Some of my forecasts

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Here are the links. You can give names to the lesson numbers. That would be very nice, then slowly we can compile them in one doc/pdf file. Also, you can request the mods to put these links in post #1 of this thread.

Lesson 1. Post No. 2799

Lesson 2. Post No. 2802

Lesson 3. Post No. 2804

Lesson 4. Post No. 2805

Lesson 5. Post No. 2806

Lesson 6. Post No. 2852

Lesson 7. Post No. 2864

Lesson 8. Post No. 2865

Lesson 9. Post No. 2866

Lesson 10. Post No. 2867

Lesson 11. Post No. 2868

Lesson 12. Post No. 2873

Lesson 13. Post No. 2902

Lesson 14. Post No. 2905

Lesson 15. Post No. 3065

Lesson 16. Post No. 3123

Lesson 17. Post No. 3194

Lesson 18. Post No. 3234

Lesson 19. Post No. 3318

Lesson 20. Post No. 3344

Lesson 21. Post No. 3628

Later, maybe in a month of Sundays, I'll try to translate them in easy Hindi so that I can understand them, and then we will publish a Hindi e-book and make tons of money :D
Wow, Timepass! I'm sure I won't be the only one who really appreciated your effort on this.
I guess everyone can copy-n-paste the links to their Word program, and then copy-n-paste the posts into their Word or PDF.

Why would these links want to be added to post #1 of this thread, especially considering the thread is now over 1 year old?

Any rate, if the mods are reading, and they feel it can serve a good purpose, then go for it.

BTW, I don't know when it will happen, but I got another series coming up I hope everyone will like. It is just based on some observations I've made, then I've incorporated many of those concepts into my trading, so again, it does all come from personal experience.
Hint: This time around it has nothing to do with ichimoku, even though they could and do work in lieu of the ichimoku.

Here are the links. You can give names to the lesson numbers. That would be very nice, then slowly we can compile them in one doc/pdf file. Also, you can request the mods to put these links in post #1 of this thread.

Lesson 1. Post No. 2799

Lesson 2. Post No. 2802

Lesson 3. Post No. 2804

Lesson 4. Post No. 2805

Lesson 5. Post No. 2806

Lesson 6. Post No. 2852

Lesson 7. Post No. 2864

Lesson 8. Post No. 2865

Lesson 9. Post No. 2866

Lesson 10. Post No. 2867

Lesson 11. Post No. 2868

Lesson 12. Post No. 2873

Lesson 13. Post No. 2902

Lesson 14. Post No. 2905

Lesson 15. Post No. 3065

Lesson 16. Post No. 3123

Lesson 17. Post No. 3194

Lesson 18. Post No. 3234

Lesson 19. Post No. 3318

Lesson 20. Post No. 3344

Lesson 21. Post No. 3628

Later, maybe in a month of Sundays, I'll try to translate them in easy Hindi so that I can understand them, and then we will publish a Hindi e-book and make tons of money :D
Why would these links want to be added to post #1 of this thread, especially considering the thread is now over 1 year old?

Any rate, if the mods are reading, and they feel it can serve a good purpose, then go for it.
If anyone asks you some question about Ichi which you think requires some explanation of fundamentals, then you can say "Please read Lesson No. xxx from post no. 1 of this thread".

Or you can put a link to my "links" post in ur signature and say the same thing. Just add the following to your signature.

[ URL=""]Lessons on Ichimoku Clouds Technique[ /URL]

just remove the space after the square bracket ([ ).
Ahh, now that makes sense. I think it's time to have a chat with the mods.

I don't want to overload my signature.

So, are you ready to make some money after we translate this in Hindi?

If anyone asks you some question about Ichi which you think requires some explanation of fundamentals, then you can say "Please read Lesson No. xxx from post no. 1 of this thread".

Or you can put a link to my "links" post in ur signature and say the same thing. Just add the following to your signature.

[ URL=""]Lessons on Ichimoku Clouds Technique[ /URL]

just remove the space after the square bracket ([ ).
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