$$my success story and my live tread[nifty&option]$$

Do you think my system is profitable ?

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hello friends as for as we all want to make money out of share market that s why we are here but we all should except one more thing that we can not make regular income that s why we are always looking for a holly grail a system which we give us continuos profit and after we enter in every trade we all are in roller coster ride we imosenly attach to our trade and we get hyper every tick against us, and end of the day we all are in loss . that s what always happend with me and always wana found the reason whay i always end up in loss and get tens and not get proper sleep after 1 year i realize that the reason behind it that we all are very egoist person we dont want to loose money we are always want to winig side any how we just want to win that is the reason for our anxity thats why we loose allthe time, and you now if we take just one smalll step that we can earn and live a good life with out any wary yes you also can be succes in share market .
so now enery one will be thinking what is the the step so we can earn proper and regular many in market. the step is that we should always use stop loss,if you have stop loss know one will stop you to make money in share market and full fill your dream next time when you look for a system you should always take one thing in a mind whithout the stop loss or proper money manegment you will not abel to make money in any market if it is a some kind of bussisness or in forex or share market.
this is not a system which we make you money becouse not every system is full proof it is the money menagment which will make you rich if you have proper money megment you can earn money whith system as simple as ema crose over so next time dont look for a system look for how you menage you llosse . and it is great said if you cut loss you will rich in no time in share market but if you not hope for a loosing position to be a winig trade you will always loos. thanks


Well-Known Member
hello friends this is my view in nifty for monday well as you can see this chart we can reach 5320 leavel once again and make our up words move or if we take 5238 than there will be up move other wise we surrender all the gain and start up down hill move very soon my bias is for down side this is just my view use your own anlysis to trade and thanks for the visit every one plz put you view what do you think for market every one is welcome here.


Well-Known Member
hello freinds my position so far as i dont wana loose money i have two position in option which i think give me some money i have
sold 5100 put
sold 5500 call
prize around 2500 i will take this position till expery so i can gain hole premium.
as you can see it will not give me big money but the probeblity is high that nifty will stay in this range so no need to worry for me so far.
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Well-Known Member
hello friends this is my view in nifty for monday well as you can see this chart we can reach 5320 leavel once again and make our up words move or if we take 5238 than there will be up move other wise we surrender all the gain and start up down hill move very soon my bias is for down side this is just my view use your own anlysis to trade and thanks for the visit every one plz put you view what do you think for market every one is welcome here.
as for my system and my prediction come true and we reach 5320 leavels so no we have to wait and see how nifty is going to play.
Well friday i have 2 lots of nifty short at 5353
exited 1 lot at 5325
exit 2 lot at 5333.
Till now total points for today is 48
looking for a good system to enter agaain.


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What is a Japanese Candlestick?

While we briefly covered candlestick charting analysis in the previous lesson, well now dig in a little and discuss them more in detail. First lets do a quick review.
What is Candlestick Trading?

Back in the day when Godzilla was still a cute little lizard, the Japanese created their own old school version of technical analysis to trade rice. A westerner by the name of Steve Nison discovered this secret technique on how to read charts from a fellow Japanese broker and Japanese candlesticks lived happily ever after. Steve researched, studied, lived, breathed, ate candlesticks, began writing about it and slowly grew in popularity in 90s. To make a long story short, without Steve Nison, candle charts might have remained a buried secret. Steve Nison is Mr. Candlestick.

Okay so what the heck are forex candlesticks?

The best way to explain is by using a picture:
Forex candlestick anatomyCandlesticks are formed using the open, high, low and close.

* If the close is above the open, then a hollow candlestick (usually displayed as white) is drawn.
* If the close is below the open, then a filled candlestick (usually displayed as black) is drawn.
* The hollow or filled section of the candlestick is called the real body or body.
* The thin lines poking above and below the body display the high/low range and are called shadows.
* The top of the upper shadow is the high.
* The bottom of the lower shadow is the low.


Well-Known Member
Sexy Bodies and Strange Shadows
Sexy Bodies

Just like humans, candlesticks have different body sizes. And when it comes to forex trading, theres nothing naughtier than checking out the bodies of candlesticks!

Long bodies indicate strong buying or selling. The longer the body is, the more intense the buying or selling pressure.

Short bodies imply very little buying or selling activity. In street forex lingo, bulls mean buyers and bears mean sellers.

Long candlestick body versus short candlestick body

Long white candlesticks show strong buying pressure. The longer the white candlestick, the further the close is above the open. This indicates that prices increased considerably from open to close and buyers were aggressive. In other words, the bulls are kicking the bears butts big time!

Long black (filled) candlesticks show strong selling pressure. The longer the black candlestick, the further the close is below the open. This indicates that prices fell a great deal from the open and sellers were aggressive. In other words, the bears were grabbing the bulls by their horns and body slamming them. Mysterious Shadows

The upper and lower shadows on candlesticks provide important clues about the trading session.

Upper shadows signify the session high. Lower shadows signify the session low.

Candlesticks with long shadows show that trading action occurred well past the open and close.

Candlesticks with short shadows indicate that most of the trading action was confined near the open and close.

Long shadows

If a candlestick has a long upper shadow and short lower shadow, this means that buyers flexed their muscles and bid prices higher, but for one reason or another, sellers came in and drove prices back down to end the session back near its open price.

If a candlestick has a long lower shadow and short upper shadow, this means that sellers flashed their washboard abs and forced price lower, but for one reason or another, buyers came in and drove prices back up to end the session back near its open price.

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