18 Trading Champions Share Their Keys To Top Trading Profits



mr karnani,
wonder why u posted these...most of them dont trade i think..they make their money selling buks & courses.
george angell has been banned bcos of his worthless buks
bernstein -..read in many places he doesnt trade ,neither does he want to
larry williams - close pal of bernstein....tax evasion charges,lost huge amount of public money by trading the system which made him a champion & then not disclosing it to the public.read in the net tht he himself says tht why shud he take the risk of trading when he make so much money teaching.

& the father of them all...bernie madoff...u know wht he did ??


Well-Known Member
mr karnani,
wonder why u posted these...most of them dont trade i think..they make their money selling buks & courses.
george angell has been banned bcos of his worthless buks
bernstein -..read in many places he doesnt trade ,neither does he want to
larry williams - close pal of bernstein....tax evasion charges,lost huge amount of public money by trading the system which made him a champion & then not disclosing it to the public.read in the net tht he himself says tht why shud he take the risk of trading when he make so much money teaching.

& the father of them all...bernie madoff...u know wht he did ??

Vikram, I agree to your view, if not fully, quiet a bit. After reading about these 18 traders I felt everyone had something 'positive' to offer by way of advise. A few you would find are quiet common among all. It just reinforced my view that hard work, persistence and discipline pays and maybe are the keys to success in Stock Market.
Also Vikram, everyone was trading something entirely different form the others. It further clarified to me that the system you trade is irrelevent, its the trader that matters. Every trader must trade as per his / her own personality.

Jai Hind!!!

All the best.
-R K Karnani


Vikram, I agree to your view, if not fully, quiet a bit. After reading about these 18 traders I felt everyone had something 'positive' to offer by way of advise. A few you would find are quiet common among all. It just reinforced my view that hard work, persistence and discipline pays and maybe are the keys to success in Stock Market.
Also Vikram, everyone was trading something entirely different form the others. It further clarified to me that the system you trade is irrelevent, its the trader that matters. Every trader must trade as per his / her own personality.

Jai Hind!!!

All the best.
-R K Karnani

i think u left out elder ray....his money management principles are gud.
Elder is the one who knows how and when to sell his 'product' to all the fools best.
Look at his timing : In this bear market he releases his book "sell and sell short" with all the good looking charts of last 1 year.
He is really Dr. Vendor Elaxender.


Elder is the one who knows how and when to sell his 'product' to all the fools best.
Look at his timing : In this bear market he releases his book "sell and sell short" with all the good looking charts of last 1 year.
He is really Dr. Vendor Elaxender.
wht abt bill williams..
he says tht his indicators are the best in the world & they have been made after researching these on super computers....
he,elder ray,larry williams,bernstein,john ehlers are close pals.
meybe birds of a feather flock together.
wht abt bill williams..
he says tht his indicators are the best in the world & they have been made after researching these on super computers....
he,elder ray,larry williams,bernstein,john ehlers are close pals.
meybe birds of a feather flock together.
Absolutely correct !! Most of these guys will give you very subjective trading method which cannot be back-tested or even forward-tested. Plus, they are really champion is naming their product so beautifully that any newbie will fall for them.
Not any one of them has given any trading method which can be backtested to check their claim.

As Elder elaxender claims "this trading industry is here to snatch your money.." I believe he is the torchbearer for them :D
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