What is Best - WISE Account or 3-in-1 Demat Account

Dear All,

I am new to investment, earlier had only invested in Mutual Funds.

Now planning to have icicidirect account as it is much easier for me to deal with it. Currently I am not helding any MF or Shares, just beginning again.

I came to know there is WISE account with icicidirect.com which is only for MF.

My question is, at moment I dont wanted to invest in Share or Primary market, I wanted to go for MF, but i might need to hold shares if i feel to invest in good companies, but may be at later stage. First to start with MF. what you advise shall i go for WISE or 3-in-1 account.

If I open WISE now and later 3-in-1 account will that be okay. Or shall I go directly for 3-in-1 account.
How much is the difference and what be requirement.

Please advice if you are have account with icicidirect

Thank you in advance for help

If you are sure that u wanna open an account with icici then i would suggest u to open a 3 in 1 acc....so that if u wanna invest in ipo's.....and trade in future, u dont have to go through the hassels again.
Why with ICICi ?:confused: Why not with HDFC or reliance ?

ICICI is the wrost service provider.:eek:

Plz dont get me wrong...i never suggested him icici. And icici is not bad for MF's. You can have a look at my reply again below

If you are sure that u wanna open an account with icici

icici service and online working is pretty bad. have used and suffered.

try hdfc 3 in 1 accnt. have been using for last 2+ years with no probs and excellent working.
Do I have to open Saving account in HDFC too, in case if I am opening 3-in-1 account
I already hold ICICI NRE Saving account since 5 years, i didnt got any problem except they started charging if account falls below 25k last year...
Please advise