Google 1m data downloader


Well-Known Member
My contribution to the trading community........ a downloader for Google 1 minute data
A few guys have been using it for the last month, no bugs reported

The program is ultra light, at a tiny 36 kB, zipped it takes up only 11.6 kB.
Download here ==>

On a Win 10 or Win 8 machine Microsoft stopped installing certain files to support VB6
If so, download the support files here 140 kB ==>

Extract the 2 ocx files and place them in the same folder as googledata.exe or
into Windows/system32 folder

No installation required, it can be run from any partition, even from a USB stick.
Extract the program file and stocklist.ini to the same folder and run googledata.exe
Data will be downloaded into it's own folder.

Open stocklist.ini with notepad and add stocks as required, one stock per line
Maximum number of stocks allowed untested,

For 1 days data download it is quite fast
When downloading 15 days data it is slow, but multiple instances of the program can be run from different folders.
Default setting is data for 1 day, to change it, click in the box displaying 1 and edit to any number between 1 to 15.

To stop the program while running click Exit

Feedback required, brickbats and bouquets welcome
Downloaded and tried it as per the instructions...

Works awesome :)
One minute works lighting fast
15 days one would take a bit longer...
Good work !!!

Also while importing it to Amibroker, Format is change from the normal downloaders i feel...The timestamp is at the last column, Normally time would be next to date in most of the downloaders


Well-Known Member
Facing runtime error "9"
Subscript out of range
using windows 7
Done everything as per instructions
i am facing problem as date format is not compatible with Amibroker
application is downloading data in YYDDMM format while Amibroker support only YYMMDD or MMDDYY or DDMMYY
plz rectify this proble
utility is very handy and very fast
Not working with me on W7
Throwing error (image attached)
Addition of .ocx files does not any difference in error

Date is required as yyyymmdd,
Time as hhmmss and should be after date

The order should be
Symbol, Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume


Though date (single date) can be changed as per choice (for few scrips), but it wont be possible to change order of data, easily.


Well-Known Member
A few common questions addressed here....

This program will work on any version of Windows from XP to 10 provided the support files are present on the computer. If the support files are missing or unregistered then the error message in post #6 will be displayed.

I used the exact same order of the data fields from the Amibroker data import wizard and added the timestamp at the end. It needs 3 clicks to import into Ami.

Facing runtime error "9"
Subscript out of range
using windows 7
Done everything as per instructions
Use the stocklist.ini which I have provided, do you get the subscript error?

i am facing problem as date format is not compatible with Amibroker
application is downloading data in YYDDMM format while Amibroker support only YYMMDD or MMDDYY or DDMMYY
plz rectify this proble
utility is very handy and very fast
Maybe a bad download. The format is hardcoded, everyone has to get the same data files output.
Date format is a problem, cant figure out how to import the YDM format. Else working fine & got data for 200 symbols.

Another query - Can this util be used for backfill live data during market hours ??


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