Who will cry when you die:- robin sharma

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71) Stop Condemning

What makes relationships, communities and countries great are not the things that we have in common but the differences that make us unique. Often we perceive in others the weaknesses we must need to address within ourselves. Stop blaming and condemning. Accept complete responsibility for the way things are and resolve to work on changing yourself before seeking to change others.

72) See Your Day as Your Life

Your life is not a dress rehearsal. Lost opportunities rarely come again. Today, vow to increase your passion for living and multiply the commitment you will bring to each of the days that will follow this one.Many people think that it takes months and years to change your life. Respectfully, I disagree. You change your life the second you make a decision from the depths of your heart to be a better, more dedicated human being. What takes the months and years are the efforts you must apply to maintain that decision. And the best life change decision you will ever make is the one to live every moment of your days to the fullest.


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73) Create a Master Mind Alliance

In his brilliant book, Think and Grow Rich, self – help pioneer Napoleon Hill advises readers to from a “master– mind” group if they aim to improve the quality of their lives and get what they want. To form your own mastermind alliance, find three or four people you feel you could learn from and who would get along well with the others of the group. The alliance is all about mutual benefit so you must be able to give as much as you expect to receive. Approach your prospective members and arrange to start meeting once a week – early morning meetings are the best as they force each member to show his commitment to the group.

With the advances in technology, you no longer have to meet in person altogether this will be important to do every so often. Telephone conference calls, electronic communication and even faxes will work. At the appointed time, discuss the challenges you are facing and ask for the group’s input. Discuss the success principles and life lessons that have proved their effectiveness time and time again along with ways to live with greater balance, fulfillment and inner peace. A mastermind alliance will not only cut your learning curve in the game of life, it will help you have much more fun playing it.

74) Create a Daily Code of Conduct

It is easy to live your life like a leaf in the fall wind, moving in whatever direction the wind blows that day. To create a great life, you must live more intentionally, deliberately and passionately so that you live on your own terms rather than on someone else’s. The real challenge is that with so much to do, it is easy to allow life to acton you and watch the days quickly slip into weeks, then into months and finally into years.

In my own life I have created what I call my Daily Code of Conduct. It is simple three paragraphs containing the values, virtues and vows I have determined through much reflection that I need to live by in order for my life to be a fulfilling oneAfter reading my code, I feel energized, committed and ready to go out into the world with a renewed sense of purpose and focus. Creating your own Daily Code of Conduct will do the same for you.


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75) Imagine a Richer Reality

Our great human endowment is the ability to reframe and reinterpret a difficult circumstance in a more enlightened and empowering way. Dogs cannot do this. Cats cannot do this. Monkeys cannot do this. This gift belongs only to us and is part of what makes us human. Blaming our circumstances for the way we feel is nothing more than excusing ourselves. In handling any problem, we must have the courage to assume a measure of responsibility for whatever situation we are in and then realize that we also have the capacity to use the setback to our advantage. Life’s greatest setbacks always reveal life’s biggest blessings.

76) Become the CEO of Your Life

“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me” is a wonderful mantra. I recently read in a newspaper that fully 10 percent of the population is betting they will win the lottery to finance their retirement. Too many people are leaving the quality of their futures to chance rather than to choice. This anecdote’s point of wisdom is simply this: we need to keep our ears and eyes open to the realities of life. If we don’t act on life and take action to make things happen, it will act on us and give us results we might not want. This is one of the natural laws that has governed humanity for thousands of years. To become more proactive during the weeks ahead, begin to see yourself as the chief executive officer of your destiny, the CEO of your life. All effective CEOs realize that “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me” and act as the catalysts of their own dreams. Similarly, if you want something done, rather than waiting for luck to look your way, take steps to get it done. If there is someone you know could help you solve a problem or seize an opportunity, pick up the phone and call him or her. Remember, you can make excuses or you can make progress, but you cannot do both. Seeing yourself as the CEO of your life can create a fundamental shift in the way you perceive your world. Instead of sailing through life as a passenger, you become the captain of the ship, leading things in the direction you choose to move in rather than reacting to the whim of the changing tides.


