how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit tgt


Well-Known Member

I have seen many threads here about Option Writing, Option pairs, Options OI analysis .... etc.

but I couldn't find a thread to buy an "NAKED OPTION BUYING" without above things.

I Know option strategies... somewhat "OI interpretation".... OPTIONs writing..
I know Option is an Instrument which is meant for writing.

but I feel "possibly" many of us/traders try naked options buying...

So if you do have a method plz share here.

condition is : No options OI interpretation used.
strategy must not include any kind of options writing.
Price charts/ Indicators or any other method if used for the same plz mention or post charts!!.

So if we could reach to a solution.... we may find a way to low risk: big reward ratio...

I have some method which include MACD on hrly charts..will post chart tomorrow. sometimes fails many times gives 30% rewards. if u have a less failure chances method.....awaiting!!!!
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t


You know: If some body wants some thing, he has to show some thing.

If you can show some thing, then you may get some thing.

Other wise you get some thing which most of the times is cheap and has no value, as showing how to feed a fish or showing how to catch a fish are two different things.

Where do you want to start with?


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t


I have seen many threads here about Option Writing, Option pairs, Options OI analysis .... etc.

but I couldn't find a thread to buy an "NAKED OPTION BUYING" without above things.

I Know option strategies... somewhat "OI interpretation".... OPTIONs writing..
I know Option is an Instrument which is meant for writing.

but I feel "possibly" many of us/traders try naked options buying...

So if you do have a method plz share here.

condition is : No options OI interpretation used.
strategy must not include any kind of options writing.
Price charts/ Indicators or any other method if used for the same plz mention or post charts!!.

So if we could reach to a solution.... we may find a way to low risk: big reward ratio...

I have some method which include MACD on hrly charts..will post chart tomorrow. sometimes fails many times gives 30% rewards. if u have a less failure chances method.....awaiting!!!!
:lol:naked option buying means ur naked anyone can come and uck you :lol:apart from joke option buying means going against theta ,so the minimum the value of theta for particular strike price is more the advantage for buyer .so buy call option when nifty is climbing ,buy put option when it is falling .and the other thing is volatality which i dont have much knowledge abt i just know when volatality is high option premium is expensive hence good for selling ,when volatality is low option premiums are cheap good to buy .thats my limited knowledge on options:D


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t


I have seen many threads here about Option Writing, Option pairs, Options OI analysis .... etc.

but I couldn't find a thread to buy an "NAKED OPTION BUYING" without above things.

I Know option strategies... somewhat "OI interpretation".... OPTIONs writing..
I know Option is an Instrument which is meant for writing.

but I feel "possibly" many of us/traders try naked options buying...

So if you do have a method plz share here.

condition is : No options OI interpretation used.
strategy must not include any kind of options writing.
Price charts/ Indicators or any other method if used for the same plz mention or post charts!!.

So if we could reach to a solution.... we may find a way to low risk: big reward ratio...

I have some method which include MACD on hrly charts..will post chart tomorrow. sometimes fails many times gives 30% rewards. if u have a less failure chances method.....awaiting!!!!
Not much idea about Options , rather NO IDEA at all abt Options, but reading what you have written , it came to mind : How about Buying Nifty Options as per Swing trading charts or Hourly or maybe even lower time frame charts. I feel 30% may be attainable, "maybe" !
Shall try to keep a diary for the signals! The stock options are so illiquid otherwise would have been easier to achieve a target of 30% in naked stock options, again this I am assuming ! :eek: :p
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

Option is an Instrument
Trust me i call it Option is instrument designed to steal money from less intelligent trader to a more intellligent trader :)

big reward ratio
offcourse some users have already have thread showing thats it;s possible :xD

Where do you want to start with?
lol Nice one
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

If you want to get profit by trading naked options, then remember the saying "Trend is your best friend" so trade as per trend. And second suggestion, "keep your greed far away"
If you follow these 2 suggestions, then you can earn easy gains on intraday basis and if anyone missing then loss hi loss. :)
Hi Nitin, I posted this reply in a different thread. And it could be right for this thread as well :)


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

See if this is related to what you want:

(I did not read the book/don't have it).


I have seen many threads here about Option Writing, Option pairs, Options OI analysis .... etc.

but I couldn't find a thread to buy an "NAKED OPTION BUYING" without above things.

I Know option strategies... somewhat "OI interpretation".... OPTIONs writing..
I know Option is an Instrument which is meant for writing.

but I feel "possibly" many of us/traders try naked options buying...

So if you do have a method plz share here.

condition is : No options OI interpretation used.
strategy must not include any kind of options writing.
Price charts/ Indicators or any other method if used for the same plz mention or post charts!!.

So if we could reach to a solution.... we may find a way to low risk: big reward ratio...

I have some method which include MACD on hrly charts..will post chart tomorrow. sometimes fails many times gives 30% rewards. if u have a less failure chances method.....awaiting!!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

Plz remember... this is a "rookie's" method.
my knowledge of TA is very less.. do not "BOMBARD".
1st step
these MACD overlaps i use.
MACD (5,55,9) bright green, signal-Brown
signal (15,55,9) signal-dark green
signal (34,55,9) signal-blue

for me the trend is positive
when signal (5,55,9) > signal (15,55,9)>signal 34,55,9

Buy call options when brown crosses green from downside vice versa for Put options .
Entry only on closing basis NIFTY hourly chart. not tried for stocks
Here I am not considering trend. if divesrions on MACD and then crossovers happening much better.

I am spending a lot of my trederji time on price action thread by anil trivedi sir. and and high probability breakout thread by AMit randive sir to try to find a stop loss solution to my options.

I fix target of around 30%-50% because my limited TA knowledge does not permits me to look beyond. This way I have missed major rallys and falls even having a good entry.
I dont know how to keep s/l. so simply if hrly charts of NF breaks earlier high or lows against the direction of my trade "I EXIT".
these crossovers does not happens regularly so once trend is settled I dont know where to enter again. to overcome this I added Woodies CCI pannel trying diff settings which is somewhat working. will post it today.

all red circles are FAILED trades.. there are more, marked a few.

Till now its a positive result... Just sharing it..


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

Nitingosavi, After reading this thread opener, I was trying out a strategy to BUY NAKED OPTIONS ! For some strange reason my thread for the same has been removed ! I must have violated some rules but surely it was unintentional. Moderators would have done good had the reason been informed and a chance given to rectify the error!
Anyways, I had suggested a BUY on 2600 CE of Heromotoco when EQ rates crossed 2590/- Approx Buy would have been at around 11:15 at 45 and it has done a high of 77/- , a gain of >30% !! :)
I am sure this one trade does not form a strategy but am sure I cannot oersue it here ! Lot of input is given by fellow members to help iron out the creases in it! Anyways, thanks for bringing this up !
Wish u all the best!