"Acche din" for farmers..


Active Member
I think I am stoned.... coz on one hand I am watching Raghu telling banks to pass on the interest rate cut to customers, banks are cutting home loan rates, and on the other hand I got a message from SBI saying that the interest rate on you Agricultural Gold loan has been "changed" to 11.850%, and by changed it means it has increased from 4 to 7 to 10.25 to 11.850.. all in just one year...
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I think I am stoned.... coz on one hand I am watching Raghu telling banks to pass on the interest rate cut to customers, banks are cutting home loan rates, and on the other hand I got a message from SBI saying that the interest rate on you Agricultural Gold loan has been "changed" to 11.850%, and by changed it means it has increased from 4 to 7 to 10.25 to 11.850.. all in just one year...

Thanks for highlighting government policy towards farmers .


Active Member
Thanks for highlighting government policy towards farmers .
Theres so many things that I fear people not involved in farming are not aware of... even I was one of them until a few years ago
I think I am stoned.... coz on one hand I am watching Raghu telling banks to pass on the interest rate cut to customers, banks are cutting home loan rates, and on the other hand I got a message from SBI saying that the interest rate on you Agricultural Gold loan has been "changed" to 11.850%, and by changed it means it has increased from 4 to 7 to 10.25 to 11.850.. all in just one year...
What is "agricultural gold loan" ??


Active Member
What is "agricultural gold loan" ??
It is the loan for farmers with gold as the collateral. They pay about 75% of the value.


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Well-Known Member
I'm a farmer and now govt. will take my land without my consent. If tommorow govt. says we need your colony/house and for that we dont need your consent to phir aapke achhe din aa gaye bhai jaise ab mere aaye hain.


Active Member
I'm a farmer and now govt. will take my land without my consent. If tommorow govt. says we need your colony/house and for that we dont need your consent to phir aapke achhe din aa gaye bhai jaise ab mere aaye hain.
Taking away land is worse than taking away a home... its like taking away someones right hand....coz land is what feeds not only a farmer, but his future generations as well... so I ask one question to those who advocate taking farmers land for nation building without their consent : Would you allow to take away your and your futures generations' right hand if in some way it would help nation building? Sounds bad, but thats the level on which it hurts to those who are affected by it.
Farmers are increasingly becoming very clever. They know that no project could move ahead without their consent so they are extracting their pounds of flesh to the fullest. The problem is this act wont benifit anyone but for the political dhallas who will act as a middlemen and f*** both the farmers and the country.
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