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77) Be humble

The tree that has the most fruits is that which bends to the ground. The people who know the most, have achieved the most and who have lived the most are also the people who have their feet on the ground.Pracising humility shows that you respect others and reminds us that there is so much of things yet to learn. It sends a signal to those around you that you are open to receiving the gift of their knowledge and listening to what they have to say.

78) Don’t Finish Every Book You Start

It is so easy to feel compelled to finish every book you start. A great sense of guilt fills our minds if we do not reach the end of that book we used our hard – earned dollars to buy. But not every book deserves to be read in its entirety. As Fracis bacon said, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few books to be read wholly, and with diligence and attraction.” If you find that after reading the first three chapters of a book, you have not gained any worthwhile information or that the book has failed to keep your attention, do yourself a favor: put the book away and make better use of your time (like reading the next book in your pile).


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79) Don’t be so Hard on Yourself

As long as you don’t keep making the same mistakes and have the good judgment to let your past serve you, you will be on the right track. Accept them and move on. An excellent way is to make a list on the left hand side of a page of your journal, the ten biggest mistakes you have made in your life. On the right hand side write down the corresponding lessons you have learnt from every mistake and the benefits that actually flowed in your life as a result of these so called failures. You will see that your life would not be so colorful without the mistakes of your past.

80) Make a Vow of Silence

Keep a Vow of Silence for an hour at least a day for minimum a week. Don’t speak at all during this time. This can be adopted politely and warmly. The idea is to make you stronger and to enhance your will, not to hinder your relationships. Within a matter of days you will feel a sense of mastery and strength growing within you.


Well-Known Member
81) Don’t Pick Up the Phone
Every Time It Rings

The telephone is there for your convenience, not for the convenience of your callers. Yet, as soon as we hear the phone ring, we act as if we are firefighters rushing to a five – alarm fire. We run to pick it up as if our lives depended on the call being answered at once. I have seen people interrupt quiet family dinners, dedicated reading times and meditation periods to answer those seemingly urgent phone calls, many of which turn out to be ones that could have been taken later. The habit of picking up the phone every time it rings is a hard one to break, as I know from personal experience. It is so easy to run to it, simply because we want to know who is calling us. Often, picking up the ringing phone is just another way to put off doing something you don’t really want to do. But once you get good at letting it ring and staying focused on the activity at hand, whether it is reading a good book, having a heart –to – heart conversation with your life partner or frolicking with your kids, you will wonder what the hurry to
pick up the phone was all about in the first place.

82) Remember That Recreation
Must Involve Re - Creation

Recreation is tremendously important to a balanced life. But recreation must serve to re – create you. Recreation must restore you and bring you back to life. Real recreation will fill you with a renewed sense of optimism and energy. True recreation connects you to the highest and best within you while rekindling your inner life. As Plato noted, “My belief is not that the good body by any bodily excellence improves the soul, but, on the contrary, that the good soul, by her own excellence, improves the body as far as this may be possible.”Effective recreation then must involve some pursuit that soothes your soul.


Well-Known Member
83) Choose Worthy Opponents

To maintain a healthy level of optimism and passion for life, you must keep on setting higher and higher goals. On attaining one goal, whether it is a career goal or a personal one, it is essential that you quickly set the next one. I call the process of setting progressively bigger, more engaging goals “choosing worthy opponents.” Remember, diamonds are created through steady pressure. So make certain your goals are worthy of you. Make sure they are the kind of challenges that will force you to reach into your heart and bring out the best withinyou, helping you grow in the process We perform at our best against the toughest opponents. Remember that diamonds are created through steady pressures.

