EOD Download/ Convert from NSE and BSE


Well-Known Member
srisara said:

no words are enough to appreciate you on the new tool you gave us. its very nice to see and hear about people contributing to the forum.

I have been MIA (Missing In Action) from 1st week of March...

also, i didnot know that so many people like me.. thanks to all of you.

well, A Selfless Service is always commendable.

Cheers...! to Pankaj...

Hi Satya

Good to see you again. Wecome back. You are a great inspiration. Hope you enjoyed your vacation away from forum:)

This is in development stage and feedback etc are needed.
Hope you also test it. I will give next iteration at 1900hrs.
Do check it and suggest things which are left out.
Right now I am working on Plotting class. Do give some suggestions on that. I am thinking of user input formulae for plots.

Interface needs some cleanup. Resizing is left for the last.



Well-Known Member

I have tried to address some concerns. Some issues are sorted out but new issues may crop up.

Choice for date format was tested and it has worked. Will use it extensively if positive feedback is there

Most of the boundary conditions are checked. In any case it should not crash the programme if errors are reported.Error handler might allow the programme to run or at leas exit gracefully.

Settings form was added. At present it provides for switching off the splash screen and setting your default date format. You can edit default date format directly through Notepad. Do check rightclick menus.Some options are for opening the files shown in the boxes.

Metastock format options was added. But needs more work. Presently if you are selecting through list boxes then files will be in the MS format as given by debraj. For nse and bse format is slightly different. In bse format ticker symbol is used as suggested. Mostly I have concentrated on comma dlimited files. Extension could be changed to csv without any loss of information.

BSE date is being taken from the downloaded file. Hopefully it may not give the problem. for metastock format used is 20060324 i.e. yyyymmdd. This can be changed from the select date format options. A text file in BIN directory contains one formatting options on each line. You can add or delete as per your requirement.

I tried to avoid use of progress bar and I found my pulse racing as it takes some time to process if files are more in numbers. So for the time being it is retained to avoid bout of psychological anxiety.

I think it is better to use default folder structure and default output etc. But do check if choosing different folders works or gives some problem.

Once a perticular folder is used required sub folders will be created under that folder. So if you are downloading again and converting in a different folder or using different formating options different out put will be appended or it will be saved in a different folder than the previous folder.
In any case Folder structure will be created on the first run.

I think I would like to save user setting and use the same for subsequent run.

Some more functionalities are added to Browser. I hope Address box is clearly visible to Sarit.

Run time problems may not occur now. But if they do get a snapshot of the screen or the message which will give the plcae of occurance of errors.

I am attaching a BIN file with settings. It could be placed in your BIN folder. They are all virus free and checked by AVG

EXE File in zipped format is in my briefcase as usual.

to all forum members

With regards
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Hi Pankaj,

I have downloaded and run the latest version (0.8). Unfortunately it does not seem to be able to download data. The old version (0.7) is downloading data all right from both BSE and NSE.

Warm regards,

Hi Pankaj,
Unfortunately, this version is not at all working. I am attaching tthe error screenshot.
I am on Win XP Prof SP2.
In case of previous version also, the downloader never worked in mt system.
Can anyone who are involved in testing confirm that it has worked in the system with Win XP Prof SP2. I have no clue why it is not working in my case?




Well-Known Member
Debraj said:
Hi Pankaj,

I have downloaded and run the latest version (0.8). Unfortunately it does not seem to be able to download data. The old version (0.7) is downloading data all right from both BSE and NSE.

Warm regards,


It was by an oversight one line in downloading got commented out. hence I also found downloader nto working. As I was more concentrating on conversion part I discovered it now and rectified. Ver 0.0.85 is working and now uploaded

Check with this one.



Well-Known Member
saritguha said:
Hi Pankaj,
Unfortunately, this version is not at all working. I am attaching tthe error screenshot.
I am on Win XP Prof SP2.
In case of previous version also, the downloader never worked in mt system.
Can anyone who are involved in testing confirm that it has worked in the system with Win XP Prof SP2. I have no clue why it is not working in my case?

Hi Sarit

All the more reason for me to work little hard. Your system is all right.
Except that mscomct2.ocx is either not available or not registered with windows, Though highly unlikely,
I checked up with microsoft website and that appears to be the case.
Follow the link and download mscomct2.ocx file from http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/vb6/mscomct2.cab

This is used for Date and time picker control that I have now included.

For registering ocx control you will download follow the link

Alternatively you can try like this

there is a program named REGSVR32.EXE ( system file) in your system that is used to manually register an OCX file on your computer. Simply run this program and provide it the name of the OCX file that you wish to register.

Go to Start and select Run. Then type in "REGSVR32.EXE" followed by the fully qualified file name that you wish to register.

Example: REGSVR32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MCOMCT2.OCX ( check the correct path as per your system)
This should solve the problem
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Hi Pankaj,
You have correctly anticipated the issue.
I followed your suggestion and now the downloader is working.

Only thing to note for others who may have similar issue;
Write regsvr32 MSCOMCT2.OCX in RUN command box after downloading the files mentioned by Pankaj.




Well-Known Member
saritguha said:
Hi Pankaj,
You have correctly anticipated the issue.
I followed your suggestion and now the downloader is working.

Only thing to note for others who may have similar issue;
Write regsvr32 MSCOMCT2.OCX in RUN command box after downloading the files mentioned by Pankaj.


Hi Sarit
I am little relieved now. I was almost waiting for your message .I hope to get your valuable feedback soon.
Signing off for now
Hi Pankaj,

I have downloaded and run version 0.0.85. Download works fine now. Many many thanks for putting in the Metastock headerline option. Converted BSE Bhavcopy with this headerline has been successfully read and converted by Equis Meatstock Downloader. However, the headerline in converted NSE Bhavcopy contains a small error in both datewise and stockwise files. This is the output now:


<name> should be replaced with <ticker>. With Downloader the name is optional while the ticker is a must. After manually replacing <name> with <ticker> the converted NSE datewise text file was successfully read and converted by Downloader.

There are certain other minor issues which I shall post later. But for now I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart for creating this wonderful utility.

Warm regards,


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