " + WriteVal(r2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), r2I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  s2 = " + WriteVal(s2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), s2I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  r3 = " + WriteVal(r3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), r3I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText("                                                  s3 = " + WriteVal(s3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), s3I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText(" r4 = " + WriteVal(r4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), r4I +0.05, colorwhite);
PlotText(" s4 = " + WriteVal(s4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+(numbars/Hts), s4I +0.05, colorwhite);

error in code bro

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