84) Sleep Less

“Sleep is like a drug, “Take too much at a time and it makes you dopey. You lose time, vitality and opportunities.”
Most of us sleep far more than we need to. We say to ourselves that we must have atleast eight good hours of time under the covers in order to function at our best. We cannot imagine getting by on less sleep and shudder at the very thought. Yet, as I wrote in an earlier lesson, it is not the quantity of sleep that is most important. What really counts is the quality and richness of your sleep. So it is not the number of hours of sleep that is key but rather the amount of renewal your body receives. Strive for less time in bed but a richer, deeper sleep. Understand that fatigue is often a mental creation that stems from doing tings you do not like to do. And remember Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s wise words:

The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upwards in the night.


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85) Have a Family Mealtime

We live in busy times. We have endless personal commitments. The most important thing is that you find sometime everyday to share a meal, be it breakfast, snack, lunch dinner or a small evening snack or the late Sunday afternoon lunch, with those you love the most and consistently work at building richer more meaningful family life.

86) Become an Imposter

Research has shown that the way you act influences the thoughts you think. If you look to the ground, slouch over and generally model yourself physically after a depressed person, you will eventually start to feel depressed. If, on the other hand, you smile and laugh and stand upright with your head held high, you will soon find that you feel much better, even though you may not have been in a great mood to begin with. Using this information, you can start to “fake it till you make it.” In other words, you can pretend to be the kind of person you wish to be. By consistently acting as a highly enthusiastic person might or as a truly confident person would, you will eventually take on these personal attributes.


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87) Take a Public Speaking Course

I have discovered I was not alone in my fear. It has been reported that most people fear speaking in front of an audience even more than death itself. Talking to a large group of people draws us out of the circle of security that we tend to live in and forces us to confront an entirely foreign experience. But two things can dramatically reduce your fear of public speaking (as well as any other fear for that matter): preparation and practice. By taking a public speaking course that will prepare you for peaking before groups and offer you a regular forum to practice in front of a group, you will soon manage your fear and eventually master it.

88) Stop Thinking Tiny Thoughts

The British statesman Benjamin Disraeli once said, “Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.” His words are profound. And his point of wisdom is clear: it is not what you are that is holding you back in life. It’s what you think you’re not. It is what is going on in your inner world that is preventing you from having all that you want. And the moment you fully understand this insight and set about riding your mind of all its limiting thoughts, you will see almost immediate improvements in your personal circumstances. Too many people lead small lives. Too many of us die at twenty and are buried at eighty.
Remember,nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped. Most people don’t really fail, they simply give up trying. And most of the limitations that hold you back from your dreams are self – imposed. So shed the shackles of “tiny thinking,” have the bravery to dream big for a change and accept that failure is not an option for you. As Seneca observed, “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”


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89) Don’t Worry about the Things you Cannot Change

Time and again, when I face a challenge in my own life, I return to The Serenity Prayer of Reinhod Neibuhr:

“God give us the grace to accept with serenity the the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other”

90) Learn How to Walk

Published in 1946, the book is called Getting the Most Out of Life and is one of the treasures in my library of wisdom literature and self – help books. I have returned to the short essays it contains on a wide range of life improvement topics, bearing titles such as “Wake Up and Live!” “The Business of Living a Long Time”and “How to Live on 24 Hours a Day,” many times over the years and have grown much from the lessons offered. It is truly a priceless possession.

On a recent rainy day, I pulled out the book and flipped through the different chapters, stopping at the one entitled “How to Take a Walk.” In it, author Alan Devoe shares his insights on how one can get the best out of walking. First, he advises, a walk should never have a specific purpose. Rather than having a destination, you should simply immerse yourself in the beauty of the walk itself. Second, you must never take your worries with you on the walk. Leave them at home, for if you don’t, they will become even more deeply rooted in your mind by the end of the walk. And finally, be fully aware. Train yourself to pay complete attention to the sights, sounds and smells. Study the shape of the leaves on the trees. Observe the beauty of the clouds and the fragrance of the flowers. As he concludes: “The world, after all, is not so unendurable, when a person gets a chance to look at it and smell it and feel its texture and be alone with it. This acquaintance with the world – this renewal of the magical happiness and wonderment which you felt when you were a child – such is the purpose of taking walks.”
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