Shared Learning: Swing Trading Wisdom for the Indian Market

Hello friends of TradingQ&A,,

Hello from far away! I am Deron Wagner from Morpheus Trading Group at Since 2002, we have helped over 70,000 people learn about swing trading.

I have written 5 books about my swing trading strategy. These books show that good trading ideas work everywhere in the world.

We often talk about American markets. But the main ideas about swing trading are the same everywhere. Whether you look at stocks in America or at stocks in Indian places like the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the National Stock Exchange (NSE), or others, the basic ideas are the same.

Many people in India are now interested in swing trading. That's why I am here. Every day, we write a free report called **Morpheus Market Minutes (MMM)**. This report gives trading tips. Even though it talks about American markets, the ideas and strategies can help you with swing trading here in India too.

Most importantly, I am also here to listen and learn from you. I want to understand what Indian traders need and how we can help.

We will share our MMM reports here often. They are free. We hope they help you in your trading journey.

Let's learn and grow together in the world of trading.

Best wishes,
Deron Wagner, PhD (h.c.)