You should be able to do it using Autoit programming which Josh1 & Shankar4kv developed for NestTrader RTD feeder.
Some lines to consider modification, for it to be PI specific:
Global $Title = IniRead(@WorkingDir & "\RTDMan.ini", "NestTrader", "Title", "NEST Trader 3")
#Region .............. Set Title for Nest main window and get its handle if open
If Not WinExists($Title) Then
MsgBox(262144, "NOW/Nest Error", "Is NOW/Nest Trader Open? " & @CRLF & "If yes- Please Copy title of NOW/Nest Trader Window Title" & @CRLF & "it should match exact upto version number ")
$hWnd = WinGetHandle($Title) ; Get handle for NOW main window
$hWatch = ControlGetHandle($hWnd, "", 1003) ;Get handle of Market Watch Control
$hStat = 9999
Also, you need to read the RTD AutoIT source code & tweak the code section which was calling "Plugin Charts in Nest", in Pi that click & option might be a little different.
Rest of the code should remain as is.