Free nse mcx real time data in metatrader

Please share best indicators you are using with Metatrader so we can build a community with best indicators and charting for all professional traders in our cricles
hi fxgood,

can you please tell me ,how can i share images ,indicators in forum.i already tried,but it ask for URL(http://),how can i share my charts,indicator which are saved on my desktop.pls reply.
Please share best indicators you are using with Metatrader so we can build a community with best indicators and charting for all professional traders in our cricles
Hi, I am using an array of metatrader indicators to trade intraday with stocks and have discussed the strategy here.

I am still demo trading and figuring out if this strategy is best suited for my intraday style or not.

Hope for the best

Happy Trading

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