how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit tgt


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Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

Nitingosavi, After reading this thread opener, I was trying out a strategy to BUY NAKED OPTIONS ! For some strange reason my thread for the same has been removed ! I must have violated some rules but surely it was unintentional. Moderators would have done good had the reason been informed and a chance given to rectify the error!
Anyways, I had suggested a BUY on 2600 CE of Heromotoco when EQ rates crossed 2590/- Approx Buy would have been at around 11:15 at 45 and it has done a high of 77/- , a gain of >30% !! :)
I am sure this one trade does not form a strategy but am sure I cannot oersue it here ! Lot of input is given by fellow members to help iron out the creases in it! Anyways, thanks for bringing this up !
Wish u all the best!
I traded it UMandal! :D Thanks to you. Yes , I also could not locate his thread on Naked Options. He might have posted link to some paid or commercial site in his thread attracting its deletion!
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

Will you please post the title of your thread, the exact title.
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

Was it

Buying Naked Stock Options
Am I right

How many posts were there in the thread.
I am able to retrieve it but with one post only.

If there was one post only then it might have been deleted (perhaps), because you post call on HeroMotoCop
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Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t


I have seen many threads here about Option Writing, Option pairs, Options OI analysis .... etc.

but I couldn't find a thread to buy an "NAKED OPTION BUYING" without above things.

I Know option strategies... somewhat "OI interpretation".... OPTIONs writing..
I know Option is an Instrument which is meant for writing.

but I feel "possibly" many of us/traders try naked options buying...

So if you do have a method plz share here.

condition is : No options OI interpretation used.
strategy must not include any kind of options writing.
Price charts/ Indicators or any other method if used for the same plz mention or post charts!!.

So if we could reach to a solution.... we may find a way to low risk: big reward ratio...

I have some method which include MACD on hrly charts..will post chart tomorrow. sometimes fails many times gives 30% rewards. if u have a less failure chances method.....awaiting!!!!
Hi nitingosavi

OK, using 30 min or 1 hour chart for option buying is good,
avoid option buying in 1st week and last week of month

if one get a buy\sell signal in chart
(Ex) say one get a buy signal at 8420,buy 8400 CE ,one will make 30% to 50%
say one get a sell signal in chart at 8280 buy 8300PE one will make 30% to 50%
(buying ATM option is good for option buying ,avoid OTM options)

ST-20 to 30 points in nifty


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

Hi nitingosavi

OK, using 30 min or 1 hour chart for option buying is good,
avoid option buying in 1st week and last week of month

if one get a buy\sell signal in chart
(Ex) say one get a buy signal at 8420,buy 8400 CE ,one will make 30% to 50%
say one get a sell signal in chart at 8280 buy 8300PE one will make 30% to 50%
(buying ATM option is good for option buying ,avoid OTM options)

ST-20 to 30 points in nifty
thanks karthik. will surely keep in mind..
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

well i prefer last week last day thats best day for option to make money ^^
it;s hell risk tho all cap[ital gone to smoke in 1 day OR u get x2 of the capital


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

The term Naked is used only for writing options (selling)..

You can simply say Buy options avoiding the contradictory term "Naked"
Okay, noted. :p Was not aware and moreover the term was used in the very first post of the thread and I repeated it ! :eek:
Can we call them 'buy vanilla options'!!?? Not hedged.


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

I think posting trading calls is against rules of forum

I traded it UMandal! :D Thanks to you. Yes , I also could not locate his thread on Naked Options. He might have posted link to some paid or commercial site in his thread attracting its deletion!


Well-Known Member
Re: how you will "BUY" an option.."NO OI TALKS, NO OPTION WRITING" 30-50% is profit t

I think posting trading calls is against rules of forum
Seems what you mentioned is correct ! But its a bit of..... I dont know what! :p

One can post his trades in his trading Diary then its fine, but a level posted in any other Forum is against the rules!

I am not very sure, but i vaguely remember reading UM's thread where he had mentioned clearly that these are not calls but a test or an experiment to trade without considering Greeks , IV etc.! The mods know better and some post must have encroached upon the set rules otherwise why will they remove it! But then no harm in telling the member the reason, if not in open Forum, maybe through PM or email !

UM can start afresh under Trading Diary and post his observations for Options trading without Greeks! :thumb: