Day Trading is like Monopoly


Active Member
Day Trading is Source of Income for Some,
Capital Erosion for Rest. :)

Day Trading is like Twin Blade,
One Edge is Suppport, Other Edge is Resistance,
Shave your Profits from Between, If you dont It Hurts! :)


In any Liquid scrip's chart,say PNB there are always few moments in the day where entering can give Rs 2.00 to Rs 2.50,with low brokerage & say 500 Nos ( with 5 times exposure Rs 50 k is sufficient),in case of Wins we can get 1k ,deducting brokerage & Loss making trades,still one can get few K in a month.


Well-Known Member
i have come across many day traders who r now LONGEST TERM invstrs...
they traded & traded till 3.30 the end.....the loss making positions were noted as deliveries on assumption 2 sell on a bounce in a week.....the bounce did not happen.....& they got deeper & deeper......funds BLOCKED;)


i have come across many day traders who r now LONGEST TERM invstrs...
they traded & traded till 3.30 the end.....the loss making positions were noted as deliveries on assumption 2 sell on a bounce in a week.....the bounce did not happen.....& they got deeper & deeper......funds BLOCKED;)
Yes indeed,you are right,they can never be termed as Day Trader,becoz a daytrader never carries a position .:D

I will never argue that most day trader lands up in Loss in the Long haul & few obstinate dumbs lands up in traderji (like me).:D

Here in the Forum we try to share & support but ultimately it is the individuals own fight.:D

In the very 1st instance we try to put a word ingrained in brain is STOP LOSS.


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed,you are right,they can never be termed as Day Trader,becoz a daytrader never carries a position .:D

I will never argue that most day trader lands up in Loss in the Long haul & few obstinate dumbs lands up in traderji (like me).:D

Here in the Forum we try to share & support but ultimately it is the individuals own fight.:D

In the very 1st instance we try to put a word ingrained in brain is STOP LOSS.
@ the end.....Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant......:D
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