Invest for the Grandchildren

Trying to post here Investment Ideas tohold for 5 years or more!!! If you are in your 450's it shall be for your children, for 55+ for grandchildren and ~70+ maybe great grand children.
I am 66 , have 3 daughters and all the three daughters have 2 daughters each.
I am trying to handle a SIP of 24 Lakhs!!! Would do my best to track them regularly! Target is to get the 20L to 124L in less than 7 years!!!

Wish me well!!!! :)
All entries shall be based on FA and exits at times maybe as per TA!!! Shall try to post the rationale behind the investments and exits too!!

-Shyam Sundar Sarda
I am bullish on IT sector selectively and Bankining Sector in General. My first choice is NIIT Tech. We shall Buy 500 shares of NIIT Tech on Monday. I expect its value to 5X in 7 years!!! Shall attach my rationale behind tomorrow!!!
Trying to learn using Excel Sheet and shall attach the same in my first post and edit it perodically to latest additions!!!
All the best.
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Our Investment details :
Date Qty. Stock Rate
16Nov09 500 NIIT Tech 140.00
17Nov09 1000 Tinplate 62.40
24Nov09 200 IDEA 49.70
26Nov09 100 Bayer Crop 511.00
02Dec09 800 IDEA 52.65
07Dec09 500 Anantraj 130.75
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Well-Known Member
Dear Grandpa - Welcome to TJ :thumb:

Nice to put everyone's perspective into theory (as of now) and practical ....

Awaiting your entries and rationale ... would help a lot of investors for times to come...

Hi Murtaza, Please do note that all may notbe my original finds but yes, all shall have my personal approval by way of rechecking the parameters and ofcourse investment in my own grand childrens account.


Well-Known Member
And one of my posts has intruded your line of thinking as a Lower Circuit ...
but I hope that it would not affect you as Lower Circuits do not affect real Long Time investors ...

Not finding time to post and also a bit unwell. As suggetsed I bought 500 shares of NIIT Tech at 139.35 on Monday.
My second recommendation is Tin Plate co. I have already bought 1000 at 62.40 yesterday. It is now 63.10 and I suggest it to be bought now. We have used almost 1.30 Lakhs out of 24L capital we wish to invest over a deffered period of 24 months!!!
Though we need to add to our profit any Interest we canmanage to earn on the capital lying idle but for ease of maintaining the account we just adjust that in slippage etc. while etering exiting a stock.
My limited knowledge makes it hard for me to post Excel sheets with FA and other details. But am sure to over come the same.

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