Who will cry when you die:- robin sharma

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51) Drink Fresh Fruit Juice

The foods you consume affects your moods as well as the clarity of your thinking. This is why the ancient sages ate only light foods. They knew that anything more would disturb the perfectly peaceful minds they had worked so hard to cultivate and disrupt their meditations on the true meaning of life.One of the best strategies I can share with you to boost both your energy level and your mood is to get into the daily habit of drinking fresh fruit juice. The juices you can make taste great and I cannot begin to describe how wonderful you will feel once you start drinking a glass of strawberry – apple or orange – grape juice every morning before you leave for work. The best book I have found on the subject of juicing is The Juice man’s Power of Juicing by Jay Kordich. The recipes Kordich shares in this book are worth the price alone.

52) Create a Pure Environment

One of the timeless truths of successful living can be stated simply: your thoughts from your world. What you focus on in your life grows, what you think about expands and what you dwell on determines your destiny. Life is a self – fulfilling prophecy – it gives you just about what you expect form it. Given this principle, the first step to becoming a happier, more serene person is to manage your thoughts and purify your thinking. One of the best ways to begin this inner work is to improve the quality of your personal environment. Take a good hard look at your environment. Your thoughts are shaped by the people you associate with, by the books you read, by the words you speak and by your daily physical surroundings. If you are spending your time with more negative people, you will be negative and cynical.


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53)Walk in the Woods

You will never go wrong by spending time enjoying nature. There is something particularly special about walking in the woods. Your steps will feel lighter, a deep sense of inner quiet will flood your entire body and your creativity will flood your entire body and your creativity will flourish

54) Get a Coach

One of the most effective ways to improve your personal and professional effectiveness and to rise to a new level of excellence is to find a mentor to coach you. Success in business and in life is a “connect the dots.”Process. All you need to do is find out the habits, disciplines and strategies that others have used to obtain their results and connect the dots by duplicating their actions. Once you follow the steps they have taken, in the order they have taken them in, you are bound to get the same results. A personal coach can illuminate your path, encourage you when times get tough and shave years off your learning curve.All you need to do is find out the habits, disciplines and strategies that others have used to obtain their results and connect the dots by duplicating their actions.


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55) Take a Mini Vacation

While you cannot go on a major vacation every week, you certainly can go on a minor one. A mini vacation begins by closing the door of your office, holding all calls and relaxing in your chair. Feel free to go wherever you want. After only a few minutes of this mental escape, you will feel rejuvenated, ready for the rest of the day ahead. This technique actually fools into thinking we are taking a quick break from our daily routines and invokes many of the wonderful physical benefits of a real vacation. Our minds are extremely potent devices. The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between an image that we envision and one that is real. So this little technique actually fools it into thinking we are taking this quick break from our daily routines and invokes many of the wonderful physical benefits of a real vacation.

56) Become a Volunteer

It is so easy to magnify our problems and lose sight of the many blessings we all have to be so very grateful for. Giving the gift of your time by volunteering to serve those who have less than you is an excellent way to remind yourself on a regular basis of the abundance that exists in your life. “One can never pay in gratitude; one can only pay ‘in kind’ somewhere else in life.” Volunteering affords you the chance to help others and pay back the debt owed to those who have helped you.


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57) Find Your Six Degrees of Separation

I read somewhere that everybody on this planet is separated by only six people. Six degrees of separation. Between us and everybody else on this planet. The president of the United States. A gondolier in Venice. Fill in the names. I find that a) tremendously comforting that we’re so close and b) like Chinese water torture that we’re so close. Because you have to find the right six people to make the connection. It’s a profound thought how every person is a new door, opening up into other worlds. Six degrees of separation between me and everyone else on this planet. But to find the right six people. Since the law of attraction says that we attract into out life that which we focus on, this list is a tool I use to help me connect to the people I most admire. On more than one occasion, the Six Degrees of Separation principle has helped me find the right sequence of individuals who have led me to the person I’ve wanted to meet. And I am continually astounded by how many of the individuals on my list, which includes celebrities, business leaders, and other professional speakers, seem to cross my path in an airport or to be speaking at the same conference that I am or are having lunch at the same place that I am. The very act of listing my heroes seems to create a heightened sense of awareness that helps me spot them when they are close at hand.

58) Listen to Music daily

Music can lift your mood, put the smile back on your face and add immeasurably to your quality of life. Listening even to a few minutes of music daily is a simple yet an exceptionally powerful way to manage your moods and remain at your best.


