Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
Hi Vikas,

Where are you seeing this data of buying and selling interest in options?

Profit booking and accumulation is going on around 5000 mark. Play safe or better stay out if you cannot react fast. 5300CE gets active anything below 15 and good buying is coming there. 5000PE lack buying interest which is not very bearish sign.


Well-Known Member
I am confused.
Trigger order will be placed if the CMP is less than the price you want the order to be placed. So if CMP is 10.30 and you want to execute the order @ 10.75, you place a trigger order @ 10.65 trigger price 10.75 order price.

If the price of the order is less than CMP, then the order will get executed at your price only, that is 9.75, not above that.

Actually you were right, I completely missed that it was not even in pending order list. As my order was not accepted and I was looking at only 'Executed' order list... hoping that the order was in pending state while it was in rejected state :D


Well-Known Member
I am not that lucky with BhartiAirtel 320PE. Had placed the order @9.15. It came till 9.25 and returned back.



Well-Known Member
Actually you were right, I completely missed that it was not even in pending order list. As my order was not accepted and I was looking at only 'Executed' order list... hoping that the order was in pending state while it was in rejected state :D
:rofl: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
I am not that lucky with BhartiAirtel 320PE. Had placed the order @9.15. It came till 9.25 and returned back.

Patience pays... I usually place order and forget. I think it will come down to even 9rs by the EOD if it trades around the 320 mark till closure... better wait with an order @ 9.25


Well-Known Member
Patience pays... I usually place order and forget. I think it will come down to even 9rs by the EOD if it trades around the 320 mark till closure... better wait with an order @ 9.25
Advice well accepted. I have not removed the order. It is still visible in the pending order list @9.15. Maybe, I might bring it down to 8.75, not now, maybe later.

But I am only concerned about the liquidity of the stock option.:(



Well-Known Member
Pay the price you think is worth it for it, you can never do the bottom fishing. If you think 9.25 rs worth it then pay it and stick to it... Stock Options being quite illiquid and you might not get your order filled.

Even with 10rs your breakeven will be 310.. which is still above its level where it can retrace to... may be 290-280 by expiry.

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