General Trading Chat

From Dec 1, only registered analysts can give recommendations: SEBI

Time to short google and facebook :D
Not only that....Traderji traffic is going to affected big time.
Dan !!

SEBI taken very good decision !!!

People run for easy money,tipster..with striking of more then 80 % ..AFL for 90% accurate signals...this signal's and tips kill there ledger !!!

People Mostly think trading is a gambling !!!,and they does'nt want to work!!

The hard fact on trading which people are unable to understand is ... Trading is the hardest easy money you will ever make
SEBI regulation is a welcome step. It will help curb this problem of tips givers to some extent but it lacks teeth. The critaria for getting Advisors' certificate are very easy to fulfill. It has no provision of monitoring the performance of the tips given by these advisors.

It will check the mushrooming population of tips givers and also crowding of forums and social media sites by these tips givers.

A step in right direction though lot more is needed in this. But a good beginning.Our forum has to think about coming out with strict rules and implementing it firmly.

Dada !!!

This forum is for education and learning as per the first post of traderji !!!

Now it is in your hand to handle this mushroom population !!
ST is right. It is a good step but lacks teeth. Xray27 has hit the nail on the head when he says that the forum is for education and learning.

So easy now to make recommendations disguised as questions or "personal" opinions with disclaimers that it is only for educational purpose :).

I wonder what the SEBI guidelines mean for broker tips/recommendations.


Ok, SP Tulsian is missing, is he ? As is Prakash Gaba from ET Now these days.
Admin cannot take any action if somebody says he wont post it is entirely up the person to post or not. Also a person is free to disclose or not disclose his system. But when he makes a forecast of precise levels he has to give why and how of his forecasts. But people are interested in " see how my level is reached...." type of posts...

Won't curb people from claiming "Gut instinct", "just a feeling" :)
But these Gut instinct or Just a feeling type of advisors wont be able to post in public forum unless they have SEBI registration and comply with all reporting and inspection provisions.

Text of SEBI Regulation :

Oh..oh.. 32 page report. Ok, then what if I disguise my recommendations as queries. "Looks like Ashokley is going to get hurt by Nigeria currency devaluation. I think I will short it with SL 56 and target 42".. that type ?

Edit : Just playing the devil's advocate, not recommending anything to anyone :)


Well-Known Member
Oh..oh.. 32 page report. Ok, then what if I disguise my recommendations as queries. "Looks like Ashokley is going to get hurt by Nigeria currency devaluation. I think I will short it with SL 56 and target 42".. that type ?

Edit : Just playing the devil's advocate, not recommending anything to anyone :)
suscribers r also the reason,they r feeding tipsters, they r blind enuf to give fees to a blog owner, many educated ppl still searching for a 'good' tipster
suscribers r also the reason,they r feeding tipsters, they r blind enuf to give fees to a blog owner, many educated ppl still chasing for a 'good' tipster
Yeah.. I wonder what will happen to now. They have been running their scam for years now. Also
It is good if a member posts a method or a teqnique for buy/sell but many times members post that they have bought here and sold there.....and made so much money....I am inviting members views on the following :

1) When a person claims that he has bought and sold at a level, does he need to give evidence unless he posts in real time ? . Or shall we stop all I bought here and sold there type of posts ??

2) When the post is a method then the trader may not have taken all the trades on that method so he need not post trades evidence.

3) When a member posts model trades on a fully disclosed method, he may or maynot have taken all trades as per those model trades. But that post must carry a heading of Model trades not actual trades.This will help people understand what are model trades as per that method but a member posting wont get a chance to boast . We find that most of the tipsters use this route for attracting clients who think that the person has taken all the trades so he wants tips from him.

4) If we make such rules, then members posting levels etc without evidence will have to stop ...are members ready to accept the same ??

Let us get feedback from members so that we can make some rules regarding the same. Feedback should be in the form of guiding principle and not fight and personal accusations by anyone.

It is good if a member posts a method or a teqnique for buy/sell but many times members post that they have bought here and sold there.....and made so much money....I am inviting members views on the following :

1) When a person claims that he has bought and sold at a level, does he need to give evidence unless he posts in real time ? . Or shall we stop all I bought here and sold there type of posts ??

2) When the post is a method then the trader may not have taken all the trades on that method so he need not post trades evidence.

3) When a member posts model trades on a fully disclosed method, he may or maynot have taken all trades as per those model trades. But that post must carry a heading of Model trades not actual trades.This will help people understand what are model trades as per that method but a member posting wont get a chance to boast . We find that most of the tipsters use this route for attracting clients who think that the person has taken all the trades so he wants tips from him.

4) If we make such rules, then members posting levels etc without evidence will have to stop ...are members ready to accept the same ??

Let us get feedback from members so that we can make some rules regarding the same. Feedback should be in the form of guiding principle and not fight and personal accusations by anyone.

I agree with a lot of your thoughts there, but have reservations about the members posting their trades post facto. Very often it is a part of the learning curve for the trader. He is not making recommendations or looking for appreciation, just recounting his day as a sort of loud thinking, diary etc... Sometimes, it helps him (and maybe the others) to look back and reflect. It would be a bit doubtful if someone continuously posts a winning streak without any SL hit, but if trades are posted regularly, regardless of wins/losses, then I wouldn't object, considering it more of a personal diary writing sort of thing, and just being in the community.
I agree with a lot of your thoughts there, but have reservations about the members posting their trades post facto. Very often it is a part of the learning curve for the trader. He is not making recommendations or looking for appreciation, just recounting his day as a sort of loud thinking, diary etc... Sometimes, it helps him (and maybe the others) to look back and reflect. It would be a bit doubtful if someone continuously posts a winning streak without any SL hit, but if trades are posted regularly, regardless of wins/losses, then I wouldn't object, considering it more of a personal diary writing sort of thing, and just being in the community.
That is perfectly fine...learning can be done from model case of loud thinking the same can be said that these are not actual trades taken.



Well-Known Member
It is good if a member posts a method or a teqnique for buy/sell but many times members post that they have bought here and sold there.....and made so much money....I am inviting members views on the following :

1) When a person claims that he has bought and sold at a level, does he need to give evidence unless he posts in real time ? . Or shall we stop all I bought here and sold there type of posts ??

2) When the post is a method then the trader may not have taken all the trades on that method so he need not post trades evidence.

3) When a member posts model trades on a fully disclosed method, he may or maynot have taken all trades as per those model trades. But that post must carry a heading of Model trades not actual trades.This will help people understand what are model trades as per that method but a member posting wont get a chance to boast . We find that most of the tipsters use this route for attracting clients who think that the person has taken all the trades so he wants tips from him.

4) If we make such rules, then members posting levels etc without evidence will have to stop ...are members ready to accept the same ??

Let us get feedback from members so that we can make some rules regarding the same. Feedback should be in the form of guiding principle and not fight and personal accusations by anyone.

IMO one can get the info about strategy when looking chart snd trdes which markeked on chart ...if one is really learning trading...for me I post my charts with only markings which helps me myself for keeping my trades journel....if any one follow my charts as a rel learner he can get what I trade...we not trade for others clapping/thankings etc :)..IMO every trader makes mistakes...also its not necessery respond every members openions and other requests in public views

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