Market Volume profile

Iam getting the same error ( ERROR NO 16) too many arguments, pls try to rectify it... since its not showing any error in formula editor.thanks
Very strange. What version do you use? Maybe it because of old version...
You can delete ", Null, Null, 0, 1". The last number (here 1) is number of layer where drawing the line. I use it to draw MP below price otherwise price can be overlapped by MP.

P.S. Here is description from help:
{empty} means Null

SYNTAX Plot( array, name, color/barcolor, style = styleLine, minvalue = {empty}, maxvalue = {empty}, XShift = 0, Zorder = 0 )
FUNCTION Plots the graph using array data. Parameters:
array - data array to be plotted
name - defines graph name used for displaying values in a title bar.
color - defines plot color that could be static (if third argument is a number) or dynamic (when third argument is an array). Color indexes are related to the current palette (see Preferences/Color)
style is a combination of one or more of following values:

styleLine = 1 - normal (line) chart (default)
styleHistogram = 2 - histogram chart
styleThick =4 - fat (thick)
styleDots = 8 - include dots
styleNoLine = 16 - no line
styleDashed = 32 - dashed line style
styleCandle = 64 - candlestick chart
styleBar = 128 - traditional bar chart
styleNoDraw = 256 - no draw (perform axis scaling only)
styleStaircase = 512 - staircase (square) chart
styleSwingDots = 1024 - middle dots for staircase chart
styleNoRescale = 2048 - no rescale
styleNoLabel = 4096 - no value label
stylePointAndFigure = 8192 - point and figure
(new in 4.20):
styleArea = 16384 - area chart (extra wide histogram)
styleOwnScale = 32768 - plot is using independent scaling
styleLeftAxisScale = 65536 - plot is using left axis scale (independent from right axis)
styleNoTitle - do not display values of this plot in the chart title
styleCloud - cloud style (area between high and low arrays) - to be used with PlotOHLC function
styleClipMinMax - clip (do not paint) area between min and max levels - note this style is incompatible with printers and WMF (metafiles).
minvalue and maxvalue - (used by styleOwnScale plots ONLY) define plot minimum and maximum values (lower and upper boundary for Y axis)
XShift - allows to visually shift the chart past the last bar.
ZOrder - defines the Z-axis position of given plot. The default is zero. Zorder = 0 means also where the "grid" is located. So if you want to plot BEHIND the grid you need to specify negative zorder parameter.Plots are drawn in the following order:
zorder parameter takes precedence over the order of calling Plot() functions, so if z-order is set, it determines plotting order. See
If multiple plots use the same z-order parameter they are plotted in reverse call order (ones that appear last in the code are plotted first). This rule can be changed by already existing switch graphzorder = 1 which, when specified, reverses this behaviour (so plots are drawn in call order).
Please note the above applies to each zorder "layer" separately (so within same zorder "layer" reverse call rule applies) This may sound complicated but is required for backward compatibility.
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Friends i have fixed the problem. i am getting it now.. all u have to do is delete the "NULL, NULL, from all the lines of the afl.. and save it.. it will work perfectly.

Hello Friends,
I would like to request you all.. if anyone has studied about market volume profile throughly, please give your brief idea on it..