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59) Write a Legacy Statement

The time to start building your legacy is today, not ten years form today when you “have more time,” because we both know that time will never arrive. Reflect on what it is you want to create in your life and, more importantly, what gift you wish to leave the world when you are no longer here. Greatness comes from beginning something that does not end with you. To help me see my own life’s legacy more clearly, I have written a personal legacy statement. While many of the corporate executives I work with have personal mission statements, few have considered scripting individual legacy statements, while the former defines your vision of what you want to create while you live, the latter expresses what you aim to leave when you die. There is a distinction between the two. If you think about it, it will help you avoid feeling regret, sadness and disappointment about what could have been when you reach the end of your life.

60) Find Great Friends

Cultivating great friendships is one of the surest ways to find more happiness and joy in your life. Recent studies show that those with a wide circle of friends and family live longer, laugh more and worry less. But friendships, like all other good things in life, take time, energy and commitment. Having said this, few things will offer greater rewards. As one philosopher wrote many centuries ago, “There is nothing in the world more valuable than friendship. Those who banish it from their lives remove as it were the sun from the earth, because of all of nature’s gifts, it is the most beautiful and the most pleasing.”


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61) Read The Artist’s Way

Read The Artist’s Way and have the self – discipline to go through each of the thoughtful exercises the author Julia Cameron, suggests you do. Unlocking your creative spirit will fuel your upward path of self –discovery and make every single one of your days far more fulfilling.

62) Learn to Meditate

Meditation is the method to train your mind to function the way it was designed to function. The peace and tranquility you will feel after 20 minutes of daily meditation will infuse every remaining minute of your day. You will become more patient in your relationships, more serene at the office, and happier when you are alone. Meditation will make you a far better parent, life partner, businessperson and friend.


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63) Have a Living Funeral

While on his deathbed, Plato was asked by a friend to summarize his great life’s work, The Dialogues. After much reflection, he replied in only two words: “Practice dying.” The ancient thinkers had a saying that captured the point Plato made in other terms: “Death ought to be right there before the eyes of those who are young just as much as before the eyes of those who are very old. Every day, therefore, should be regulated as if it were the one that brings up the rear, the one that rounds out and completes our lives.” Having a living funeral will reconnect you to the fact that time is a priceless commodity and the best time to live a richer, wiser and more fulfilling life is now.

64) Stop Complaining and Start Living

Stop complaining about having no time for yourself and get up an hour earlier. You have the option, why not exercise it? Stop complaining about not being able to exercise given all that is on your plate these days. If you sleep seven hours a night and work eight hours every day, you still have more than sixty – three hours of free time every week to do all the things you want to do. This amount to 252 hours every month and 3,024 hours every single year to spend on life’s pursuits. There has never been a more exciting time to be alive in the history of the world and you have the choice to seize the boundless possibilities that every day presents


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65) Increase Your Value

To be paid more money in your work you must add more value to your work Acquire skills that no one has. Read books that no one reads. Think thoughts no one else is thinking. To get more from life, you need to be more in life.

66) Be a Better Parent

We need to develop the skills to become excellent parents. We cannot just hope the way we are raising the kids is the right way and that we will be lucky enough that they become more thoughtful, caring and wise adults. We must take the initiative by attending seminars, reading books and listening to tapes by the great thinkers in this field. Our lives are too busy and we have a lot to do. But these miraculous years of our sons and daughters will never come again. If you do not devote the time and effort to become the best parent you know you can be, one day you will regret the lost opportunity.


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67) Be Unorthodox

Stop bending to the demands of social pressures at the expense of your uniqueness. The world’s most enlightened and effective people did not care what others thought about them, Rather than letting public opinion dictate their actions, they had the courage to let their hearts drive them. And in taking the road less travelled they found success beyond their wildest dreams.

68) Carry a Gold Card

Time and time again, I have witnessed high – functioning, top – performing men and women carrying a little gold card in their wallets that they can review during the quieter moments of their day. The card simply lists their top life goals along with clear deadlines for achieving them. The discipline or reconnecting to your highest priorities, whether they are personal, professional or spiritual, is a smart one.


Well-Known Member
69) Be More than your Moods

You are the creator of the moods you experience. If you choose to do so you can feel peace in a moment of stress, joy in a time of sadness and energy during a time of fatigue.

70) Savor the Simple stuff

Have the wisdom to savor the simple things. The wonderful memories that they bring will add more value in your life than any of material toys we spend so much life energy pursuing.
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